Breast cancer: Videofilm (English subtitled): Charlotte survives already 7 years non-hormone-sensitive breast cancer (grade IIIa) Additional to chemo and surgery she used acupuncture, dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia.

Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.

 16th. of april 2012: Charlotte is still free of breast cancer, but last two years she had to fight against rectal cancer. Also that she survived with operation and radiation and additional non toxic treatments like acupuncture and certain antixodants.
Charlotte survives already 5 years non-hormone-sensitive breast cancer (grade IIIa) with additional to chemo and surgery she used acupuncture, dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia. Treated in Medical...

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Breast cancer: Videofilm (English subtiteld): Iedje Abbenhuis, has already survived metastasized breast cancer for 13 years with predominantly non-toxic approach and with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia.

Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.

16th. of april 2012: Iedje is still doing quite well though her metastases in her bones are growing slowly.
Iedje Abbenhuis, 51 years old, has already survived metastasized breast cancer for 10 years with predominantly non-toxic approach and with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia. Watch here her touching story at video. Click at the bottom the second button from the right for fullscreen video: [streaming=Iedje_EN.flv]

Acupunctuur verlicht opvliegers bij patienten met hormoongevoelige borstkanker net zo goed als Effexor - Venlafaxine.

2 januari 2010: bron: J Clin Oncol. 2009 Dec 28.

Acupunctuur blijkt opvliegers net zo goed te verminderen dan het medicijn Effexor (Venlafaxine), een anti-depressiva, bij patienten met hormoongevoelige borstkanker die hormoontherapie krijgen, maar acupuntuur gaf geen andere bijwerkingen tegenover Effexor - Venlafaxine wel. Het was zelfs nog beter want acupunctuur verbeterde de energie en libido bij de vrouwen uit de acupunctuurgroep. Dit blijkt uit...

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