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1 maart 2018: zie ook dit artikel:
20 november 2013: Bron: Recent Pat Inflamm Allergy Drug Discov. 2012 Jan;6(1):78-87.
Wanneer patiënten met vormen van spijsverteringskanker zoals maagkanker, darmkanker, maar ook borstkanker chemo krijgen en aanvullend Coriolus Versicolor ( Yun Zhi) gebruiken dan blijkt er bij een meting na 5 jaar op overleving een verschil van 10 procent te zijn tussen de groep die Coriolus Versicolor gebruikt. Dus 1 op de 10 patiënten meer overleeft de 5 jaar. Dit blijkt uit een meta analyse van 13 gerandomiseerde studies gedaan met Coriolus Versicolor.
Kijk voor meer informatie over werking van stofjes uit medicinale paddestoelen o.a. onder AHCC of onder Betaglucaan of onder PSK
Want deze extracten zoals PSK, PSP en Maitake hebben al in meerdere studies bewezen een effectief niet-toxisch aanvullend middel te kunnen zijn. Dus wij zijn niet verbaasd over deze nieuwe studie.
Het volledige studierapport: Efficacy of Yun Zhi (Coriolus versicolor) on survival in cancer patients: systematic review and meta-analysis. is gratis in te zien of te downloaden als u op de download button op de betreffende pagina klikt.
Hier het abstract van deze studie:
This meta-analysis has provided strong evidence that Yun Zhi would have survival benefit in cancer patients, particularly in carcinoma of breast, gastric and colorectal.
Efficacy of Yun Zhi (Coriolus versicolor) on survival in cancer patients: systematic review and meta-analysis.
School of Public Health & Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong SAR.
Patients with cancer frequently use herbs along with the conventional medical treatment, hoping to enhance recovery. Mushrooms have an established history of use in traditional oriental therapies. In Asian cultures, mushrooms are combined with herbal mixtures to treat cancer. This systematic review and meta-analysis draw from randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials to assess the efficacy of Yun Zhi (YZ) for survival in cancer patients.
Systematic review and meta-analysis technique were used to aggregate and analyze the efficacy of Yun Zhi on survival in cancer patients from 13 clinical trials using computerized database and manual search.
The findings show that Yun Zhi results in a significant survival advantage compared with standard conventional anti-cancer treatment alone. Of patient randomized to Yun Zhi, there was a 9% absolute reduction in 5-year mortality, resulting in one additional patient alive for every 11 patients treated. In patients with breast cancer, gastric cancer, or colorectal cancer treated with chemotherapy, the effects of the combination of Yun Zhi preparation on the overall 5-year survival rate was more evident, but not in esophageal cancer and nasophayngeal carcinoma. However, subgroup analysis could not conclude which type of anti-cancer treatment may maximize the benefit from Yun Zhi.
This meta-analysis has provided strong evidence that Yun Zhi would have survival benefit in cancer patients, particularly in carcinoma of breast, gastric and colorectal. Nevertheless, the findings highlight the need for further evidence from prospective studies of outcome to guide future potential modifications of treatment regimes. Recent patents on the use of mushrooms for the treatment of cancer are also summarized in this review.
- 22185453
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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