10 september 2011: Bron: J Support Oncol. 2009 Sep–Oct; 7(5): 158–167.
Wanneer prostaatkanker- en borstkankerpatienten tijdens de periode van bestraling dagelijks een gericht aerobicprogramma met sporten en bewegen uitvoeren dan blijken deze patienten minder moe te zijn en ervaren de bestralingsperiode als minder belastend in vergelijking met controlegroep die geen bewegingsprogramma uitvoerde. De positieve effecten bleven ook aanhouden na de bestralingsperiode. Dit blijkt uit een kleinschalige maar wel gerandomiseerde studie. Hieronder het abstract, onderaan artikel staat een referentielijst van vergelijkbare studies en als u hier klikt kunt u het volledige studierapport vrij inzien.
Results of fase I study provide positive preliminary evidence that exercise during radiation may be beneficial for cancer patients.
Source: J Support Oncol. 2009 Sep–Oct; 7(5): 158–167.
A 4-Week Home-Based Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Program During Radiation Therapy: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, James P. Wilmot Cancer Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Behavior Medicine Unit, Rochester, New York
Correspondence to: Karen M. Mustian, PhD, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, James P. Wilmot Cancer Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Behavioral Medicine Unit, Box 704, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14642; telephone: (585) 273-1796; fax: (585) 461-5601; Email: karen_mustian@urmc.rochester.edu

During radiation therapy, cancer patients may report cancer-related fatigue (CRF), which impairs aerobic capacity, strength, muscle mass, and, ultimately, quality of life (QOL). The purpose of this pilot clinical trial was to examine the feasibility and initial efficacy of a home-based aerobic and progressive resistance exercise intervention for aerobic capacity, strength, muscle mass, CRF, and QOL. Daily steps walked (DSW), daily minutes of resistance exercise (MRE), and number of resistance exercise days (RED) were assessed to evaluate intervention adherence. Breast and prostate cancer patients (n = 38) beginning radiation therapy were randomized to undergo 4 weeks of exercise or no exercise. Participants in the exercise group demonstrated good adherence to the exercise intervention, with significantly more DSW, MRE, and RED at post intervention and 3 month follow-up than controls. Participants in the exercise intervention exhibited significantly higher QOL and significantly lower CRF post intervention and at 3-month follow-up than controls. Results of this pilot study provide positive preliminary evidence that exercise during radiation may be beneficial for cancer patients. Read more>>>>>>
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25. Mustian KM, Katula JA, Zhao H. A pilot study to assess the influence of tai chi chuan on functional capacity among breast cancer survivors. J Support Oncol. 2006;4:139–145. 16553140. [PubMed]
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