15 jul;i 2012: onderaan referentielijst toegevoegd van studies met het reovirus.
17 oktober 2009: Reolysin is een vorm van vaccinatie met een virus als medicijn dat ook sterk lijkt op bv. het Newcastle Disease Virus en aanpak zoals bij dendritische celtherapie. Er zijn verschillende studies bij o.a. hersentumoren en prostaatkanker die wijzen op bijzonder goede effecten met Reolysin, al of niet in combinatie met chemo en/of bestraling. Hier de openstaande studies bij melanomen, niet-klein-cellige longkanker, hoofd- en halskanker en bot- en soft sarcoma's. Reovirus is een veilig medicijn nagenoeg zonder bijwerkingen en relatief goedkoop. Of u zich als Nederlandse of Belgische kankerpatient hiervoor op kunt geven weten we niet maar onderaan deze artikelen staan adressen waar u informatie kunt verkrijgen en aan kunt melden. De studie met hoofd- halskanker is recent nog met toestemming van de FDA opgewaardeerd naar een fase III studie. Nederlandse onderzoekers aan de Erasmus en LUMC Leiden beschreven recent nog uitvoerig hoe het Reovirus werkt.. Zie achtereenvolgens: studieoverzicht met het Reovirus, studieabstract van Nederlandse onderzoekers.en enkele abstracten van Reovirus bij verschillende kankersoorten.
Bron o.a.: http://www.oncolyticsbiotech.com/clinical.html
Rank | Status | Study | ||||
1 | Recruiting | Phase 2 Study of REOLYSIN® in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer With KRAS or EGFR Activation
2 | Recruiting | Phase 2 Study of REOLYSIN® in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin in Patients With Head and Neck Carcinoma
3 | Recruiting | Study of REOLYSIN® in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin in Patients With Metastatic Melanoma
4 | Recruiting | Safety and Efficacy Study of REOLYSIN® in the Treatment of Recurrent Malignant Gliomas
5 | Active, not recruiting | Safety and Efficacy Study of REOLYSIN® in the Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas Metastatic to the Lung

10/2/2009 8:06:05 AM ET | News Release Index |
Oncolytics Biotech® Inc. Reaches Special Protocol Assessment Agreement with the FDA on Design of Phase 3 Trial for REOLYSIN® in Head and Neck Cancers --Company to Host Conference Call-- | |
CALGARY, AB, --- October 2, 2009 - Oncolytics Biotech Inc. (“Oncolytics”) (TSX:ONC, NASDAQ:ONCY) today announced that it has reached an agreement with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) process for the design of a Phase 3 trial examining REOLYSIN in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin in patients with platinum-refractory head and neck cancers. The SPA is an agreement between Oncolytics and the FDA that the design and planned analyses of the Phase 3 study is adequately designed to provide the necessary data, that depending upon outcome, could support a license application submission for REOLYSIN. “Oncolytics is the first company to reach an agreement with the FDA on a Phase 3 trial design for an intravenously-administered oncolytic virus under the SPA process,” said Dr. Brad Thompson, President and CEO of Oncolytics. “This is an exciting step forward for our clinical program for REOLYSIN, which has become a first-in-class agent. A Phase 3 trial in patients with platinum-refractory head and neck cancers is a logical choice for our first pivotal trial with REOLYSIN. In Phase 1/2 trials, the treatment combination has increased the response rate by several-fold compared to historical outcomes.” As specified in the SPA, the randomized, two-arm, double-blind, multicentre, two-stage, adaptive Phase 3 trial will assess the intravenous administration of REOLYSIN with the chemotherapy combination of paclitaxel and carboplatin versus the chemotherapy alone in patients with metastatic or recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, or squamous cell cancer of the nasopharynx, who have progressed on or after prior platinum-based chemotherapy. All patients will receive treatment every three weeks (21 day cycles) with paclitaxel and carboplatin and will also receive, on a blinded basis, either intravenous placebo or intravenous REOLYSIN. All dosing takes place in the first five days of each cycle with all patients receiving standard intravenous doses of paclitaxel and carboplatin on day one only, and on days one through five, either intravenous placebo or intravenous REOLYSIN at a dose of 3x1010 TCID50. Patients may continue to receive the trial combination therapy for up to eight, 21-day cycles and, thereafter, blinded placebo or blinded REOLYSIN until the patient has progressive disease or meets other criteria for removal from the trial. The primary endpoint for the trial is overall survival (OS); secondary endpoints include progression free survival (PFS), objective response rate (complete response (CR) + partial response (PR)) and duration of response, and safety and tolerability of REOLYSIN when administered in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin. The first stage of the trial is non-adaptive, and is designed to enroll 80 patients. The second stage is adaptive, and is designed to enroll between 100 and 400 patients with the most probable statistical enrolment being 195 patients in this stage. This adaptive trial design allows frequent data evaluation to determine if the probability of reaching a statistically significant endpoint has been achieved. The decision to pursue a Phase 3 trial in head and neck cancers was predicated on positive results seen in the Company’s U.K. Phase 1 and Phase 2 combination REOLYSIN and paclitaxel/carboplatin clinical trials, as well as significant preclinical work demonstrating synergy in combination with taxane or platinum-based drugs. Interim results of the U.K. Phase 1/2 trial reported in March 2009 demonstrated an overall response rate (PR and CR) of 42% and a total clinical benefit rate (PR + CR + stable disease) of 75%. Enrolment in the Phase 2 portion of the trial was concluded in July 2009, and updated results are expected to be presented in the fourth quarter of 2009. |

11 december 2005: Bron: Oncolytics
Een kleine preklinische studie geeft veelbelovende resultaten voor het gebruik van een virusinjectie intraveneus (Reolysin) bij kankerpatiënten met solide tumoren. We weten dat Reolysin al goede resultaten laat zien in lopende studies bij o.a. hersentumoren en prostaatkanker. Hier een kort artikel over deze nieuwe studieresultaten. Let wel dit zijn hele kleine studies en bekijk ze kritisch, desalniettemin wel hoopgevend want injecteren met een virus lijkt toch een hoopvolle benadering. Zie ook Newcastlevirus informatie
PRNewswire: Reovirus Destroys Cancer (M/Calgary)
Reovirus Seeks Out and Destroys Cancer Cells, Preliminary Study Results Show
CALGARY, Alberta, Dec. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- For the first time, researchers ave demonstrated that the reovirus, a naturally occurring virus found in the environment, can seek out and destroy cancer cells in a variety of tumor types and locations when delivered intravenously to patients.
Preliminary results from an ongoing patient study in the United Kingdom have demonstrated that Reolysin was well-tolerated by patients and there was vidence of virus replication within several types of tumors in patients who had failed all previous treatments. Of 12 patients who received doses of Reolysin on five consecutive days, at least four patients had stabilization of the measured tumor. Patients who experienced tumor activity included those with colorectal, prostate, non-small-cell lung and bladder cancers.
These early results, presented by Dr. Johann S. de Bono of the Royal Marsden Hospital in London at the most recent AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics in Philadelphia, showed that the reovirus, when delivered intravenously, enters cancer cells, replicates within them and ultimately kills them. It works by replicating within cancer cells that have an activated Ras pathway, a common mutation that is shared by approximately two thirds of all human cancers.
We believe that these early results are the most encouraging data we have seen to date in our work with Reolysin; says Dr. Brad Thompson, President and CEO of Oncolytics Biotech Inc., the company sponsoring the study. Oncolytics has also started patient enrolment in a similar intravenous trial in the United States at the Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. This clinical trial is an open-label, dose- escalation Phase I study in which a single dose of Reolysin is administered intravenously to patients with advanced and/or metastatic solid tumors.
For Canada:
Oncolytics Biotech Inc.
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Tel: 403.670.7377
Fax: 403.283.0858
For Canada:
The Equicom Group Inc.
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Fax: 416.815.0080
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The Investor Relations Group
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Referentielijst van studies met Reovirus in combinatie met verschillende andere medicijnen
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