3 november 2022: Bron: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy Volume 146, February 2022, 112567

Uit een reviewstudie blijkt dat wanneer Foto Dynamische Therapie (PDT) gecombineerd wordt met curcumine bij de behandeling van kankerpatienten deze twee behandelingen elkaar versterken en voor betere resultaten zorgen wat betreft ziektevrije overleving, voorkoming van een recidief en overall overleving. In deze studie wordt ook aandacht gegeven aan de opneembaarheid van curcumine. Een behandeling met Foto Dynamische Therapie (PDT) blijkt de matige opneembaarheid van curcumine  op te heffen en juist sterk te vergroten. Wat een verklaring zou kunnen zijn voor de goede resultaten

This section attempts to explain the mechanism of curcumin combined with PDT to exert anticancer activity (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
Fig. 5

Deze reviewstudie bes[preekt studies bij verschillende vormen van kanker waarbij vaak of soms PDT - Foto Dynamische Therapie wordt toegepast. Zo worden studies geanalyseerd bij mond- en keelkanker, borstkanker, darmkanker, huidkanker, baarmoederhalskanker, prostaatkanker, nierkanker, blaaskanker, leverkanker.

Fig. 4

Kernpunten uit de reviewstudie

  • •Fotodynamische therapie kan de antikankeractiviteit van curcumine aanzienlijk verbeteren.
  • •Curcumine in combinatie met fotodynamische therapie is bevestigd in veel verschillende soorten kankercellen in vitro en diermodellen.
  • •Deze review richt zich op de antikankeractiviteit en het mechanisme van curcumine in combinatie met fotodynamische therapie.

Hier de vertaling van het abstract:

Curcumine, een fytochemische stof die is afgeleid van de wortelstok van kurkuma (Curcuma longa L.), heeft een brede groep stoffen met antibacteriële, ontstekingsremmende, antioxiderende en kankerbestrijdende activiteiten. De antikankeractiviteit van curcumine en zijn derivaten houdt voornamelijk verband met de regulatie van signaaltransductieroutes.
Door de lage orale beschikbaarheid van curcumine, het snelle metabolisme en andere farmacokinetische eigenschappen wordt de toepassing van curcumine bij de behandeling van kanker echter beperkt. Er zijn aanwijzingen dat curcumine in combinatie met fotodynamische therapie de beperking van de lage biologische beschikbaarheid van curcumine kan overwinnen door in te werken op apoptose-routes, zoals B-cellymfoom 2 (Bcl-2) en de caspase-familie, en de celcyclus te beïnvloeden.

Dit artikel bespreekt de structuur en farmacokinetiek van curcumine, met de nadruk op de antikankeractiviteit van curcumine in combinatie met fotodynamische therapie en de effecten op kankergerelateerde signaalroutes.

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Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy

Volume 146, February 2022, 112567
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy

Curcumin combined with photodynamic therapy, promising therapies for the treatment of cancer

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2021.112567Get rights and content
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Open access


Photodynamic therapy can greatly enhance curcumin’s anticancer activity.

Curcumin combined with photodynamic therapy have been confirmed in many different types of cancer cells in vitro and animal models.

This review focuses on the anticancer activity and the mechanism of curcumin combined with photodynamic therapy.


Curcumin, a phytochemical derived from the rhizome of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), has a broad group of substances with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anticancer activities. The anticancer activity of curcumin and its derivatives are mainly related to its regulation of signal transduction pathways. However, due to the low oral availability of curcumin, fast metabolism and other pharmacokinetic properties limit the application of curcumin in the treatment of cancer. Evidence suggests that curcumin combined with photodynamic therapy can overcome the limitation of curcumin's low bioavailability by acting on apoptosis pathways, such as B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) and caspase family, and affecting cell cycle. This paper reviews the structure and pharmacokinetics of curcumin, focusing on the anticancer activity of curcumin combined with photodynamic therapy and the effects on cancer-related signal pathways.

    1. Introduction

    Curcumin, a plant-deprived curry spice, which is extracted from turmeric, has entered people's field of vision because of its recognized medicinal properties [1]. To date, a recent bibliographic search of the PubMed database identified 16,827 papers on curcumin (1987–2021), and of which 6, 148 papers on the both curcumin and cancer (1987–2021). However, the bioavailability of curcumin is limited due to its poor water solubility [2] and rapid metabolism [3][4]. Furthermore, low absorption rate [3], easy decomposition and interference with other drugs [5] have also become obstacles to the clinical application of curcumin [6][7]. Therefore, in the past few decades, researchers have developed different strategies to improve the bioavailability of curcumin.

    Photodynamic therapy (PDT), a modern and non-invasive form of therapy [8], has been successfully used in dermatology, oncology, gynecology and urology [9]. This therapy is based on the local or systemic application of the photosensitizer, which can intensely accumulate in pathological tissues. Photosensitizer was excited at the target location by appropriate wavelength light radiating, which subsequently generating a series of biochemical reactions and inducing cell death and damaging diseased tissues. Due to its advantages of non-invasion and safety, PDT has been widely applied in the treatment of skin diseases (such as: acnepsoriasis, dermatitis, in vitro sterilization) . Meanwhile, PDT, as an auxiliary method for the treatment of cancer, has proved to be effective in various types of cancer cells . Numerous studies indicating the use of PDT in oncology have been greatly improve the anticancer efficacy of curcumin over last several decades. In this review, we focus on the structures, metabolites of curcumin, and highlight the recent advances in anticancer activity of curcumin combined with PDT, with an emphasis on the potential mechanism involved in apoptosis and signal pathways.

    2. Curcumin

    Curcumin, a naturally fat-soluble polyphenolic compound, was first isolated from the plant Curcuma longa (Zingib eraceae family)  by Vogel and Pelletier in 1815 . It originated from India and is currently grown in Southeast Asia, China, and Latin America , which has a long edible history as food addition. Meanwhile, besides being a common spice, as pre Ayurvedic medicine, curcumin can be applied for various medical purposes, for instance, would healing, gastrointestinal inflammation, cough, sinusitisindigestion [1]. In addition to these, it has also shown great promise in the field of antibacterial , anti-inflammatory , anti-oxidation , anti-angiogenesis , anti-fungal , anti-proliferation , anti-invasion, and pro-apoptotic (Fig. 1[2

    CRediT authorship contribution statement

    Liguo Xie: Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, Conceptualization. Xiuling Ji: Writing – review & editing. Qi Zhang: Writing – review & editing. Yunlin Wei: Writing – review & editing, Supervision.


    Not applicable.

    Ethnic approval and consent to participate

    Not applicable.

    Conflict of interest statement

    The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


    This review would not have been possible without the consistent and valuable reference materials that I received from my supervisor, whose insightful guidance and enthusiastic encouragement in the course of my shaping this review definitely gain my deepest gratitude.

    Data Availability

    Data will be made available on request. Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.


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