Hyperthermie: Vrouw met uitgezaaide borstkanker en resistentie tegen chemo en hormoontherapie blijft minimaal 33 maanden klinisch kankervrij na combinatie behandeling van hyperthermie, bestraling en intra-arteriële toediening van herceptin

Mocht u kanker-actueel de moeite waard vinden en ons willen ondersteunen om kanker-actueel online te houden dan kunt u ons machtigen voor een periodieke donatie via donaties: https://kanker-actueel.nl/NL/donaties.html of doneer al of niet anoniem op - rekeningnummer NL79 RABO 0372931138 t.n.v. Stichting Gezondheid Actueel in Amersfoort. Onze IBANcode is NL79 RABO 0372 9311 38   
Elk bedrag is welkom. En we zijn een ANBI instelling dus uw donatie of gift is in principe aftrekbaar voor...

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Video-film (Nederlands): Pauline lijkt genezen van in het gehele lichaam verspreide borstkanker (graad IV) met een levensverwachting van 3 maanden (november 2007 ) door een combinatie behandeling van hyperthermie en dendritische cellen.

U hoeft niet meer naar dr. Robert Gorter voor een immuuntherapeutische aanpak, want ook bij vele andere vormen kanker lopen studies met immuuntherapie in academische ziekenhuizen, lees ook verder waarschuwing over dr. Robert Gorter 

19 oktober 2012 Gisteren mailde Pauline mij dat het nog steeds prima met haar gaat.   Prachtig natuurlijk als je ziet uit welke situatie zij is gekomen. Voor Pauline haar ervaringsverhaal zie uw verhaal-Pauline

Lees wel ook onze waarschuwing voor Dr. Robert Gorter...

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Borstkanker: Hyperthermie bij recidief van borstkanker geeft in combinatie met bestraling een significant beter resultaat op totale remissie in vergelijking met alleen bestraling, aldus overzichtstudie

Lees aub de waarschuwing voor dr. Robert Gorter en het Medisch Centrum Keulen. Dr. Robert Gorter is in opspraak geraakt in Duitsland en Egypte en ook wij distantiëren ons van dr. Robert Gorter. Klik hier of onder vragen voor uitvoerige uitleg waarom wij dr. Robert Gorter geen betrouwbare arts meer vinden.

22 november 2010: Bron: International Journal of Hyperthermia, special edition

22 november 2010: Bron: International Journal of hyperthermia 2010, Vol. 26, No. 7 , Pages 612-617 (doi:10.3109/02656736.2010.487194)

Hyperthermie gegeven samen met bestraling aan vrouwen met...

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Colorectal cancer: Video: Rinus (55 years) still seems to cure a metastatic unresectable rectal cancer (liver, lymph nodes and lungs) by combination treatment of hyperthermia and dendritic cell therapy and a healthy lifestyle. Video 23th. of january 2010

Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.

16th. of april 2012: Rinus passed away summer 2011 after a relapse of his cancer. But Rinus and Els never regret their choice for additional...

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Colon cancer: Videofilm (English subtitled): Truus Kleij-Swan. Survivor of intestinal cancer metastasized to the liver with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia. Truus passed away march 2012

Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.

21. de abril: Truus falleció marzo 2012 después de haber comenzado ya en 2010 una recaída de los tumores en su hígado y el colon después. Los tratamientos con quimioterapia y la RFA - Ablación por radiofrecuencia no le ayudan a desgracia

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HCC - Hepatocellular carcinoma: Videofilm (English subtitled): Wim Kloosterboer Survivor of Hepatitis-B-associated primary cancer of the liver (Grade IV) metastasized to the lungs with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia

Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.

16 th. of april 2012: Wim is still free of cancer and is doing very well.
Wim Kloosterboer: survivor of Hepatitis-B-associated primary cancer of the liver (Grade IV) metastasized to the lungs (HCC = Hepatocellular carcinoma) with a treatment of dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia after he was declared in 2006 to be incurable and nothing could be done for him within regular oncology. Wim is now,...

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Breast cancer: Videofilm (English subtitled): Charlotte survives already 7 years non-hormone-sensitive breast cancer (grade IIIa) Additional to chemo and surgery she used acupuncture, dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia.

Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.

 16th. of april 2012: Charlotte is still free of breast cancer, but last two years she had to fight against rectal cancer. Also that she survived with operation and radiation and additional non toxic treatments like acupuncture and certain antixodants.
Charlotte survives already 5 years non-hormone-sensitive breast cancer (grade IIIa) with additional to chemo and surgery she used acupuncture, dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia. Treated in Medical...

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Breast cancer: Videofilm (English subtitled): Mrs. H. Hoeve (69) , survivor of metastasized partly hormone-sensitive breast cancer (Grade IV) with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia

Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.

16th. of april 2012: Mrs. Hoeve is still alive but last two years she gets more and more discomfort of her metastases in the bones. But overall she is doing quite well. She and Jan never regret the choice for a non-toxic approach of the cancer.
Mrs. H. Hoeve (69) , survivor of metastasized partly hormone-sensitive breast cancer (Grade IV) with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia. Watch here...

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Breast cancer: Videofilm (English subtiteld): Iedje Abbenhuis, has already survived metastasized breast cancer for 13 years with predominantly non-toxic approach and with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia.

Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.

16th. of april 2012: Iedje is still doing quite well though her metastases in her bones are growing slowly.
Iedje Abbenhuis, 51 years old, has already survived metastasized breast cancer for 10 years with predominantly non-toxic approach and with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia. Watch here her touching story at video. Click at the bottom the second button from the right for fullscreen video: [streaming=Iedje_EN.flv]

Brain cancer: Videofilm (English subtitled): Teun van Vliet, survivor of glioblastoma multiforme (grade IV) with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia

Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.

16th. of april 2012: Teun is still alive and free of cancer and lives a good life, watch his story on video

Teun van Vliet, survivor of glioblastoma multiforme (grade IV) with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia after he was declared in 2006 to be incurable and nothing could be done for him wthin regular oncology: click at the bottom the second button from the right for fullscreen video: [streaming=Teun_EN.flv]