25 oktober 2011: Bron: Nutr Cancer. 2011;63(6):889-98. Epub 2011 Jun 29.

Wanneer mannen met aantoonbare prostaatkanker dagelijks 30 mg. synthetische genisteine krijgen in de 3 tot 6 weken vooraf aan een operatie dan blijkt hun PSA significant te dalen tegenover de mannen die een placebo kregen.  Bij de groep die genisteitne kregen daalde de PSA met 7,8% terwijl in de placebo groep steeg de PSA met 4,4% (P = 0.051). En dat in 3 tot 6 weken. Dit blijkt uit een gerandomiseerde en placebo gecontroleerde fase II studie bij totaal 47 mannen met prostaatkanker. Het abstract is niet lang maar als u hier klikt kunt u tegen betaling het volledige studierapport inzien.   

Efficacy and safety of short-term genistein intervention in patients with localized prostate cancer prior to radical prostatectomy: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind Phase 2 clinical trial

Nutr Cancer. 2011;63(6):889-98. Epub 2011 Jun 29.

Efficacy and safety of short-term genistein intervention in patients with localized prostate cancer prior to radical prostatectomy: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind Phase 2 clinical trial.


Department of Urology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. bato.lazarevic@medisin.uio.no


We conducted a placebo-controlled, block-randomized double-blind Phase 2 study to examine the effect of 30 mg synthetic genistein daily on serum and tissue biomarkers in patients with localized prostate cancer (CaP). Fifty-four study subjects were recruited and randomized to treatment with genistein (n = 23) or placebo (n = 24) for 3 to 6 wk prior to prostatectomy. Seven study subjects were noncompliant to the study protocol. Adverse events were few and mild. Serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) decreased by 7.8% in the genistein arm and increased by 4.4% in the placebo arm (P = 0.051). The PSA level was reduced in tumor tissue compared to normal tissue in the placebo arm. In the genistein arm, the PSA level in tumor and normal tissue was comparable. Total cholesterol was significantly lower in the genistein arm (P = 0.013). There were no significant effects on thyroid or sex hormones. Plasma concentrations of total genistein were on average 100-fold higher in the genistein arm after treatment (P < 0.001). Genistein at a dose that can be easily obtained from a diet rich in soy reduced the level of serum PSA in patients with localized CaP, without any effects on hormones. It was well tolerated and had a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol.

[PubMed - in process]

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