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6 september 2019:

Recent is een nieuwe reviewstudie gepubliceerd over het New Castle Disease Virus bij de behandeling van kanker. Auteurs prof. dr. Volker Schirrmacher *, Dr. Stefaan van Gool en Wilfried Stuecker , allen werkzaam in het IOZK - Keulen. Zij werken al jaren met het Newcastle Disease Virus.

Klik op de titel van de studie voor het studierapport in PDF vorm: 

Breaking Therapy Resistance: An Update on Oncolytic Newcastle Disease Virus for Improvements of Cancer Therapy

Hier het abstract maar het studierapport is zeer uitgebreid. Zeker de moeite waard dit te lezen. 

Volker Schirrmacher *, Stefaan van Gool and Wilfried Stuecker Immune-Oncological Center Cologne (IOZK), D-50674 Cologne, Germany * Correspondence: Received: 30 July 2019; Accepted: 23 August 2019; Published: 30 August 2019 Abstract: Resistance to therapy is a major obstacle to cancer treatment. It may exist from the beginning, or it may develop during therapy. The review focusses on oncolytic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) as a biological agent with potential to break therapy resistance. This avian virus combines, upon inoculation into non-permissive hosts such as human, 12 described anti-neoplastic effects with 11 described immune stimulatory properties. Fifty years of clinical application of NDV give witness to the high safety profile of this biological agent. In 2015, an important milestone was achieved, namely the successful production of NDV according to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Based on this, IOZK in Cologne, Germany, obtained a GMP certificate for the production of a dendritic cell vaccine loaded with tumor antigens from a lysate of patient-derived tumor cells together with immunological danger signals from NDV for intracutaneous application. This update includes single case reports and retrospective analyses from patients treated at IOZK. The review also presents future perspectives, including the concept of in situ vaccination and the combination of NDV or other oncolytic viruses with checkpoint inhibitors.

10 mei 2011: Lees wel ook dit als u overweegt een consult te doen bij dr. Gorter:  Klik hier of onder vragen voor uitvoerige uitleg waarom wij dr. Robert Gorter geen betrouwbare arts meer vinden. Het Newcastle Disease Virus als behandeling staat wat ons betreft niet ter discussie.

15 augustus 2010: Onderstaande berichtgeving is nog steeds actueel. Het Newcastle Disease Virus en andere virussen worden meer en meer ingezet bij het bestrijden van kanker..  Als u hier klikt kunt u het volledige studierapport gratis inzien van een studie uit 2011. Met de titel: 

Onder dit artikel staat het abstract van genoemde studie plus een referentielijst.

15 februari 2010: Bron: Methods Mol Biol. 2009;542:565-605.

Het New Castle Disease Virus en andere vormen van virussen zoals het Reovirus wordt meer en meer ingezet in het bestrijden van kanker waarbij de nadruk ligt op het immunologische effect. Ook wordt het Newcastle Disease Virus vaak ingezet als ondersteuning van de dendritische celtherapie. In Heidelberg hebben ze een overzichtstudie gepubliceerd van studies naar de effecten van het Newcastle Disease Virus bij kanker.

Hieronder het abstract.

Twee Finse wetenschappers schreven een interessante analyse over het gebruik van o.a. virussen in een oncologische setting. Dit is een puur wetenschappelijk artikel, ook nog in het Engels maar voor artsen en wetenschappers wel interessant lijkt ons. Klik hier voor het PDF artikel: Samenvatting: The major obstacle in cancer gene therapy continues to be insufficient transduction of tumor cells and consequently poor therapeutic effect. However, several approaches have been developed to improve gene transfer rates. First, alternative viral vectors can be explored to find optimal gene transfer vehicles for each purpose. Secondly, viral vectors can be re-targeted to cancer cells, which can simultaneously enhance gene transfer to tumors and diminish
undesired side effects in healthy tissue. In addition, it is possible to exploit viral replication per se to destroy cancer cells. To avoid side effects and increase the safety of these oncolytic agents, replication can be limited to tumor cells by partially deleting areas of the viral genome or by using tissue specific promoters to drive viral genes responsible for replication. Instead or in addition to modifying the gene transfer vector, one possibility is to modify the
therapeutic gene so that the resulting therapeutic protein can spread to surrounding cells and thus compensate for low gene transfer efficiency and enhance therapeutic outcome.

Hier het abstract van de overzichtstudie met het Newcastle Disease Virus:

Methods Mol Biol. 2009;542:565-605.

Newcastle disease virus: a promising vector for viral therapy, immune therapy, and gene therapy of cancer.

Schirrmacher V, Fournier P.

Division of Cellular Immunology (D010), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany.

This review deals with the avian paramyxovirus Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and describes properties that explain its oncolytic activity, its tumor-selective replication behavior, and its immune-stimulatory capacity with human cells. The strong interferon response of normal cells upon contact with NDV appears to be the basis for the good tolerability of the virus in cancer patients and for its immune stimulatory properties, whereas the weak interferon response of tumor cells explains the tumor selectivity of replication and oncolysis. Various concepts for the use of this virus for cancer treatment are pointed out and results from clinical studies are summarized. Reverse genetics technology has made it possible recently to clone the genome and to introduce new foreign genes thus generating new recombinant viruses. These can, in the future, be used to transfer new therapeutic genes into tumors and also to immunize against new emerging pathogens. The modular nature of gene transcription, the undetectable rate of recombination, and the lack of a DNA phase in the replication cycle make NDV a suitable candidate for the rational design of a safe and stable vaccine and gene therapy vector.

PMID: 19565923 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Safety and clinical usage of Newcastle Disease Virus in cancer therapy

J Biomed Biotechnol. 2011;2011:718710. Epub 2011 Oct 26.

Safety and clinical usage of newcastle disease virus in cancer therapy.


Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.


Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is an avian virus that causes deadly infection to over 250 species of birds, including domestic and wild-type, thus resulting in substantial losses to the poultry industry worldwide. Many reports have demonstrated the oncolytic effect of NDV towards human tumor cells. The interesting aspect of NDV is its ability to selectively replicate in cancer cells. Some of the studies have undergone human clinical trials, and favorable results were obtained. Therefore, NDV strains can be the potential therapeutic agent in cancer therapy. However, investigation on the therapeutic perspectives of NDV, especially human immunological effects, is still ongoing. This paper provides an overview of the current studies on the cytotoxic and anticancer effect of NDV via direct oncolysis effects or immune stimulation. Safety of NDV strains applied for cancer immunotherapy is also discussed in this paper.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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