20 december 2021: U zou de natuurapotheek kunnen raadplegen hoe en welke Chinese kruiden te gebruiken zijn bij uw vorm van kanker of ziekte.

Wij hebben ook wel het adres van de producent in China van de Sqenqi Fuzheng injecties waar u het via een arts of apotheker kunt bestellen, maar lijkt ons beter dat u dit toch doet via een goed gekwalificeerd arts.
Via dit bedrijf kunt u Kanglaite bestellen via internet: https://www.chinesemedicine.store/kanglaite-injection maar hebt u een arts nodig die dat voor u bestelt.

Het patent voor Kanglaite berust bij deze producent Kanglaite Patent, USA

6 mei 2018: Lees ook dit artikel: 


22 juli 2011: ik ben kanker-actueel aan het herzien en heb via pubmed wat gezocht naar follow-up studies met Kanglaite en tot min verrassing zijn er al veel studies gevolgd. O.a. deze studie die een review maakte van studies gedaan met Kanglaite bij longkanker. Hier onderaan het abstract maar als u hier klikt kunt u het volledige studierapport inzien. Een studierapport dat gedeeltelijk in het Chinees, maar ook gedeeltelijk in het Engels is geschreven. Wellicht kunt u met google translation dit rapport eens lezen. Kost wel wat tijd en moeite maar is wellicht de moeite waard. ook omdat er veel referenties worden gegeven over studies gedaan met Kanglaite. Zie onderaan dit artikel voor abstract.

d.d. juni 2001: Voor wie onderstaand bericht leest en interessant vindt leest ook het verhaal van de case M. op pagina uw verhaal. Bovendien is dit kruidenextract goedgekeurd voor trials door de FDA in Amerika. Het is de eerste keer dat een Chinees kruid wordt toegelaten op de Amerikaanse markt. Zie verderop in dit bericht twee artikelen. 

Inmiddels nog een verhaal gevonden van een vrouw met blaaskanker die zegt genezen te zijn na het gebruik van Kanglaite. Zie haar prachtige verhaal op: http://blcwebcafe.org/stories/pat.asp en onder dit citaat erachteraan een reactie van Pat op een vraag van mij aan haar:

Een klein citaat uit Pat haar verhaal:

In mid March I leave for China for consultations with two of the top onocologists in China, one Western MD and one Chinese Traditional Medicine. The diagnosis is the same as my great non-communicator's, and they agree with what I have been doing, but suggest I add the immune stimulant boosters that they use. Kanglaite IV for 20 days and TCM herbal brews. This I do, as I went China to find out what else I could do to keep the immune system working. They also said to keep up the BCG maintenance.

Upon my return in 30 days, I went in for the NMP22 test and it showed nothing there. Do we get excited?

I told the doc what I had done in China, showed him the info on the Kanglaite and told him about the weeds and things. He laughed. I followed him into his office and told him I would have the last laugh. He told me that if it saved my bladder and my life then, "Go for it".

One week later, Cysto. All rigged for TUR as we all expected the beast to be back, as usual. Nothing, not one red raised area. The beast is gone...

Deze reactie kreeg ik van Pat op mijn vraag waar Kanglaite te verkrijgen is. Pat vertelde me daarbij dat een andere Nederlandse persoon informatie had gevraagd waar de Kanglaite te verkrijgen is en zij heeft hem/haar alle informatie gestuurd met de vraag dat aan mij door te geven, maar tot op vandaag heb ik nog niets ontvangen dus heb Pat vandaag gevraagd of zij de informatie ook aan mij wilde sturen. Zodra ik dat heb zal ik dat ook hier berichten. verder hebben we informatie gevraagd bij het Chinees Medisch Centrum, maar die wisten ook niet genoeg, maar willen wel betrokken blijven bij nieuws wat wij kunnen vergaren. Van de Chinese kruiden die de persoon uit de Case M. (zie uw verhaal) heeft gebruikt krijg ik hopelijk binnenkort de (Chinese') receptuur.

Antwoord van Pat d.d. 8 augustus 2001 op mijn vraag waar Kanglaite te verkrijgen:

Hello Kees, thanks for asking me to explain something about KANGLAITE
(please notice the correct spelling).

I am including my dear friend Wendy's name in this email as I wish her
to check out your website as well....you see she has put together the
bladder cancer website and resides in Amsterdam....she may be of help to
you ...and maybe you can be of help to us...(noot redactie: zie onder blaaskanker op pagina kankersoorten voor site van Wendy)

I am not so sure my story belongs on your website as Kanglaite is not
the cure, but enables a person's imune system to become so strong that
the imune system actually does any "curing" and or allowing the body to
cause it to eliminate the disease for the time being....

nothing dramatic here, just some good old Chinese medicine being refined
into another level to allow the body to assimilate it more efficiently
to allow the body to work harder.....

Kanglaite is still not readily available here in the USA, there are
trials going on for safety at this time.....in China, the kanglaite has
been used for quite some time without any side affects that have been

I will be glad to explain or type in what the usage /dosage sheet says
for you and send it in a few days.....

but you must remember, unless there are doctors with access (because
their respective countries have approved the use of Kanglaite), the
patients will not be able to get it without travel to China and having
an appointment.......it is an IV infusion that the patient may bring
home to have done, but then again, the patient must have a doctors
approval to have an IV nurse to the infussions for 20 days..(1 bottle
per day for non emergency and 2 bottles a day for 20 days if there is a
pretty intense need.

I am not in a position to obtain appointments for people to see my
doctors in China, they are very busy.....and there are a few that will
just approve the kanglaite for use, but charge much more than the
regular price....just like the USA.....not a good practice...

so you may not wish to really put this information out there yet, or to
make sure that this isn't the magic bullet or the cure all....it helps
folks get thru chemo, it is healing in that it makes the immune system

you let me know.

Drs E.Valstar stuurde mij het volgende commentaar op het verhaal van Pat:


Beste Kees,
Je verslag over die vrouw met blaaskanker is in eerste aanleg te beperkt ; ze gebruikte ook Traditional Chinese Medical herbs ; waar ongetwijfeld ook Zhuling bij zit ; ook is duidelijk, dat ze in ieder geval ook BCG is gaan gebruiken ; de vraag is wanneer ? In geval is zij geen bewijs, dat "Kan
glaite" alleen werkt of iets toevoegt of een synergetische interactie heeft met iets. Een verdere vraag is in welk stadium verkeerde die vrouw en hoe lang is momenteel de follow-up (bij een experimentele reguliere behandeling is het feit, dat het 1 maand goed gaat nietszeggend); ook de correspondentie met de FDA zouden ze kunnen overleggen. Duidelijk is, dat Chinese kruiden werken, maar of Kanglaite iets toevoegt is volstrekt onduidelijk. 


Ik zou het op prijs stellen, indien je mijn kritische commentaar aan het verhaal van Pat toevoegt.

Drs. E.Valstar

Noot redactie: het commentaar van Valstar is een beetje kort door de bocht vinden wij. Het klopt wel dat Pat ook andere zaken gebruikte, vooral voedingssuppletie, maar na jaren te hebben geworsteld met haar kanker en niets scheen te helpen was de kanker binnen een maand na gebruik van Kanglaite en enkele andere Chinese kruiden verdwenen en die is al ruim twee jaar weg. Hier nog een klein citaat uit het verhaal van Pat, dit schreef ze op 29 juli 2000, maar Pat is nu een jaar later nog steeds in leven zonder kanker:

Diary dedicated to the absent beast: Dateline Oregon 7/29/00:
I have now logged 3 more trips to Beijing since the last posting to Tales from the Trenches and earned 3 10,000 frequent flyer mile certificates for China, completed the requisite 23 BCG treatments, 40 days of Kanglaite IV days and proudly proclaim18 months free of the beast...I would say that this has been a year of large achievements.



Hierna volgt het persbericht over Kanglaite en daaronder het bericht dat de FDA dit middel heeft toegelaten op de Amerikaanse markt als 'medicijn' voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek.

BEIJING, Jul 09, 2001 (Itar-Tass via COMTEX) -- 

A unique anti-cancer medicine, called "Kanglaite", has appeared in China. It is the world's only anti-tumour injection based on vegetable substances. Spokesman for the "Kanlight" Pharmaceutic Company of Zhejiang Province Xiong Shaowen told Itar-Tass by telephone on Monday that "this is the most effective and promising medicine against cancer, on which great hopes are now being pinned".

Clinical tests of the medicine were started in the United States, but practical studies are to be continued in Russia in September. After the medicine is patented, it is planned to set up a joint Sino-Russian enterprise to develop and produce "Kanglaite". Shaowen noted that the delegation of Russian scientists, which visited China a short while ago, had evinced great interest in the new medicine.

It was developed as a result of many-years-long studies, carried out by Li Dapeng, a staff member of the Zhejiang Institute of Chinese Medicine, who is also foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The medicine proved very effective when it was tested in China, especially in treating grave forms of malignant tumours, when surgical interventions are no longer possible. "This is an important breakthrough in the fight against cancer," the company's spokesman believes. It is worth noting that "Kanglaite" is a large pharmaceutical
enterprise, which has subsidiaries in all the provinces of China.

The origin of the medicine is linked with a dramatic episode. When the
laboratory, where it was developed, caught fire several years ago, the author of the medicine rushed into the blazing building, risking his life to save the formulas and notes from the flames.

By Alexander Zyuzin

(c) 1996-2001 ITAR-TASS. All rights reserved.

Traditional Chinese medicine has taken a new step towards the global market. 
Kanglaite injection, an anti-cancer Chinese traditional medicine, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States to be used for clinical human experiment, according to sources with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

This is the first time that a traditional Chinese medicine has been approved for clinic experiment in the USA, the sources said. 
Last month, the injection, invented by Zhejiang Kanglaite Pharmaceutical Co Ltd in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, went through a four-month clinical experiment on 15 to 18 volunteers in a hospital located in Salt Lake City, Utah in the USA. 

All the data will be studied and analyzed before new rounds of experiments are allowed to start and before it is licensed for sale, according to Li Dapeng, the medicine's researcher. 
The first group of people who received the injection as part of the clinical experiment have showed satisfactory results, and the medicine is considered effective and safe, said Li. 

Kanglaite injection is developed from the liquid distilled from the seeds of Job's tears, which is a kind of herbal medicine. 
It is targeted to effectively kill cancer cells while upgrading the immune capacity of the human body. 

In China, the medicine has been used in thousands of clinical experiments and by more than 200,000 tumour patients. The results show that the medicine is effective in its anti-cancer actions and has no apparent side effects. 
The active compound, production techniques and prescriptions of the medicine have received patent certificates in countries like the USA, Japan and the European Union. 
The medicine enjoys the largest sales volume among Western and traditional Chinese anti-cancer medicines in China. 
Despite China's long history of the use of traditional Chinese medicines, the country's export volume of them accounts for less than 5 per cent of the world's sales volume of traditional Chinese medicine. 

Dit volgende bericht vonden we op internet waarin een bedrijf patiënten vraagt voor een kleinschalige trial met Kanglaite:

-- KRO> Salt Lake City-Area Researchers Are Testing Coix Herb --
Jun 05, 2001 (The Salt Lake Tribune - Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News via COMTEX) -- The Huntsman Cancer Institute on Monday launched a small-scale human trial of a cancer drug derived from a Chinese herb that, if proven safe, could win approval from U.S. regulators.

The cancer-fighting compound -- called a "Kanglaite injection" -- is a liquid derived from a medicinal herb called coix seed.

Huntsman is working with the Salt Lake City-based arm of a Chinese company to perform the trials as part of the new drug application to the Food and Drug Administration.

"Coix has been used in traditional China for a thousand-plus years," said Richard Wheeler, associate director of clinical research at Huntsman.

But it has just been over the past decade that Kanglaite (pronounced
"kayng-light") injection's tumor-suppressing and palliative effects have caught the attention of cancer doctors worldwide, he said.

"It's already been shown to be beneficial to patients in the regression of the cancer, improved appetite, reduced pain and improved sense of well-being," Wheeler said.

Kanglaite-U.S.A., a wholly owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Kanglaite Pharmaceutical of eastern China, is working with Huntsman to put the drug through the investigational phase, known as Phase One clinical trials.

After researchers have measured different doses and compared their safety with patients' responses to the new drug, larger studies may be organized under other phases.

The Phase One group -- some 15 to 18 patients -- will get Kanglaite
intravenously every day for 21 days. Some test subjects will get higher doses than others, and each set of patients will be evaluated to determine if they improve and if they suffer from drug-related side effects.

The trial will be conducted on an outpatient basis through Huntsman and should take five months to complete, Wheeler said.

Patients who qualify for the trial most likely will be in the advanced stage of cancer, or what Wheeler called the "solid tumor" phase. By that measure, "most of them will have lung, colon cancer and etc., but it's not limited," he said.

Patients are still being accepted for the trial, and those interested should talk with their oncologists or call the Huntsman toll-free hot line at 1-888-424-2100.

Kanglaite-U.S.A. President John L. Harmer, the former California lieutenant governor under Ronald Reagan, was traveling in China this week and could not be reached for comment, a spokesman said





Kanglaite can enhance clinical effect of regular treatment, reduce side-effect and stabilite/improve quality of life

Zhongguo Fei Ai Za Zhi. 2009 Mar 20;12(3):208-15.

[Kanglaite for Treating Advanced Non-small-cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review.].

[Article in Chinese]


Department of Medical Information, Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110004, China.



In the past years, many reports on Kanglaite were publicated in China, researchers across the country. The aim of this study is to review the effectiveness and safety of Kanglaite for treating advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.


Authors searched the Cochrane Library, Pubmed, Embase, Cancerlit, CBM, CNKI and VIP. Mannual and additional search were also conducted. All randomized controlled trials/quasi-RCT comparing Kanglaite with other lung cancer treatment were included. Two reviewers independently performed data extraction and appraised the publications using the Juni instrument, disagreements were resolved by consensus. Double data were entered and analyzed by RevMan 4.2 software are by Cochrane Collaboration.


Sixteen reports were included in the meta-analysis. The quality of 16 studies was low. Pooling data of 5 studies indicated that the effect of Kanglaite+NP (Vinorelbine+Cisplatin) was better than NP with RR 1.46, 95% Confidence Interval 1.13 to 1.91. Pooling data of 3 studies of MVP (Mitomycin+Vindsine+ Cisplatin) plus Kanglaite indicated that the effect was better with RR 1.84, 95%CI 1.22 to 2.76. Pooling data of 2 studies showed that the effect of GP (Gemcitabine+Cisplatin) plus Kanglaite was better than GP with RR 1.63, 95%CI 1.09 to 2.43. Fourteen studies revealed that Kanglaite may reduce the side-effect induced by regular treatment. Ten studies showed regular treatment plus Kanglaite can stabilite/improve quality of life.


Kanglaite can enhance clinical effect of regular treatment, reduce side-effect and stabilite/improve quality of life, but the effect of Kanglaite being used in clinical settings needs to be confirmed by further large and multicenter.

[PubMed - in process]

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