10 december 2017: Zie ook: 


15 december 2011: lees vooral ook deze studie, klik hier voor artikel,  die aantoont dat het gebruik van hoge doses vitamines, waaronder ook vitamine E de kans op een recidief van blaaskanker heel sterk kan verkleinen. 

d.d. 29 maart 2004: bron: DOW

Vitamine E lijkt preventief te werken tegen blaaskanker.

Een Amerikaanse studie lijkt uit te wijzen dat mensen die veel groenten en fruit eten die rijk zijn aan vitamine E of een voedingssupplement gebruiken met een bepaalde hoeveelheid vitamine E dat deze het risico op het krijgen van blaaskanker drastisch verminderen. Overigens wordt met deze studie volgens de experts nog niets bewezen omdat er nog teveel onzekerheden in de studie opzet zouden zitten. Vitamine E staat 
algemeen bekend als een goede anti-oxidant tegen prostaatkanker en naar het effect van vitamine E op preventie en ook bestrijding van prostaatkanker lopen wereldwijd verschillende studies. Lees onderstaand persbericht naar buiten gebracht door de DOW - beurs in Amerika. 

-- DJ Vitamin E May Help Cut Risk Of Bladder Cancer -US Study --

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP)--Getting plenty of vitamin E by eating foods such as nuts
and olive oil appears to cut in half people's risk of bladder cancer, the fourth
leading cancer killer among men, a new U.S. study suggests.
The research, released at a cancer conference Sunday, is the latest blip in
the ups and downs of perceptions about this nutrient's powers to ward off
disease. Experts once had high hopes that vitamin E would prove to be an
important safeguard against heart attacks. But that idea eventually faded as
repeated studies failed to show any protective effect.
Whether vitamin E does anything to stop cancer is still far from proven, but
some think the vitamin may be helpful, perhaps by warding off the damaging
effects of oxygen. The strongest evidence of this so far has been against
prostate cancer, and a large federally sponsored experiment is under way to help
prove this.
The new study offers a strong hint that dietary vitamin E may also protect
against bladder cancer, which kills about 12,500 U.S. citizens annually and is
four times more common in men than women.
The study was based on questionnaires of the eating habits of about 1,000
Houston residents. Those whose vitamin E intake was in the top 25% had just half
as much prostate cancer as those in the lowest quarter. The actual difference in
the amount of vitamin-rich food the two extremes ate was small, however, the
equivalent of a single daily serving of spinach or a handful of almonds.
The research was funded largely by the state of Texas. It was presented by
John Radcliffe, a nutrition researcher from Texas Woman's University, at a
meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Orlando.
The reduction was roughly the same, regardless of whether people got their
vitamin E from food alone or in combination with vitamin pills.
The team looked at the two most common forms of vitamin E, called alpha- and
gamma-tocopherol, and found that only the alpha variety was linked with lower
bladder cancer risk. Good sources of this include almonds, spinach, mustard
greens, peppers, sunflower seeds and a variety of oils, including olive,
cottonseed and canola.
Experts say it is too soon to make any firm recommendations about vitamin E
intake for cancer prevention beyond the usual advice to eat plenty of vegetables
and other plant-based foods.
"People need not be afraid to incorporate nuts and seeds into their diets,"
Radcliffe said. "For a long time, dietitians would not recommend them because
they are high in fat. But half an ounce to an ounce of nuts and seeds daily
would not shoot up someone's calorie levels appreciably."
Researchers would like to tease out which elements of the diet are especially
healthful. Many studies have shown that people who eat lots of fruits and
vegetables have lower risk of cancer. However, these foods contain more than 100
potentially helpful vitamins, minerals and other substances, and no one knows
exactly which components do this.
Some wonder whether people who often eat fruits and vegetables have healthier
living habits overall, so their diets might have little real importance. For
now, the best scientists can do is recommend that people eat five more servings
daily of a variety of vegetables and fruits.
The strongest evidence of vitamin E's cancer effects comes from a study
several years ago on nearly 30,000 Finnish smokers. It unexpectedly found those
who took alpha-tocopherol pills lowered their prostate cancer risk by one-third.
The same study shocked researchers by showing that another once high-flying
nutrient, beta carotene, appeared to actually increase their risk of lung
A National Cancer Institute study now under way is testing the effects of 400
milligrams of vitamin E and 200 micrograms of selenium daily on more than 32,000
men for seven years to see if they reduce prostate cancer.
Dr. David Alberts, head of cancer prevention at the University of Arizona,
said studies like Radcliffe's "are extremely helpful in raising a hypothesis. It
is very difficult to make a recommendation" that people take vitamin supplements
without a carefully conducted experiment, like the ongoing prostate cancer
The recommended U.S. intake of vitamin E is 15 milligrams daily, which is
roughly the amount in a multivitamin.

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