25 juni 2010: ik kwam dit artikel tegen en vind het wel interessant om dit nog eens onder de aandacht te brrengen. Een interessant artikel verscheen vorig jaar in Lifescience over onderstaande aanpak: Stem cells, tolerance and rebooting the thymus: http://www.lifescientist.com.au/article/186709/stem_cells_tolerance_rebooting_thymus/

Thymus infusen worden ook nog steeds regelmatig met succes toegepast in vooral de klinieken die werken met complementaire aanpak. Bv. arts-bioloog drs. E. Valstar is ook een voorstander van thymus extracten enz..

25 juni 2003: Source: Victoria's Monash University, Australia

Onderzoekers aan de Victoria Monash Universiteit (Australië) zeggen een van de belangrijkste ontdekkingen te hebben gedaan in het vinden van een genezende behandeling voor zowel kanker als voor aidspatiënten van de laatste twintig jaar. Het stilleggen van de productie van sex-steroïden binnen de thymusklier en aanvullend injecties met een thymusextract gewonnen uit bv. jonge kalveren lijken de thymus dusdanig te kunnen stimuleren dat deze het immuunsysteem/de thymusklier dusdanig herstelt dat het immuunsysteem vanzelf kankercellen en aidscellen worden opgeruimd. Het is al langer bekend dat de thymus een centrale rol vervult in het aansturen van het verouderingsproces waar vaak kanker ook bij wordt ontwikkeld. De onderzoekers bevestigen dat de thymusklier ook een of wellicht de bron is van waaruit beenmerg wordt geproduceerd en het immuunsysteem wordt aangestuurd. De thymusklier produceert ook sex-steroiden en de onderzoekers vonden dat wanneer zij de productie daarvan stillegden de thymus veel meer afweercellen ging produceren. De onderzoekers melden dat in een trial met 16 prostaatkankerpatiënten tussen 2000 en 2001 opmerkelijke resultaten zijn geboekt. 60-80 procent van de patiënten toonden opmerkelijke vooruitgang/verbetering en elke patiënt ontwikkelde gemiddeld 50% meer T-cellen (afweercellen). Ook de resultaten uit trials met 20 leukemiepatiënten waren dermate goed en veelbelovend dat er nog eens 20 leukemiepatiënten aan de trialgroep zijn toegevoegd. Bovendien wordt nu een trial met 100 HIV-patiënten in Zwitserland opgezet. de onderzoekers gaan in hun persbericht zo ver te stellen dat een thymustransplantatie met deze techniek tot de mogelijkheden lijkt te gaan behoren. Een veelbelovende ontwikkeling dus.

Overigens al jaren geven 'alternatief/aanvullend werkende artsen en klinieken, vooral in Duitsland, maar ook in Nederland thymustherapie door middel van intraveneuze injecties. Wij hebben voor OPS-leden een engelstalig stencil met beschrijving van deze therapie voorhanden zoals die door Dr. Carmody wordt gegeven. We kunnen u dit faxen.

Bron: Monash Universiteit, Melbourne

Immune system treatment brings cancer hope 

25 June 2003

Monash University scientists have made significant inroads into the treatment of cancer, a development that could give millions of patients a chance of prolonging their lives or even beating the disease. 

The research, announced earlier this week at the world's biggest scientific convention, BIO2003 in Washington, is being hailed as one of the most significant advances in cancer treatment in decades.
Six of the world's top hospitals will test the research on 100 cancer patients within the next year, while in Switzerland a further 50 HIV/AIDS patients will take part in trials. Already outstanding results have been shown in a Melbourne trial of 16 prostate cancer patients. 

Tests with 20 leukaemia patients have been so encouraging the number on the trial has now doubled. 

The treatment, developed by Monash University's Department of Pathology and Immunology, involves 'kick-starting' the thymus - the central organ for creating the immune system - to produce new immune cells, or T cells. The treatment also boosts the bone marrow - the producer of stem cells for the thymus and all other blood cells. 

This increases a patient's ability to fight cancer and other deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS. 

Associate Professor Richard Boyd from the Department of Pathology and Immunology said the thymus, which sits in the chest cavity and is involved in all immune responses, was one of the first of the body's tissues to degenerate with age. 

"One of the natural inhibitors which leads to that degeneration is sex steroids. We have found by 'turning off' Mother Nature and shutting down the sex steroids, the thymus is able to recharge and produce more immune cells," Dr Boyd said. 

"That is achieved with a simple implant under the skin which has few side-effects and gives patients a much greater chance of fighting cancer and other diseases which attack the immune system. 

"There is a global need for this treatment and every single patient should have a shot at this - it is not going to cure everyone, but it gives everybody at least a fighting chance. 

"In patients with diseases such as cancer and HIV, autoimmune diseases, even transplant rejection, the possibility of creating a new thymus with its unlimited store of new immune cells provides new hope." 

Dr Boyd said initial analysis of trials involving 16 prostate cancer patients at the Alfred Hospital between 2000 and 2001 had yielded outstanding results. 

"Between 60-80 per cent of patients experienced significant improvement, with an average 50 per cent increase in the number of new T cells created," he said. 

The treatment was then extended to 20 leukaemia patients at the Alfred Hospital and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne with encouraging results. A further 20 patients have joined this trial, which is due to end early next year. 

Dr Boyd said the treatment could also be important for HIV/AIDS patients. It will be tested in a US National Institutes of Health-associated trial in Switzerland of patients with HIV, to see whether or not their low T cell counts can be boosted and their viral infection reduced. 

Onderstaand bericht heb ik van de website gehaald van een bekend radiostation in Melbourne:

Breakthrough in treatment for cancer, 

AM - Tuesday, 24 June , 2003 08:08:00
Reporter: Leigh Sales
LINDA MOTTRAM: Scientists from Victoria's Monash University are claiming a major breakthrough in the treatment for cancer and HIV.

It's being hailed as one of the most significant advances in decades, with Victoria's Premier Steve Bracks saying that it's a step towards finding a cure for cancer.

Details of the development were released at a Biotechnology conference in Washington today and top hospitals in the United States and Britain are now set to join trials of the treatment.

With the details, our North America Correspondent, Leigh Sales.

LEIGH SALES: Steve Bracks says the development is internationally significant.

STEVE BRACKS: This is a world first breakthrough in the fight against cancer. It's certainly on the road to finding a cure for cancer and significantly up the road, and I congratulate you for that as well.

LEIGH SALES: Researchers at Monash University have found a way to revive the thymus, the central organ which manages the immune system.

The thymus actually atrophies at puberty, and whatever immune cells you have at that time are your supply for life.

But that's a problem for people with cancer and HIV, whose immune systems are stressed and weakened, leaving them very vulnerable to both their primary disease and other infections.

The Monash team has discovered how to kick-start the thymus so it will once again start generating immune cells, which gives cancer and HIV patients a much stronger base from which to fight their illnesses.

Associate Professor Richard Boyd, the head of immunology at the National Stem Cell Centre in Melbourne, says trials on patients in Melbourne have shown those receiving the treatment make solid progress.

RICHARD BOYD: Well the patients which we've dealt with in Melbourne have either, they all suffer leukaemia or lymphoma, they have all, by necessity, had to have chemotherapy or radiation therapy, a combination. It's early to call the long-term effects, but I guess why we're standing here now is that as the data emerging, that's one of beauties of doing some work like this in Melbourne, we can see the trends very early, and it gets to the point where you start thinking, well is it moral not to put people onto this therapy.

So I can't tell you the outcomes of these patients in the long-term, that's something that will be evolving over a one to five year program, but what we do know is that all the early signs of the immune system recovering are there. In fact, much earlier than we would have predicted.

LEIGH SALES: Six of the world's top hospitals in the US and the UK are going to test the research on cancer patients this year.

Dr Boyd says so far, the side effects have been minor, like headaches and hot flushes.

Longer term, he says researchers will watch to see if there's any indication it causes osteoporosis in women.

The treatment does eradicate the hormones which give a person sex drive.

RICHARD BOYD: The reality is the people we're dealing with are at such life risk situations that the loss of sex drive is not a major talking point for them.

Of course there has to be considerations of the long-term effects, but in the short-term they're fairly minor, apart from you may assume to be the obvious things, hot flushes and headaches are about all that the patients feel, and that makes it probably one of the most acceptable drugs out in the market.

LEIGH SALES: If the research is commercialised, it has the potential to inject hundreds of millions of dollars into the Australian economy, particularly Victoria, where the research is patented.

But it'll be a year at least before the treatment is available outside clinical trials.

This is Leigh Sales in Washington for AM. 

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