22 februari 2022: lees ook dit artikel: https://kanker-actueel.nl/NL/18ffdg-petct-gestuurde-diagnose-van-verdachte-schildklierknobbeltjes-vermindert-nutteloze-operaties-met-40-procent-door-goedaardig-van-kwaadaardig-te-onderscheiden.html

3 december 2018: Lees ook dit artikel: 



22 april 2009: Bron: Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;135(4):355-359.

Bestraling voor andere vormen van kanker veroorzaakt meer en ernstiger vorm van schildklierkanker. Een vorm van kanker die wel goed te behandelen is in principe. De verschillen tussen patienten met schildklierkanker die wel of geen bestraling vooraf hadden gehad is opvallend en valt onverdeeld op alle punten negatief uit voor de patientengroep die minimaal drie jaar eerder voor hun ziekte eerder waren blootgesteld aan bestraling:

Wanneer in een studie met de patienten met schildklierkanker (125 deelnemers) die wel eerder blootgesteld waren aan bestraling werden vergeleken met patienten met schldklierkanker (534) die nooit aan bestraling waren blootgesteld kwamen de volgende verschillen naar voren:


  • Hebben totale of bijna totale operatieve verwijdering nodig gehad (83% versus 38%)
  • Hadden aanvullende operaties nodig (23% versus 2%)
  • Hadden stadium IV ziekte (16% versus 5%)
  • Hadden uitzaaiingen op afstand (9% versus 2%)
  • Hadden recidief van thyroid kancer bij follow-up (8% versus 3%)
  • Overleden aan de ziekte (4% versus 1.5%)
  • Hadden externe radiotherapie nodig (6% versus <1%)
  • Hadden multifocale ziekte (63% versus 36%)
  • Hadden extrathyroid spreiding (26% versus 8%)


Hoewel statische vergelijkingen niet mogelijk waren gezien de studie opzet zeggen de onderzoekers wel:  "de geconstateerde verschillen tussen de groepen moeten wel serieus worden genomen"

Klik op de titel van het abstract voor het volledige studierapport. 

Influence of Previous Radiation Exposure on Pathologic Features and Clinical Outcome in Patients With Thyroid Cancer

Raewyn M. Seaberg, MD, PhD; Spiro Eski, MD; Jeremy L. Freeman, MD, FRCSC

Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;135(4):355-359.

Objective  To determine whether previous radiation exposure to the head and neck is related to less favorable pathologic and clinical outcome in patients after surgical management of thyroid cancer.
Author Affiliations: Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Design  Retrospective chart review.

Setting  Academic teaching hospital (referral center).

Patients  All patients with diagnosed thyroid cancer who had been exposed to radiation before surgical treatment were retrospectively identified from the thyroid cancer database at our institution (1963-2007). One hundred twenty-five patients (95 women and 30 men) were included. Inclusion criteria included surgical treatment for thyroid cancer and a history of exposure to radiation at least 3 years before diagnosis of the disease.

Main Outcome Measures  Pathologic features and data related to disease recurrence, distant metastasis, and survival.

Results  Mean (range) age at first exposure to radiation was 19.4 (1-65) years, and mean lag time to diagnosis of disease was 28.7 (3-60) years. Patients were treated surgically with either total or near-total thyroidectomy (83%) or partial or subtotal thyroidectomy (17%). Pathologic diagnoses included 111 papillary carcinomas (89%). Sixty-three percent of patients had multifocal disease, 12% had lymphovascular tumor invasion, and 26% had direct extrathyroid extension of disease. Twenty-five percent of patients had metastases to cervical lymph nodes, and 9% had distant metastases. Sixteen percent of patients experienced local recurrence of disease. At last follow-up, 86% of patients were alive and free of disease, 8% were alive with disease, 4% had died of thyroid cancer, and 2% had died of an unrelated cause. Compared with other patients with thyroid cancer, this radiation-exposed cohort was more likely to undergo total thyroidectomy, multiple operative procedures, and external radiotherapy. A higher percentage had multifocal disease, extrathyroid extension, stage IV disease, and distant metastases. At follow-up, fewer patients were free of disease, and more patients had died of thyroid disease.

Conclusion  Patients who have been exposed to radiation have more aggressive disease and worse clinical outcome than other patients with thyroid cancer.

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