27 juni 2012: in tegenstelling tot onderstaande studies lijkt een andere studie uit 2005 aan te tonen dat de AMAS test niet meer betrouwbaarheid geeft dan een klassieke diagnose. De conclusie uit deze kleinschalige studie: 

De AMAS test onderscheidt verdacht en kwaadaardig weefsel van goedaardig weefsel, maar de gevoeligheid is onvoldoende om patiënten een bioptie te besparen en de fout - goed verschillen zijn te hoog om deze test als bevolkingsonderzoek in te voeren. 

The AMAS test discriminates suspicious and malignant from benign lesions, but sensitivity is insufficient to identify patients to be spared biopsy and false-positive rates are too high for population screening.

Het volledige studierapport kunt u gratis inzien op de website van Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention

De AMAS test is uitgevonden door Dr. Samuel Bogash en zijn vrouw Dr. Eleanor Bogash. Zij ontdekten tijdens onderzoekingen naar hersentumoren dat mensen met kanker wel bepaalde moleculen hadden en mensen zonder kanker niet of minder van die bepaalde moleculen. Dat bepaalde molecuul zou volgens dokter Bogash het immuunsysteem aanzetten om 'vreemde', dus ook kwaadaardige kankercellen, te vernietigen. In laboratoriumproeven toonde Dr. Bogash in 1988 al aan dat dit 'antigen' inderdaad kankercellen herkende en aanzet gaf tot vernietiging. Uit verdere onderzoeken is gebleken dat mensen met kanker een test resultaat hebben van AMAS boven de 135. en 'gezonde' mensen zonder kanker onder de 135. Uit dit alles is onderstaande procedure ontwikkeld door Dr. Bogash en erkent door de FDA in de USA.

1. Vandaag de dag wordt een persoon die met klachten komt die lijken op kanker uitgebreid onderzocht. Vaak wordt bloed afgenomen, foto's gemaakt, CT-scan, uitstrijkje, mammografie enz. De AMAS test claimt dat al deze onderzoeken niet nodig zijn als de AMAS test onder de 135 blijft. Pas bij twijfel of duidelijk boven de 135 kunnen en moeten andere nadere onderzoeken volgen.

2. Nadat een patiënt is behandeld voor zijn kanker willen zowel arts als patiënt natuurlijk weten of er nog kankercellen over zijn gebleven en hoe groot de kans is op een recidief. De AMAS test kan daar antwoord op geven.. Als er nog kanker is overgebleven zal de AMAS test in ieder geval hoger uitkomen dan 135. Is de test lager dan 135 dan blijkt de kanker in 95% van de gevallen verdwenen. Wel moet de test regelmatig worden herhaald.

3. Soms komt het voor dat een schaduw op een foto of een plekje op lever of nieren verdacht is. Meestal volgt dan een pijnlijke en vervelende bioptie of soms zelfs een kijkoperatie. De AMAS test claimt dat dit niet nodig is en dat de test voldoende antwoord geeft of de verdachte plek kwaadaardig is of niet. Als de AMAS test normaal is is er ook geen sprake van kanker.

In een trial zijn 1000 vrouwen met borstkanker met de AMAS test gecontroleerd. Het bleek dat de AMAS test lang voor een uitstrijkje of mammografie dit aantoonde al kon tonen dat er geen sprake was van volledige genezing.

De AMAS test claimt alle voorkomende kankersoorten, waaronder ook de zeldzame soorten te ontdekken. Studies onder meer dan 6000 patiënten gaven een resultaat van hoger dan 95%. Een afwijking van 1% maakt dat de test voor 99% betrouwbaar is.

Voor de AMAS test hoef je nu niet meer naar Amerika, maar is het mogelijk om de test samen met je arts/specialist te doen. Hoe en wat is te lezen in de aanvullende informatie op de volgende sites:

Van een andere site waarvan de deeplink niet meer werkt en we die dus hebben weggehaald kopieerden we onderstaande informatie:


Early detection is allegedly the key factor in surviving this disease. However, statistics published by associations such as the American Cancer Society contradict this well-marketed advice: They state that 90% of all cases of breast cancer as being "early detection." If that was true, and early detection is the "key to survival," then why is it the second biggest killer among women in nearly every age group? Clearly, the TREATMENT of breast cancer needs to be considered a major factor in this mortality rate.

However, early, accurate detection will enable us ALL to choose our treatment methods with greater variety of options. A blood test known as the Anti-Malignin Antibody in Serum, (AMAS) test is the best diagnostic aid available for early, accurate detection of cancer. A simple blood test, it can detect ALL types of cancer, regardless of site or tissue type affected, even if the tumor is as small as a pencil dot, up to three years before (traditional) clinical diagnosis or the appearance of symptoms, with 95- to 99% accuracy.

In 1977, the FDA permitted marketing of this test, (under "Target Reagent" not AMAS.) Medicare and many other insurance companies are paying for the test. It permits confirmation of diagnosis while dramatically reducing or eliminating typical cancer-related procedures, including: PSA's, mammograms, biopsies, x-rays, sonograms, and PAP smears.
Use of this test will enable cancer survivors to find peace of mind concerning their status after treatment and can reduce the need for harmful follow-up procedures such as chemotherapy and radiation. It can also allow survivors to obtain health insurance sooner than the typical 1- to 5 year waiting period.

The AMAS test is superior to all aforementioned procedures because it detects an antibody, anti-malignin, present at the onset of cancer. Typical tests, like the Prostate Specific Antigen, PSA, detect antigens, which are not present until a tumor is large and in an advanced state! As for mammograms, their improved ability to 'read' tissue masses has only produced more "uncertain diagnosis," which results in more procedures, such as the biopsy. Do the math: a biopsy costs $1,500, the AMAS test: $135. Is it any wonder this test, which will revolutionize the business of cancer, has been kept a secret??

The test was developed by Harvard neurochemist Dr. Samuel Bogoch. His lab, Oncolab, is the only lab in the country offering an AMAS test. He has made it possible for you to get the AMAS test anyway by obtaining a FREE AMAS test shipping kit: 1-800-9CA-TEST. It is required to do the AMAS test. The kit will arrive in approximately 7-10 days. In it, clinical studies and data to support this remarkable test. If you want to get an AMAS test, order the kit, THEN bring the clinical data to your doctor. Chances are, s/he will not have heard of the test. Do not be discouraged if they resist. Either persist, or find a new doctor to approve of your local blood draw. (Even a chiropractor can approve a blood draw!)

"A breakthrough in medical science...the AMAS test is a repeatable, highly accurate test for early detection and monitoring of cancer." Dr. Gordon Pedersen PhD, Toxicology/Immunology Program Director Inter-American Society of Chemotherapy

Finding a lab:

This can be challenging because about 1% of our population knows about the AMAS test. It is vital that you NOT ask the blood lab, "Do you do the AMAS test?" Only Oncolab does the AMAS test. Instead, read the technician's instructions found on the bottom of your doctor's authorization form, (in kit.) Fax a copy to the local blood lab and ask if they will do the test according to those AMAS test specifications.

Cancer survivors should use the test quarterly until their antibody levels have returned to normal. "High risk" individuals also includes smokers, those exposed to toxins, from housekeepers to nuclear plant
workers, and, surprisingly, the obese. Yes, obesity has been found to be a greater risk factor for cancer than having a family history of cancer.


Several doctors have asked me, "If this can detect a tumor as small as a pencil dot, how do we know where to treat the tumor? How do we locate it?" Dr. Bogoch informed me that when the AMAS test comes back elevated, a doctor and patient have a more serious 'chat' about the patient's health. Often, they are able to pinpoint where other diagnostic tests should be run.

A common misconception is that we are "always" fighting cancer. This theory has not been proven. Many people have a normal AMAS test, disproving this theory. (A direct correlation between the presence of cancer and the anti-malignin antibody has been established with 3,315 double-blind studies.)
If a small tumor has been detected, you are urged to enhance your immune system so it can produce antibody needed to combat the disease. More on such products later...

Voor verder informatie kunt u contact opnemen met een Amerikaans laboratorium:
Oncolab 36 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02215 Tel = 800 922- 8378

Onderstaande is de Engelse versie van het Nederlandse bericht over de AMAS test hierboven.

The AMAS Test (Anti-Malignin Antibody in Serum)
by Steven D. Edelston, M.D.

In 1974, Dr. Samuel Bogash (MD, Ph.D.) discovered a new antigen located on all cancer cells. He and his researcher / wife, Eleanor Bogash, MD, founded Oncolab to do this test for research and later clinical purposes.

Dr. Bogash is a Harvard-trained research neurochemist. He discovered that the outer coating on cancer cells contain sugar molecules over an inner layer of protein (glycoproteins). Cancer cells bump into each other and the outer layer is ground off-exposing the inner protein layer and the malignin antigen. It took Drs. Bogash seven years to determine that the antigen was on all cancer cells, not just brain cancer which they were originally studying.

Due to cell recognition, our immune system spots Malignin. When it sees this foreign protein it produces antibodies to destroy it-Anti-malignin antibodies. This is what is measured in the study; it is our body's defense against cancer. By 1988, Dr. Bogash showed that the anti-malignin antibody killed cancer cells in the test tube.

Greater than 95% of patients with cancer have AMAS levels above 135. AMAS levels below 135 are seen in normal individuals who do not have cancer. Sometimes there is doubt about the test (borderline numbers) and at these times the test needs to be repeated and followed up at certain intervals.

Normal levels of AMAS are seen in successfully treated cancer patients and in patients who never had cancer. Cases of advanced or terminal cancer may also have normal levels or even very low normal. The clinical status of the patient must be correlated with the AMAS test result. The test is patented and the FDA has approved it. The test is available for use in several areas related to cancer:

1.Cancer Screening Test. Today a check-up in your physician's office
includes a history, a physical examination and selected laboratory tests aimed at detecting potential problems including cancer. It will now include an AMAS test, and thus might defer using a chest X-ray,
proctoscope, CT scan, pap smear, and even mammography. These cancer screens will not be needed unless the AMAS test is abnormal.

2.A Cancer Monitoring Test. After cancer has been treated both the patient and the doctor want to know if the cancer has been cured or if some malignant cells are still in the body. The AMAS test can answer this dilemma. If there is cancer present, the AMAS test remains elevated.

3.In Differential Diagnosis. At times a shadow on a chest X-ray or a spot in the liver or kidney on a CT scan are suspicious for cancer and only a biopsy can tell. That is an invasive procedure. The AMAS test can tell you if the tissue is malignant. If the AMAS is normal, the lesion in question is not a cancer.

To date, over 1000 patients with breast cancer have been studied using the AMAS test. It has been used to tell if the cancer has been cured. New data suggests that the breast cancer cannot be said to be in remission unless the AMAS test returns to normal. AMAS has found breast cancer as small as a pencil dot long before a mammogram can show it.

The AMAS detects all common cancers and the uncommon ones too. Studies on more than 6000 patients show the sensitivity of AMAS to be greater than 95%. The false positive rate and false negative rates are about 1% of the total, making the specificity about 99%.

Contact info for those interested:

Oncolab 36 The Fenway Boston, MA 02215 Tel = 800 922- 8378

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