29 april 2012: Bron: J Dent Educ. 2002 Aug;66(8):896-902.

Een meta analsye laat zien dat bepaalde antioxidanten waaronder met name betacaroteen weinig van invloed is op het tegengaan van leukoplakia, een voorstadium van mondkanker. Overigens zijn er ook geen schadelijke effecten. Ook therapeutisch lijkt betacaroteen, mits gecombineerd met andere suppletie wel effectief als er reeds kanker is gediagnosteerd maar dan ook meestal in combinatie met andere behandelingen, bv. bij radiotherapie - bestraling. Hier het abstract van een meta analyse. Als u hier klikt kunt u het volledige studierapport gratis inzien, inclusief een referentielijst van studies.

Oktober 2000: Literatuur: Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 125:1305-1310

Bètacaroteensuppletie bij patiënten met kanker in de mondholte blijkt minimaal een jaar lang de situatie te verbeteren, zo blijkt uit Amerikaans onderzoek.

De onderzoekers die geleid werden door dr. H. Garewal, zetten een onderzoek op waarbij gekeken werd hoe lang een bètacaroteensuppletie effect had en hoe lang een behandeling volgehouden moest worden. Hiervoor werden 54 patiënten met mondkanker 6 maanden behandeld met 60 mg bètacaroteen per dag. Vervolgens werd de groep die reageerde op de behandeling gesplitst in een groep die 12 maanden placebo ontving en een groep die doorging met de bètacaroteen.

Na 6 maanden bleken 26 patiënten goed te reageren op de bètacaroteen. In de periode daarna bleken 2 patiënten in de placebo en twee patiënten in de bètacaroteengroep op te leven binnen 12 maanden. Garewal concludeerde hieruit dat patiënten ongeveer een jaar lang voordeel hadden van een bètacaroteensuppletie.

Met dit onderzoek is er weer bewijs gekomen voor de kracht van voedingsstoffen als kankerbestrijder. Volgens Garewal moeten er nieuwe strategieën worden opgezet om deze bevindingen in een behandeling te verwerken.

Literatuur: Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 125:1305-1310

Hier het abstract van de studie. Als u hier klikt kunt u het volledige studie rapport gratis inzien.

Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1999 Dec;125(12):1305-10.

Beta-carotene produces sustained remissions in patients with oral leukoplakia: results of a multicenter prospective trial.


Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona, Southern Arizona Veterans' Affairs Healthcare System, Tucson 85723, USA. hgarewal@azcc.arizona.edu



Beta-Carotene has been reported to produce regressions in patients with oral leukoplakia, a premalignant lesion. However, previous studies have all been of short duration, with clinical response as the end point.


To evaluate the duration of response and the need for maintenance therapy in subjects who respond to beta-carotene.


In this multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, subjects were given beta-carotene, 60 mg/d, for 6 months. At 6 months, responders were randomized to continue beta-carotene or placebo therapy for 12 additional months.


Fifty-four subjects were enrolled in the trial, with 50 being evaluable. At 6 months, 26 subjects (52%) had a clinical response. Twenty-three of the 26 responders completed the second, randomized phase. Only 2 (18%) of 11 in the beta-carotene arm and 2 (17%) of 12 in the placebo arm relapsed. Baseline biopsies were performed in all patients, with dysplasia being present in 19 (38%) of the 50 evaluable patients. A second biopsy was obtained at 6 months in 23 subjects who consented to this procedure. There was improvement of at least 1 grade of dysplasia in 9 (39%), with no change in 14 (61%). Nutritional intake was assessed using food frequency questionnaires. There was no change in carotenoid intake during the trial. Responders had a lower intake of dietary fiber, fruits, folate, and vitamin E supplements than did nonresponders. Beta-carotene levels were measured in plasma and oral cavity cells. Marked increases occurred during the 6-month induction. However, baseline levels were not restored in subjects taking placebo for 6 to 9 months after discontinuation of beta-carotene therapy.


The activity of beta-carotene in patients with oral leukoplakia was confirmed. The responses produced were durable for 1 year.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

Systematic review of randomized trials for the treatment of oral leukoplakia

J Dent Educ. 2002 Aug;66(8):896-902.

Systematic review of randomized trials for the treatment of oral leukoplakia.


Dipartimento di Medicina Chirurgia e Odontoiatria, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italia. giovanni.lodi@unimi.it


Oral leukoplakia is a relatively common oral lesion that, in a varying proportion of cases, undergoes malignant transformation. The aim of this review was to assess the effectiveness of treatments for leukoplakia. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) enrolling patients with a diagnosis of oral leukoplakia were identified by searching biomedical databases, hand-searching relevant oral medicine journals, and contacting oral medicine experts through a European mailing list. The methodological quality of included studies was assessed on the basis of the method of allocation concealment, blindness of the study, and loss of participants. Data were analyzed by calculating relative risk. Malignant transformation of leukoplakia, demonstrated by histopathological examination, was the main outcome considered. Secondary outcomes included clinical resolution of the lesion and variation in dysplasia severity. Six RCTs were included in the review. Vitamin A and retinoids were tested in four RCTs; the other agents tested were bleomycin, mixed tea, and beta carotene. Malignant transformation was recorded in just two studies: none of the treatments tested showed a benefit when compared with placebo. Treatment with beta carotene and vitamin A or retinoids was associated with better rates of clinical remission, compared with placebo or absence of treatment. Whenever reported, a high rate of relapse was a common finding. Side effects of variable severity were often described; however, interventions were well accepted by patients since drop-out rates were similar between treatment and control groups. It is noteworthy that the possible effectiveness of surgical interventions, including laser therapy and cryotherapy, has apparently never been studied by means of an RCT. To date, in conclusion, there is no evidence of effective treatment in preventing malignant transformation of leukoplakia. Treatments may be effective in the resolution of lesion; however, relapses and adverse effects are common.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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