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Wanneer mensen met retinoblastoma na een operatieve volledige verwijdering (enucleatie) van het aangetaste oog postoperatief een chemo combinatie krijgen van vincristine sulfate, etoposide phosphate en carboplatin dan hebben zij een hele grote kans geen verdere uitzaaiingen meer te krijgen. Dit blijkt uit een studie waarbij 51 mensen met retinoblastoma 5 jaar zijn gevolgd. Statistisch gezien krijgt zonder chemo 24% van de patiënten die geopereerd zijn aan retinoblastoma uitzaaiingen elders volgens de opstellers van het  studieabstract.

Ik kan uit het studieabstract  niet halen of de patiënten vooraf zijn geselecteerd op bepaalde kenmerken maar een 100% resultaat is natuurlijk erg goed.  Hier het abstract van de studie. Het volledige studieabstract kunt u tegen betaling inzien als u hier klikt.

Postenucleation chemotherapy using vincristine, etoposide, and carboplatin for retinoblastoma was effective in preventing metastasis in every case (100%).

Postenucleation Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Vincristine, Etoposide, and Carboplatin for the Treatment of High-Risk Retinoblastoma

Swathi Kaliki, MD; Carol L. Shields, MD; Sanket U. Shah, MD; Ralph C. Eagle Jr, MD; Jerry A. Shields, MD; Ann Leahey, MD

Arch Ophthalmol. 2011;129(11):1422-1427. doi:10.1001/archophthalmol.2011.289

Background  Analysis of 52 eyes with high-risk retinoblastoma managed with postenucleation adjuvant chemotherapy using vincristine sulfate, etoposide phosphate, and carboplatin showed no evidence of systemic metastasis in any case during a mean (range) follow-up of 66 (12-202) months.


Purpose  To determine the efficacy of postenucleation adjuvant chemotherapy with vincristine, etoposide, and carboplatin in the prevention of metastasis for patients with high-risk retinoblastoma.

Methods  Retrospective, nonrandomized, interventional case series of 52 eyes in 51 patients with high-risk retinoblastoma consisting of tumor invasion into the anterior segment, posterior uvea 3 mm or greater, postlaminar optic nerve, or any combination of posterior uvea and optic nerve involvement.

Results  Of 51 consecutive patients with high-risk retinoblastoma, there were 30 males (59%) and 21 females (41%), with a median age of 28 months at diagnosis. All 52 eyes were classified as group E. The main histopathologic risk factors included anterior segment invasion (7 [13%]), isolated massive posterior uveal invasion of 3 mm or greater (6 [12%]), isolated postlaminar optic nerve invasion (15 [29%]), or any posterior uveal invasion with any optic nerve involvement (24 [46%]). There was additional invasion into the sclera (3 [6%]) and extrascleral structures, including the orbit (1 [2%]). A single histopathologic high-risk factor was present in 32 eyes (62%), whereas 20 eyes (38%) manifested 2 or more high-risk characteristics. Based on previously published series, untreated high-risk retinoblastoma carries at least a 24% risk for metastatic disease. In the present series, using vincristine, etoposide, and carboplatin in all cases, there was no metastasis during a mean follow-up of 66 months (median , 55 [12-202] months).

Conclusions  Retinoblastoma with invasion into the postlaminar optic nerve and/or posterior uvea is at high risk for metastasis and death. In this study, postenucleation chemotherapy using vincristine, etoposide, and carboplatin was effective in preventing metastasis in every case (100%).

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