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15 mei 2019: Bron: The Lancet

Wanneer bij patienten met uitgezaaide niet-kleincellige longkanker als eerste diagnosetechniek een Total Body MRI wordt uitgevoerd en daarna gevolgd door een specifiekere diagnosetechniek als biopsie, vaststelling van gradatie enz. dan blijkt er veel sneller een behandelplan uit te rollen in vergelijking met de standaard manier van diagnostiek. Het verschil was 13 versus 19 dagen. De behandeling kon daardoor sneller beginnen en blijkt ook effectiever te zijn in de dagelijkse praktijk.

Wat opvalt is dat de nauwkeurigheid van gradatie en specificatie van welke vorm van longkanker slechts respectievelijk 50 en 54 procent is voor total body MRI en standaard diagnose. Het blijkt namelijk dat het moeilijk is om botmetastases en hersenmetastases te ontdekken met een total body MRI maar ook met standaard diagnosetechnieken.

Uit het abstract van de studie: 

WB-MRI staging pathways have similar accuracy to standard pathways, and reduce the staging time and costs.
Toegevoegde waarde van deze studie volgens de onderzoekers:

Voor zover wij weten, is dit de grootste prospectieve multicenter studie tot nu toe, waarbij de diagnostische nauwkeurigheid van WB-MRI op gradatievaststelling (waar en hoeveel uitzaaiingen zijn er) wordt vergeleken met standaard diagnose bij patiënten die pas zijn gediagnosticeerd met niet-kleincellige longkanker, (NSCLC). We gebruikten een pragmatisch studieontwerp om de resultaten uit een diagnose in de klinische praktijk beter te testen en de effectiviteit van de vastgestelde kenmerken te onderzoeken in termen van aantal benodigde testen, tijd tot voltooiing van behandelplan en de kosten.

We vonden dat beide routes vergelijkbare nauwkeurigheid hadden voor het identificeren van patiënten met gemetastaseerde ziekte en dat de aard van de eerste belangrijke behandelingsbeslissing vergelijkbaar was. WB-MRI was wel efficiënter en verkortte de tijd om het behandelplan te voltooien en de kosten te verminderen.

Uit het studierapport:

Sensitivity of staging for patients with metastatic disease was 50% (95% CI 37–63) for WB-MRI and 54% (41–67) for standard pathways, a difference of 4% (−7 to 15, p=0·73; figure 2, table 2). For the primary outcome, there were seven perceptual errors in the WB-MRI pathway and three in the standard pathway. No adverse events (serious or non-serious) were reported during the trial.

Figure thumbnail gr2
Figure 2WB-MRI and standard staging pathways sensitivity and specificity for patients with metastatic disease against the consensus reference standard

Het volledige studierapport: 

Diagnostic accuracy of whole-body MRI versus standard imaging pathways for metastatic disease in newly diagnosed non-small-cell lung cancer: the prospective Streamline L trial  is volledig gratis in te zien.

Hier het abstract van de studie:

Published:May 09, 2019DOI:

Diagnostic accuracy of whole-body MRI versus standard imaging pathways for metastatic disease in newly diagnosed non-small-cell lung cancer: the prospective Streamline L trial



Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) could be an alternative to multi-modality staging of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), but its diagnostic accuracy, effect on staging times, number of tests needed, cost, and effect on treatment decisions are unknown. We aimed to prospectively compare the diagnostic accuracy and efficiency of WB-MRI-based staging pathways with standard pathways in NSCLC.


The Streamline L trial was a prospective, multicentre trial done in 16 hospitals in England. Eligible patients were 18 years or older, with newly diagnosed NSCLC that was potentially radically treatable on diagnostic chest CT (defined as stage IIIb or less). Exclusion criteria were severe systemic disease, pregnancy, contraindications to MRI, or histologies other than NSCLC. Patients underwent WB-MRI, the result of which was withheld until standard staging investigations were complete and the first treatment decision made. The multidisciplinary team recorded its treatment decision based on standard investigations, then on the WB-MRI staging pathway (WB-MRI plus additional tests generated), and finally on all tests. The primary outcome was difference in per-patient sensitivity for metastases between standard and WB-MRI staging pathways against a consensus reference standard at 12 months, in the per-protocol population. Secondary outcomes were difference in per-patient specificity for metastatic disease detection between standard and WB-MRI staging pathways, differences in treatment decisions, staging efficiency (time taken, test number, and costs) and per-organ sensitivity and specificity for metastases and per-patient agreement for local T and N stage. This trial is registered with the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial registry, number ISRCTN50436483, and is complete.


Between Feb 26, 2013, and Sept 5, 2016, 976 patients were screened for eligibility. 353 patients were recruited, 187 of whom completed the trial; 52 (28%) had metastasis at baseline. Pathway sensitivity was 50% (95% CI 37–63) for WB-MRI and 54% (41–67) for standard pathways, a difference of 4% (−7 to 15, p=0·73). No adverse events related to imaging were reported. Specificity did not differ between WB-MRI (93% [88–96]) and standard pathways (95% [91–98], p=0·45). Agreement with the multidisciplinary team's final treatment decision was 98% for WB-MRI and 99% for the standard pathway. Time to complete staging was shorter for WB-MRI (13 days [12–14]) than for the standard pathway (19 days [17–21]); a 6-day (4–8) difference. The number of tests required was similar WB-MRI (one [1–1]) and standard pathways (one [1–2]). Mean per-patient costs were £317 (273–361) for WBI-MRI and £620 (574–666) for standard pathways.


WB-MRI staging pathways have similar accuracy to standard pathways, and reduce the staging time and costs.


UK National Institute for Health Research.

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