1 oktober 2009: Op veler verzoek 2 recente belangrijke studies naar effect van Zometa naar voren gehaald. Vraag aub Zometa aan uw oncoloog i.p.v. APD.
26 juli 2008: Bron Reuters

Zometa - Zoledronic Acid vermindert significant het risico op botbreuken en verbetert significant overall overleving bij zowel borstkankerpatienten (81% bereikte normale waarden), prostaatkankerpatienten  (70% bereikte normale waarden),en longkankerpatienten (81% bereikte normale waarden),met botuitzaaiingen in vergelijking met APD (65% bereikte normale waarden bij borstkankerpatienten),en met placebo (8% bereikte normale waarden bij prostaatkanker en 17% bereikte normale waarden bij longkanker),.

Dit blijkt uit een overzichtsstudie van drie grote gerandomiseerde placebo en met APD gecontroleerde Fase III studies bij genoemde kankerpatienten. Het is toch ongelooflijk dat er in Nederland nog oncologen zijn die durven beweren dat APD hetzelfde effect heeft als Zometa. En het is o.i ongehoord dat nog altijd in Nederland bijna alle kankerpatienten met botuitzaaiingen Zometa wordt onthouden ten faveure van APD.

Zoledronic Acid Reduces Fracture Risk in Cancer Patients With Bone Metastases

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jul 18 - The bisphosphonate zoledronic acid normalizes or maintains N-telopeptide of type 1 collagen (NTx) levels in cancer patients with bone metastases, a multicenter team reports in the July 1 issue of Cancer.

Normalization of NTx and stabilization of bone structure with zoledronic acid not only reduces fracture risk, it improves overall survival, according to the results of a retrospective analysis of three large phase III studies of cancer patients with bone metastases.

The analysis was led by Dr. Allan Lipton of Milton S. Hershey Medical Center at Pennsylvania State University and involved 578 patients with bone metastases from breast cancer, 472 patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer and 291 patients with non-small cell lung cancer and other solid tumors.

Patients were given either zoledronic acid or control therapy, which was pamidronate in breast cancer patients and placebo for prostate or lung cancer patients. Treatment was given for up to 24 months.

Urinary NTx levels were measured at baseline and again 3 months later. A normal NTx level was defined as 64 nmol NTx /mmol creatinine or lower.

Most patients with normal NTx levels at baseline maintained normal levels with zoledronic acid therapy. In contrast, most patients with elevated NTx levels at baseline had a normalization of NTx levels.

Normalization occurred with zoledronic acid in 81% of breast cancer patients, in 70% of prostate cancer patients and in 81% of lung cancer patients with initially elevated NTx levels.

NTx levels normalized with pamidronate therapy in 65% of breast cancer patients, while 8% and 17% of the prostate and lung cancer patients, respectively, normalized on placebo.

"Normalized NTx correlated with improved overall survival versus persistently elevated NTx," Dr. Lipton and colleagues report. "Moreover, percentage reductions from baseline NTx levels correlated with benefits regardless of whether patients transitioned from elevated to normal levels."

Cancer 2008;113:193-201.

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