5 juni9 2011: met dank aan Kees Noorlander die me erop wees dat de link naar het volledige artikel waaruit we hebben geciteerd, veranderd is. Ik heb deze link gecorrigeerd in onderstaande introductie.
Via contacten in Amerika werd mijn aandacht gevestigd op een site waar uitleg wordt gegeven waarom in de ogen van de auteur chemo slecht zou zijn en niet meer zou zijn dan een middel dat de farmaceutische industrie promoot om er zelf erg veel rijker van te worden. Nu ken ik die verhalen al wel een beetje en soms neem ik ze ook met een korreltje zout omdat ik vermoed dat zowel voor- als tegenstanders van iets geneigd zijn te overdrijven en alles rooskleuriger of juist negatiever voor te stellen dan het werkelijk is. Maar na dit lange Engelse artikel gelezen te hebben ben ik wel onder de indruk, ook omdat het artikel gestaafd wordt met wetenschappelijk gepubliceerde studies enz. Zonder nou direct te zeggen dat chemo geen optie is in een kankerbehandeling, want zelf heb ik er ook voor gekozen toen ik met mijn rug tegen de muur stond (zie medische dossier Kees) lijkt het me toch zinnig om eens kennis te nemen van wat in dit artikel wordt beschreven. Hier volgen enkele citaten, maar voor wie het hele complete artikel wilt lezen klikt hier. Door de plaatjes in het artikel en de lengte ervan duurt het even voordat het is ingeladen, maar wachten is zeer de moeite waard is mijn persoonlijke mening. Zie bv. deze citaten gedaan door gerenommeerde reguliere oncologen..
“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors.” Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer, Marcus Books, 1990
Consider the following statement from cancer specialist, Professor Charles Mathe, who declared: “If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. Cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance.” [5]
Walter Last, writing in The Ecologist, reported recently: “After analysing cancer survival statistics for several decades, Dr Hardin Jones, Professor at the University of California, concluded “...patients are as well, or better off untreated. Jones’ disturbing assessment has never been refuted.” [6]
Or what about this?
“Many medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure.”- Albert Braverman MD 1991 Lancet 1991 337 p901 “Medical Oncology in the 90s”
Or this?
“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors.” - Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer
or even this?
“Despite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer mortality has not changed in the last 70 years”- Thomas Dao, MD NEJM Mar 1975 292 p 707
Of deze zinnen geschreven door een patiënte met borstkanker, verderop in het artikel word beschreven hoe ze met een naturlijke aanpak, o.a. vit. B17 en vitamine C. toch is genezen:
Two years ago, Hazel was diagnosed with breast cancer. She described her chemotherapy as the worst experience of her life. “This highly toxic fluid was being injected into my veins. The nurse administering it was wearing protective gloves because it would burn her skin if just a tiny drip came into contact with it. I couldn’t help asking myself “If such precautions were needed to be taken on the outside, what is it doing to me on the inside?” From 7 pm that evening, I vomited solidly for two and a half days. During my treatment, I lost my hair by the handful, I lost my appetite, my skin colour, my zest for life. I was death on legs.”
Dat Ralph Moss chemo in een kankerbehandeling op z'n minst discutabel acht maakt hij wel duidelijk in zijn boek Questioning chemotherapy (zie kanker en boeken o.a.), maar wat te denken van wat daarop volgt:
Dr Ralph Moss is the author of ‘The Cancer Industry’ - a shocking expose of the world of conventional cancer politics and practice. Interviewed live on the Laurie Lee show in 1994, Moss stated: “In the end, there is no proof that chemotherapy actually extends life in the vast majority of cases , and this is the great lie about chemotherapy, that somehow there is a correlation between shrinking a tumour and extending the life of a patient.” [9]
Scientists based at McGill Cancer Centre sent a questionnaire to 118 lung cancer doctors to determine what degree of faith these practicing cancer physicians placed in the therapies they administered. They were asked to imagine that they had cancer and were asked which of six current trials they would choose. 79 doctors responded of which 64 would not consent to be in any trial containing Cisplatin one of the common chemotherapydrugs they were trialling, (currently achieving worldwide sales of about $110,000,000 a year) And 58 of the 79 found that all the trials in question were unacceptable due to the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy and its unacceptably high degree of toxicity. [10]10a Chemotherapy - an unproven procedure
En wordt in dit artikel beetje beetje blootgelegd waar het in de ogen van de auteur werkelijk omgaat. Het artikel over chemotherapie wordt besloten met dit wat mij persoonlijk wel aanspreekt, maar ieder mag daar natuurlijk een andere mening over hebben:
Writing in the UK Guardian on thursday, 7th February, 2002, senior health editor Sarah Bosely reports that:
“Scientists are accepting large sums of money from drug companies to put their names to articles endorsing new medicines that they have not written - a growing practice that some fear is putting scientific integrity in jeopardy.”
These supposed guardians of our health are being paid what to say. Said one physician in the article, “What day is it today? I'm just working out what drug I'm supporting today.” From top to bottom, 21st century medicine is being bought and taught to think of all medical treatment in terms of pharmaceutical intervention only.
Aside from the politicking and the big business string-pulling taking place behind the scenes, our minds are also being washed with the constant froth of emotive, unfounded, pro-establishment, populist headlines such as Another breakthrough at UCLA! … (yes…but with mice.) It’s in the genes! (another £5 million NOW will help us to isolate the gene in 2010……perhaps.) Excitement at latest oncology findings! (Buoyant opening paragraph, descending into the usual mixture of hope extinguished by caution and the obligatory appeal to the pocket.) Cancer vaccine close! (Yes, and close since 1975 actually. But please, continue to give generously, because next time, it could be you!)
And so it goes on. And all the while, the mortality statistics worsen. Yet still, the money - our money - just keeps on rolling in. On that note, The Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research states: “The next time you are asked to donate to a cancer organisation, bear in mind that your money will be used to sustain an industry which has been deemed by many eminent scientists as a qualified failure and by others, as a complete fraud.”
De auteur van het artikel over chemo bespreekt ook de positieve werking van voeding en met name vitamine C en B17 (laetrille). In het artikel kunt u zelf al een en ander lezen over B17 en vitamine C.
5 juni 2011: Op onze site staat natuurlijk inmiddels ook veel over niet toxische middelen en aanvullende natuurlijke aanpak, zie onder complementair bv.
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