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Nutritional Oncology is een van de beste, zo niet het beste wetenschappelijke boek over de bewezen waarde van aanvullende antioxidanten, vitamines, mineralen, kortweg een orthomoleculaire aanpak als therapeutische aanvulling bij kanker
Nutritional Oncology
Auteur: George Blackburn & Vay Go
Engels - Hardcover
Ook verkrijgbaar als: Digitaal boek
822 pagina's | Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc | 2 | oktober 2006
Nutritional oncology is an increasingly active interdisciplinary field where cancer is investigated as both a systemic and local disease originating with the changes in the genome and progressing through a multi-step process which may be influenced at many points in its natural history by nutritional factors that could impact the prevention of cancer, the quality of life of cancer patients, and the risk of cancer recurrence in the rapidly increasing population of cancer survivors. Since the first edition of this book was published in 1999, the idea that there is a single gene pathway or single drug will provide a cure for cancer has given way to the general view that dietary/environmental factors impact the progression of genetic and cellular changes in common forms of cancer. This broad concept can now be investigated within a basic and clinical research context for specific types of cancer. This book attempts to cover the current available knowledge in this new field of nutritional oncology written by invited experts. This book attempts to provide not only the theoretical and research basis for nutritional oncology, but will offer the medical oncologist and other members of multidisciplinary groups treating cancer patients practical information on nutrition assessment and nutritional regimens, including micronutrient and phytochemical supplementation. The editors hope that this volume will stimulate increased research, education and patient application of the principles of nutritional oncology. This book covers hot new topics of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics in cancer cell growth. It includes new chapters on metabolic networks in cancer cell growth, nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics. It presents substantially revised chapters on breast cancer and nutrition, prostate cancer and nutrition, and colon cancer and nutrition. It includes new illustrations throughout the text, especially in the breast cancer chapter. It includes integrated insights into the unanswered questions and clearly defined objectives of research in nutritional oncology. It offers practical guidelines for clinicians advising malnourished cancer patients and cancer survivors on diet, nutrition, and lifestyle, and provides information on the role of bioactive substances, dietary supplements, phytochemicals and botanicals in cancer prevention and treatment.
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