13 februari 2006: Bron: Life Extensions website

Genisteïne en indole-3-carbinol uit o.a. soja en kruisvormige groenten zoals bv. broccoli repareren DNA schade. Dit blijkt uit een laboratorium studie waarvan de resultaten wel zijn gepubliceerd in the British Journal of Cancer wegens de opmerkelijk positieve resultaten. Opvallend is ook dat hoe langer en hoe hoger de doses de kankercellijnen (o.a. borstkankercellen) 'bewerkt' worden met deze stofjes de resultaten beter worden. Een interessante studie dus. Overigens uit de praktijk weten we dat zoveel mensen baat hebben met een aanvullende aanpak van hun kanker met bv. het Houtsmullerdieet en aanvullende vitamines en mineralen dat deze studie ons ook niet echt verrast. Wel verrassend is het dat the British Journal of Cancer deze resultaten publiceert. Lees ook de informatie onder onderzoek en voeding over bewezen studies naar effecten van voeding en voedingstoffen bij kanker of onder literatuurlijst van arts-bioloog drs. E. Valstar

Soy and cruciferous vegetables enhance DNA repair

The February 13, 2006 issue of the British Journal of Cancer reported the findings of researchers at Georgetown University's Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center that genistein and indole-3-carbinol, found in soy and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, enhance DNA repair. The finding could explain, in part, the protective effect these compounds have been shown to provide against some cancers.

After administering increasing doses of I3C and genistein to two prostate cancer and two breast cancer cell lines, the researchers found a rise in levels of BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins, which repair damaged DNA. Mutations in the genes for these proteins hinders DNA repair, which leads to the proliferation of abnormal cells and the initiation of cancer. Individuals with these mutations are at an increased risk of breast, ovarian, or prostate cancer. Because cancer cells have reduced amounts of the BRCA proteins, increasing these levels may be protective against the disease.

The increased expression of BRCA1 and BRCA2 occurred with relatively low doses of either compound, and became greater with more time exposure and with higher doses. When I3C and genistein were administered together in low doses to two of the cell lines, a synergistic effect resulted in a greater expression of BRCA2 than that elicited by either compound alone.

The study is among the first to discover a molecular explanation behind the ability of increased vegetable consumption to reduce cancer risk. Senior author and professor of oncology, cell biology, and radiation medicine at Georgetown University, Eliot M. Rosen, MD, PhD, commented, "It is now clear that the function of crucial cancer genes can be influenced by compounds in the things we eat. Our findings suggest a clear molecular process that would explain the connection between diet and cancer prevention."

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