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Update 6 december 2020: Bron: . 2017 Sep; 13(9): e1005758.

Vormen van kanker met een K-ras mutatie zijn heel moeilijk te behandelen met de tot nu toe beschikbare behandelingen voor vormen van kanker. Zelfs immuuntherapie heeft nauwelijks effect bij deze vormen van kanker waaronder vooral bij alvleesklierkanker en longkanker en bepaalde vormen van darmkanker deze K-ras mutaties voorkomen. 

Uit onderstaande studies blijkt dat vooral glucose en glutamine hierin een grote rol spelen omdat die een cruciale rol spelen in het apoptoseproces van cellen.

Uit Wikipedia: Apoptose is het proces van geprogrammeerde celdood dat plaatsvindt in meercellige organismen.[1] Apoptose is een normale cellulaire respons die onder meer belangrijk is voor de vroege ontwikkeling van een individu. Tijdens apoptose vinden er binnen de cel verschillende biochemische processen plaats die ervoor zorgen dat de cel zichzelf vernietigt en het DNA gefragmenteerd wordt. Gemiddeld genomen verliest een volwassen mens elke dag tussen de 50 en 70 miljard cellen door middel van apoptose.[2]

Prof. dr. Otto Warburg benoemde dit proces al in zijn wetenschappelijke onderzoeken waarvoor hij de Nobelprijs kreeg. Engelbert Valstar wees me erop dat dr. Otto Warburg alleen veel onderzoek heeft gedaan naar glucose. Over de rol van glutamine is pas later wetenschappelijk bewijs gekomen. Zo ook wees hij me erop dat glucose een rol bij in principe alle vormen van kanker, ook bij die vormen van kanker die wel gevoelig zijn voor reguliere behandelingen. 

Hier de twee studies, maar in referenties staan nog veel meer studies gerelateerd aan dit onderwerp.

Studie 1 is: A metabolic core model elucidates how enhanced utilization of glucose and glutamine, with enhanced glutamine-dependent lactate production, promotes cancer cell growth: The WarburQ effect

Studie 2 is: Oncogenic K‐Ras decouples glucose and glutamine metabolism to support cancer cell growth

In deze studie is in het abstract een synopsis opgenomen met verwijzingen naar verschillende studies: 


De ras- en myc-oncogenen stimuleren pleiotrope veranderingen in celsignalering, opname van voedingsstoffen en intracellulair metabolisme (Chiaradonna et al, 2006bYuneva et al, 2007Wise et al, 2008Vander Heiden et al, 2009). Gemuteerde ras-eiwitten, geïdentificeerd in 25% van de menselijke kankers (Bos, 1989; Downward, 2003), correleren met een verhoogde glucoseconsumptie, lactaataccumulatie, veranderde expressie van mitochondriale genen, verhoogde ROS-productie en verminderde mitochondriale activiteit (Bos, 1989Downward, 2003Vizan et al, 2005Chiaradonna et al, 2006aYun et al, 2009Baracca et al, 2010Weinberg et al, 2010). Bovendien zijn K-Ras-getransformeerde kankercellen afhankelijk van de beschikbaarheid van glucose en glutamine, aangezien hun terugtrekking respectievelijk apoptose en celcyclusstilstand induceert.(Ramanathan et al, 2005Telang et al, 2006Yun et al, 2009). De precieze metabole effecten afkomend van oncogene Ras-signalering, evenals de mechanismen waarmee intracellulaire veranderingen in het glucose- en glutaminemetabolisme worden beïnvloed zijn echter niet volledig opgehelderd.

Het is voor een leek waarschijnlijk moeilijk te begrijpen allemaal maar kern van genoemde studies is dat glucose en glutamine blijkbaar een cruciale rol spelen in het ontstaan van K-ras gemuteerde kankercellen. Arts-bioloog drs. Engelbert Valstar vertelde mij dat bv ook bepaalde abstracten van medicinale paddenstoelen hierin een rol kunnen spelen. En veel bekende diëten wijzen op het minimale gebruik van suiker en suikerhoudende voeding. 

Hier de 2 abstracten:

. 2017 Sep; 13(9): e1005758.
Published online 2017 Sep 28. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005758
PMCID: PMC5634631
PMID: 28957320

A metabolic core model elucidates how enhanced utilization of glucose and glutamine, with enhanced glutamine-dependent lactate production, promotes cancer cell growth: The WarburQ effect

Chiara Damiani, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing,1,2 Riccardo Colombo, Software, Visualization,1,2 Daniela Gaglio, Investigation,1,3 Fabrizia Mastroianni, Investigation,1,4 Dario Pescini, Software, Visualization,1,5 Hans Victor Westerhoff, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing,6,7,8 Giancarlo Mauri, Software,1,2 Marco Vanoni, Conceptualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing,1,4,* and Lilia Alberghina, Conceptualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing1,4,*
Daniel A Beard, Editor


Cancer cells share several metabolic traits, including aerobic production of lactate from glucose (Warburg effect), extensive glutamine utilization and impaired mitochondrial electron flow. It is still unclear how these metabolic rearrangements, which may involve different molecular events in different cells, contribute to a selective advantage for cancer cell proliferation. To ascertain which metabolic pathways are used to convert glucose and glutamine to balanced energy and biomass production, we performed systematic constraint-based simulations of a model of human central metabolism. Sampling of the feasible flux space allowed us to obtain a large number of randomly mutated cells simulated at different glutamine and glucose uptake rates. We observed that, in the limited subset of proliferating cells, most displayed fermentation of glucose to lactate in the presence of oxygen. At high utilization rates of glutamine, oxidative utilization of glucose was decreased, while the production of lactate from glutamine was enhanced. This emergent phenotype was observed only when the available carbon exceeded the amount that could be fully oxidized by the available oxygen. Under the latter conditions, standard Flux Balance Analysis indicated that: this metabolic pattern is optimal to maximize biomass and ATP production; it requires the activity of a branched TCA cycle, in which glutamine-dependent reductive carboxylation cooperates to the production of lipids and proteins; it is sustained by a variety of redox-controlled metabolic reactions. In a K-ras transformed cell line we experimentally assessed glutamine-induced metabolic changes. We validated computational results through an extension of Flux Balance Analysis that allows prediction of metabolite variations. Taken together these findings offer new understanding of the logic of the metabolic reprogramming that underlies cancer cell growth.

Author summary

Hallmarks describing common key events in initiation, maintenance and progression of cancer have been identified. One hallmark deals with rewiring of metabolic reactions required to sustain enhanced cell proliferation. The availability of molecular, mechanistic models of cancer hallmarks will mightily improve optimized personal treatment and new drug discovery. Metabolism is the only hallmark for which it is currently possible to derive large scale mathematical models, which have predictive ability. In this paper, we exploit a constraint-based model of the core metabolism required for biomass conversion of the most relevant nutrients—glucose and glutamine—to clarify the logic of control of cancer metabolism. We newly report that, when available oxygen is not sufficient to fully oxidize available glucose and glutamine carbons–a situation compatible with that observed under normal oxygen conditions in human and in cancer cells growing in vitro

Oncogenic K‐Ras decouples glucose and glutamine metabolism to support cancer cell growth

Mol Syst Biol (2011)7:523

Present address: Department of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

Oncogenes such as K‐ras mediate cellular and metabolic transformation during tumorigenesis. To analyze K‐Ras‐dependent metabolic alterations, we employed 13C metabolic flux analysis (MFA), non‐targeted tracer fate detection (NTFD) of 15N‐labeled glutamine, and transcriptomic profiling in mouse fibroblast and human carcinoma cell lines. Stable isotope‐labeled glucose and glutamine tracers and computational determination of intracellular fluxes indicated that cells expressing oncogenic K‐Ras exhibited enhanced glycolytic activity, decreased oxidative flux through the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and increased utilization of glutamine for anabolic synthesis. Surprisingly, a non‐canonical labeling of TCA cycle‐associated metabolites was detected in both transformed cell lines. Transcriptional profiling detected elevated expression of several genes associated with glycolysis, glutamine metabolism, and nucleotide biosynthesis upon transformation with oncogenic K‐Ras. Chemical perturbation of enzymes along these pathways further supports the decoupling of glycolysis and TCA metabolism, with glutamine supplying increased carbon to drive the TCA cycle. These results provide evidence for a role of oncogenic K‐Ras in the metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells.


The ras and myc oncogenes drive pleiotropic changes in cell signaling, nutrient uptake, and intracellular metabolism (Chiaradonna et al, 2006bYuneva et al, 2007Wise et al, 2008Vander Heiden et al, 2009). Mutated ras proteins, identified in 25% of human cancers (Bos, 1989Downward, 2003), correlate with an increased rate of glucose consumption, lactate accumulation, altered expression of mitochondrial genes, increased ROS production, and reduced mitochondrial activity (Bos, 1989Downward, 2003Vizan et al, 2005Chiaradonna et al, 2006aYun et al, 2009Baracca et al, 2010Weinberg et al, 2010). Furthermore, K‐Ras transformed cancer cells are dependent upon glucose and glutamine availability, since their withdrawal induces apoptosis and cell‐cycle arrest, respectively (Ramanathan et al, 2005Telang et al, 2006Yun et al, 2009). However, the precise metabolic effects downstream of oncogenic Ras signaling as well as the mechanisms by which intracellular glucose and glutamine metabolism change have not been completely elucidated.

In this report, we have investigated the reprogramming of central carbon metabolism in cancer cells and its regulation by the K‐ras oncogene, applying a systems level approach using 13C metabolic flux analysis (MFA), non‐targeted tracer fate detection (NTFD), and transcriptional profiling. These data reveal a coordinated decoupling of glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. K‐Ras transformed mouse and human cells exhibited a high glucose to lactate flux and relatively lower oxidative metabolism of pyruvate. Such changes were supported by increased expression of glycolytic genes as well as several pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases. In contrast to glucose, the contribution of glutamine carbon to TCA cycle intermediates through both oxidative and reductive metabolism was significantly increased upon K‐Ras transformation. Despite this increase in glutamine anaplerosis, oxidative TCA flux was significantly decreased. Additionally, we observed elevated levels of glutamine‐derived nitrogen in various biosynthetic metabolites in transformed cells, including amino acids, 5‐oxoproline, and the nucleobase adenine. Consistent with these changes, we detected increased transcription of genes associated with glutamine metabolism and nucleotide biosynthesis in cells expressing oncogenic K‐Ras.

Taken together, these findings indicate an important role of oncogenic K‐Ras in cancer cell metabolism. The observed decoupling of glucose and glutamine metabolism enables the efficient utilization of both carbon and nitrogen from glutamine for biosynthetic processes. In accord with these alterations, oncogenic K‐Ras induces gene expression changes that may drive this metabolic reprogramming. Finally, these results may enable the identification of metabolic and transcriptional targets throughout the network and allow more effective cancer therapies.


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