12 juli 2012: het volledige studierapport van deze studie: The effect of leukocyte interleukin injection (Multikine) treatment on the peritumoral and intratumoral subpopulation of mononuclear cells and on tumor epithelia: a possible new approach to augmenting sensitivity to radiation therapy and chemotherapy in oral cancer--a multicenter phase I/II clinical Trial. kunt u tegen betaling inzien op de website van Whiley. Het abstract van de studie, een follow-up van onderstaande publicatie staat onderaan artikel.
Het bedrijf CVM meldt dat in een kleinschalige trial in Hongarije met acht patiënten met mond- en keelkanker een behandeling met Multikine voor geen enkel recidief zorgde binnen twee jaar na operatie en behandeling. Volgens dit persbericht zouden statistisch gesproken vier van de acht een recidief moeten hebben gekregen. Ik moet er wel bijzeggen dat ik geen zicht heb op selectie vooraf en hoe deze studie is uitgevoerd. Het andere bericht op deze site waarin mond- en keelkanker patiënten met aanvullende middelen in een Phase III studie ook een recidief voorkwamen lijkt me belangrijker, maar dit is toch ook een opvallend bericht.
-- DJ Cel-Sci/Cancer Treatment -2: No Recurrence In Patients --
VIENNA, Va. (Dow Jones)--Cel-Sci Corp. (CVM) reported that all eight
head-and-neck cancer patients in a Phase II clinical trial who were treated by
one investigator in Hungary with the company's immunotherapy drug, Multikine, in
combination with surgery/radiation more than two years ago, have not had
recurrences to date and remain alive.
In a press release Tuesday, the biopharmaceutical company said the finding is
very encouraging because it is generally expected that about 50% of such
patients would have experienced recurrences on or before 18 months to 24 months
Recurrence of the disease usually leads to death, the company said.
Cel-Sci called the result a positive sign, as the goal of the planned
head-and-neck cancer Phase III study is to show reduced recurrence of disease in
patients treated with Multikine.
Head-and-neck cancer has very high mortality and accounts for about 5% to 6%
of all cancers worldwide.
The eight patients received Multikine either three or five times per week for
two weeks prior to their surgeries/radiation.
The study in Hungary has so far enrolled about 50 head-and-neck cancer
patients at different dose levels and at different frequencies of
administration, and is expected to be fully enrolled this quarter.
-Thomas Gryta; Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5400
The effect of leukocyte interleukin injection (Multikine) treatment on the peritumoral and intratumoral subpopulation of mononuclear cells and on tumor epithelia: a possible new approach to augmenting sensitivity to radiation therapy and chemotherapy in oral cancer--a multicenter phase I/II clinical Trial.
The effect of leukocyte interleukin injection (Multikine) treatment on the peritumoral and intratumoral subpopulation of mononuclear cells and on tumor epithelia: a possible new approach to augmenting sensitivity to radiation therapy and chemotherapy in oral cancer--a multicenter phase I/II clinical Trial.
National Institute of Oncology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.
The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the administration of a novel immunoadjuvant, leukocyte interleukin injection, as part of an immuno-augmenting treatment regimen on the peritumoral and intratumoral subpopulations of the tumor infiltrating mononuclear cells and on the epithelial and stromal components, when administered to patients with advanced primary oral squamous cell carcinoma classified as T2-3N0-2M0, as compared with disease-matched control patients (not treated with leukocyte interleukin injection).
Multicenter Phase I/II clinical trial. Fifty-four patients from four clinical centers were included in the dose-escalating study (27 in each group [leukocyte interleukin injection-treated and control groups]). Cumulative leukocyte inter-leukin injection doses were 2400, 4800, and 8000 IU (as interleukin-2 equivalent).
Paraffin-embedded tumor samples obtained at surgical resection of the residual tumor (between days 21 and 28 after treatment initiation) were used. Histological analysis, necrosis evaluation, and American Joint Committee on Cancer grading were performed from H&E-stained sections. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed on three different tumor regions (surface, zone 1; center, zone 2; and tumor-stroma interface, zone 3). Trichrome staining was used to evaluate connective tissue, and morphometric measurements were made using ImagePro analysis software. Cell cycling was determined by the use of Ki-67 marker.
Leukocyte interleukin injection treatment induced a shift from stromal infiltrating T cells toward intraepithelial T cells and posted a significant (P <.05) increase in intraepithelial CD3-positive T cells independent of the leukocyte interleukin injection dose, whereas the increase in CD25 (interleukin-2 receptor alpha [IL-2Ralpha])-positive lymphoid cells was significant only at the lowest leukocyte interleukin injection dose (P <.05). Furthermore, both low- and medium-dose leukocyte interleukin injection treatment induced a significant (P <.05) increase in the number of cycling tumor cells, as compared with control values.
The results could be highly beneficial for patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. First, leukocyte interleukin injection treatment induces T-cell migration into cancer nests and, second, noncycling cancer cells may enter cell cycling on administration of leukocyte interleukin injection. This latter effect may modulate the susceptibility of cancer cells to radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The findings may indicate a need to re-evaluate the way in which follow-up treatment (with radiation therapy and chemotherapy) of patients with head and neck cancer is currently approached.
- 14660929
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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14 Januari ben ik aan mijn linker hals geopereerd i.v.m. een plaveiselepitheel carcinoom; veroorzaakt door een HPV-virus.
Alle lymfen aldaar en een halsklier zijn verwijderd. Ook is de zenuw naar mijn schouder doorgesneden.
Ik heb ervoor gekozen om geen bestraling en chemo te laten doen en kies voor kwaliteit van leven en tracht zoveel mogelijk de non toxische kankertherapie te doen.
In Duitsland wordt deze therapie wel erkend en ook vergoed door het ziekenfonds.
Met vriendelijke groeten, Wilma Smeets.