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6 september 2019:

Recent is een nieuwe reviewstudie gepubliceerd over het New Castle Disease Virus bij de behandeling van kanker. Auteurs prof. dr. Volker Schirrmacher *, Dr. Stefaan van Gool en Wilfried Stuecker , allen werkzaam in het IOZK - Keulen. Zij werken al jaren met het Newcastle Disease Virus.

Klik op de titel van de studie voor het studierapport in PDF vorm: 

Breaking Therapy Resistance: An Update on Oncolytic Newcastle Disease Virus for Improvements of Cancer Therapy

Hier het abstract maar het studierapport is zeer uitgebreid. Zeker de moeite waard dit te lezen. 

Volker Schirrmacher *, Stefaan van Gool and Wilfried Stuecker Immune-Oncological Center Cologne (IOZK), D-50674 Cologne, Germany * Correspondence: Received: 30 July 2019; Accepted: 23 August 2019; Published: 30 August 2019 Abstract: Resistance to therapy is a major obstacle to cancer treatment. It may exist from the beginning, or it may develop during therapy. The review focusses on oncolytic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) as a biological agent with potential to break therapy resistance. This avian virus combines, upon inoculation into non-permissive hosts such as human, 12 described anti-neoplastic effects with 11 described immune stimulatory properties. Fifty years of clinical application of NDV give witness to the high safety profile of this biological agent. In 2015, an important milestone was achieved, namely the successful production of NDV according to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Based on this, IOZK in Cologne, Germany, obtained a GMP certificate for the production of a dendritic cell vaccine loaded with tumor antigens from a lysate of patient-derived tumor cells together with immunological danger signals from NDV for intracutaneous application. This update includes single case reports and retrospective analyses from patients treated at IOZK. The review also presents future perspectives, including the concept of in situ vaccination and the combination of NDV or other oncolytic viruses with checkpoint inhibitors.

10 mei 2011: Lees wel ook dit als u overweegt een consult te doen bij dr. Gorter:  Klik hier of onder vragen voor uitvoerige uitleg waarom wij dr. Robert Gorter geen betrouwbare arts meer vinden. Het Newcastle Disease Virus als behandeling staat wat ons betreft niet ter discussie, zie ook onderstaande studie

Update 10 mei 2010: Bron: 1: Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2008 May 17. [Epub ahead of print]Click here to read Links

Immuuntherapie aangevuld met Newcastle Disease Virus geeft significant meer overall overleving bij dikkedarmkanker patienten met leveruitzaaiingen na operatieve ingreep in vergelijking met controlegroep die alleen immuuntherapie kreeg toegediend, blijkt uit kleinschalige gerandomiseerde studie met 50 patienten. Wel opmerkelijk dat de mensen met endeldarmkanker weinig of geen verschil lieten zien maar de mensen met dikkedarmkanker juist een significant verschil hgadden in ziektevrije tijd en overall overleving. Het Newcastle Disease Virus is een optie maar er is nog relatief beperkte informatie over. Zie ook de  videofilm van Wim Kloosterboer die met o.a. het Newcastle Disease Virus gecombineerd met hyperthermie en dendritische celtherapie nu al jaren volledig klinisch kankervirj is van een recidief van primaire leverkanker met uitzaaiingen in de longen. Een heel bijzonder verhaal. Klik op videoknop linksboven deze pagina voor andere patienten ervaringen met complementaire aanpak of ga naar website van het SNFK voor voorlichtingsfilms over verschillende vormen van complementaire aanpak van kanker.

Efficiency of adjuvant active specific immunization with Newcastle disease virus modified tumor cells in colorectal cancer patients following resection of liver metastases: results of a prospective randomized trial.

Department of Surgery and Surgical Oncology, Robert-Rössle-Klinik Berlin, Charité, Campus Buch, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Klinik für Chirurgie und Chirurgische Onkologie, Lindenberger Weg 80, 13125, Berlin, Germany,

PURPOSE: Metastatic disease is a major cause of mortality in colorectal cancer patients. Even after complete resection of isolated liver metastases, recurrence develops in the majority of patients. Therefore, development of strategies to prevent recurrent liver metastases is of major clinical importance. The present prospectively randomised phase III trial investigates the efficiency of active specific immunotherapy (ASI) after liver resection for hepatic metastases of colorectal cancer.

METHODS: Patients with histologically confirmed liver metastases from colorectal cancer were randomised to the vaccination or control group. After complete resection of liver metastases, patients randomised to the vaccination group received six doses of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) infected autologous tumour cell vaccine (ATV-NDV). The primary end-point was overall survival, secondary end-points were disease-free survival and metastases-free survival.

RESULTS: Fifty-one patients were enrolled in the study with 50 patients available for analysis. The follow-up period was 116.1 +/- 23.8 month in the vaccination arm and 112.4 +/- 18.5 month in the control group. In the total patient group, no differences in the primary and secondary end-points were detected. Most interestingly, subgroup analysis revealed a significant advantage for vaccinated colon cancer patients with respect to overall survival [hazard ratio: 3.3; 95%, confidence interval (CI): 1.0-10.4; P = 0.042] and metastases-free survival (hazard ratio: 2.7; 95%, CI: 1.0-7.4; P = 0.047) in the intention-to-treat analysis.

CONCLUSION: Active specific immunotherapy in unselected colorectal cancer patients was not effective for prevention of recurrent metastatic disease. However, in colon cancer patients, ASI with ATV-NDV appears to be beneficial prolonging overall and metastases-free survival.

PMID: 18488223 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD.
Medical Center Cologne
Eduardus Krankenhaus
Custodisstrasse 3-17
50679 Cologne
Tel: +49 221 788 030


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