Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.
Breast cancer: Videofilm (English subtitled): Mrs. H. Hoeve (69) , survivor of metastasized partly hormone-sensitive breast cancer (Grade IV) with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia
Posted 28/11/2009 14:16:48Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.
Breast cancer: Videofilm (English subtiteld): Iedje Abbenhuis, has already survived metastasized breast cancer for 13 years with predominantly non-toxic approach and with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia.
Posted 28/11/2009 14:16:48Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.
Breast cancer: Videofilm (English subtitled): Fatima Galamba (51) attains total remission of hormone sensitive breast cancer (grade IV).
Posted 28/11/2009 14:16:48Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.
metastasized to bones by means of dendritic cell therapy and hyperthermia. Watch here her touching story at video. Click at the bottom the second button from the right for...
Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.
Dirk passed away 6th. of june 2010 after a relapse of his braintumors, but he and Mildred never regret the treatments with dendritic cells and hyperthermia. Almost till the end of his life he lived a good life hardly without pain or other severe discomfort. Only the last months he couldn't walk quite well and his memory wasn't too good. Watch the video how Dirk and Mildred fought for...
Brain cancer: Videofilm (English subtitled): Teun van Vliet, survivor of glioblastoma multiforme (grade IV) with dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia
Posted 28/11/2009 14:16:48Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.
16th. of april 2012: Teun is still alive and free of cancer and lives a good life, watch his story on video
Here you can find videofilms of cancer survivors we subtitled in English.
Mr. R. passed away december 2010 after a relapse of his brain tumor
Mr. R., survivor of glioblastoma multiforme (grade IV) (An anaplastic oligodendroglioma) with a treatment of dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia in Medical Centre Cologne after he was declared in 2005 to be incurable and nothing could be done for him wthin regular oncology: Click at the bottom the second button from the right for fullscreen video: [streaming=MeneerR_EN.flv]
Aids - HIV en effect van voeding en voedingstoffen: 60 mg. retinol ( 200.000 IE) - vitamine A per dag gegeven aan kinderen besmet met het HIV virus geeft 40 procent minder sterfte gerekend over periodes van drie maanden.
Posted 28/11/2009 14:14:24Misschien beetje off topic, maar het resultaat van deze onderstaande studie is zo opmerkelijk dat we die hier toch publiceren. Tenslotte krijgen veel Aids patiënten ook vormen van kanker vaak door inefficiënt immuunsysteem.
In dit gerandomiseerde dubbelblinde onderzoek kregen t.o. 94 kinderen in placebogroep, 87 Oegandese kinderen besmet met het HIV-virus elke dag 60 mg. retinol (= 200.000 IE) = vitamine A toegediend. Van de groep die dit kreeg bleek bij...
Probiotica. Wat is probiotica en waar kan je het kopen?
Posted 28/11/2009 14:13:57We hebben een aantal studies en informatie over probiotica bij elkaar gezet onder probiotica informatie, dus klik hier..