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29 juni 2012: Bron: ASCO 2012

Vitamine D3 plus calcium aanvullend op aromatase remmers zoals femara - letrozole bij borstkanker (stadium I, II en III) vermindert significant botafbraak, gewrichtspijnen en vermoeidheid. Dit blijkt uit een dubbelblinde gerandomiseerde placebo gecontroleerde studie bij totaal 147 vrouwen met borstkanker en de resultaten werden gepresenteerd op ASCO 2012.

"Aromatase remmers zijn een van de belangrijkste endocriene behandelingen voor borstkanker, maar het probleem is dat ongeveer de helft van de vrouwen ernstige spierpijn en gewrichtspijn ondervind van deze middelen. Zo zegt 18% tot 30% van de vrouwen ernstig vermoeid te raken, pijn te ervaren en daardoor stopt ca. 10% van deze vrouwen met de inname van deze aromatase remmers." zegt Qamar J. Khan, MD, van de Universiteit van Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City en onderzoeksleider van genoemde studie. Hij voegt eraan toe dat pijnstillers eigenlijk de enige beschikbare behandelingsoptie is.


Voor de studie werden 147 vrouwen met borstkanker stadium I tot III willekeurig ingedeeld in twee groepen. 1 groep kreeg femara - letrozol en wekelijks standaard suppletie met vitamine D3 (600 IE) en calcium (1200 mg) en 1 groep kreeg femara - letrozole plus een placebo. Doel was te onderzoeken of er verschil in vermoeidheid, botafbraak, gewrichtspijnen en spierpijnen werden gezien tussen de twee groepen. En het vitamine D gehalte werd regelmatig gemeten.
De resultaten toonden aan dat wekelijks vitamine D suppletie de eerste drie maanden een aanzienlijke toename liet zien van het serologische 25 (OH) D niveau (22 ng / mL 53 ng / ml) en stabiliseerde op dat niveau de volgende drie maanden (week 24, 57 ng / mL).

Volgens Dr Khan, wordt een 25 (OH) D-spiegel lager dan 20 ng / ml gezien als deficiënt - ontoereikend voor een gezonde botstructuur, wat vooral van cruciaal belang is voor vrouwen die aromatase remmers gebruiken, want deze kunnen botverlies veroorzaken als negatief effect van de aromatase remmers

Met behulp van een eenvoudige beschrijvende pijnintensiteit schaal werd een vergelijking gemaakt.  Slechts 37% van de vrouwen die het vitamine D3 supplement gebruikten maakten melding van gewrichtspijn, verminderde mobiliteit door pijn in de gewrichten, of het stoppen met femara - letrozol binnen de 6 maanden studieduur in vergelijking met 51% van de vrouwen uit de placebo groep (P = 0,069).

Daarnaast bleken significant minder patiënten die een vitamine D3 supplement kregen melding te maken van verergering van de pijn, nog mindere mobiliteit of verergering van de vermoeidheid (42% vs 72%, P <.001). Vitamine D suppletie werd niet geassocieerd met andere bijwerkingen, waaronder stenen en hypercalciëmie.

Volgens Dr Khan, zou iedere vrouw die femara - letrozole krijgt een basis niveau van 25 (OH) D moeten hebben om zo optimaal te kunnen profiteren van een behandeling met aromatase remmers. Dr. Kahn adviseert zodra een basis niveau is bereikt 1x per jaar deze te testen en bij een neergang vitamine D suppletie te hervatten.

Vragen die overblijven na deze studie zijn volgens andere specialisten die aanwezig waren op ASCO:  Hoe lang gaan we door met suppletie? Als je mensen tot een bepaald niveau hebt gebracht, hoe behoud je dat, en moet je de dosis, afhankelijk van het seizoen of klimaat variëren? Hoe vaak is er controle? Dit zijn allemaal zeer belangrijke vragen en daarvoor zou een grote fase III studie nodig zijn.  

Er is zover wij kunnen zien nog geen volledig studierapport gepubliceerd. Hieronder wel het abstract zoals dat op ASCO werd gepresenteerd. Daaronder nog een ander abstract dat aantoont dat vitamine D suppletie naast femara - letrozole significant botafbraak en vermoeidheid kan voorkomen. Dit volledige studierapport Effect of baseline serum vitamin D levels on aromatase inhibitors induced musculoskeletal symptoms: results from the IBIS-II, chemoprevention study using anastrozole is op de website van Springerlink tegen betaling in te zien.

Supplementation with vitamin D may reduce musculoskeletal pain and fatigue among women starting adjuvant aromatase inhibitor therapy - femara - letrozole - for breast cancer treatment

Source: ASCO 2012

Vitamin D Supplementation Viable for Reducing Pain during Breast Cancer Therapy

High serologic vitamin D levels may reduce local infl ammation, conferring a potentially protective effect against common causes of therapy discontinuation. Supplementation with vitamin D may reduce musculoskeletal pain and fatigue among women starting adjuvant aromatase inhibitor (AI) therapy for breast cancer treatment. The addition of 30,000 IU/ week of vitamin D3 to letrozole therapy resulted in fewer reports of musculoskeletal pain compared with placebo in a trial of 147 women (Abstract 9000).

During Monday’s Patient and Survivor Care Oral Abstract Session, Qamar J. Khan, MD, of the University of Kansas Medical Center, presented the results of the phase III randomized, placebocontrolled, double-blind VITAL study.

The ability of clinicians to reduce pain, fatigue, and other issues often associated with cancer therapy could have important implications for improving compliance. Notably, Dr. Khan said, around 50% of women taking adjuvant AIs for breast cancer report new or worsening musculoskeletal pain, and 18% to 30% report fatigue.

“These are significant causes of women prematurely discontinuing therapy,” Dr. Khan said.

Fewer Reported Musculoskeletal Events For the study, 147 evaluable women with stage I to III breast cancer were enrolled to receive letrozole therapy plus a standard dose of vitamin D (600 IU) plus calcium (1,200 mg) daily.

Patients were then randomly assigned to receive an additional 30,000 IU/week of vitamin D3 or placebo. Patients were assessed at baseline and again at weeks 12 and 24 for vitamin D levels using a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test and symptom questionnaires.

Three patients, all in the placebo arm, discontinued therapy early due to musculoskeletal pain. In the vitamin D arm, blood levels rose from 22 ng/mL at baseline to 53 ng/mL at week 12 and 57 ng/ mL at week 24. In the placebo arm, blood vitamin D levels increased from 25 ng/ mL at baseline to 32 ng/mL at week 12 and 31 ng/mL at week 24 (Figure).

According to Dr. Khan, serologic vitamin D levels below 20 ng/mL are considered deficient for bone health. In fact, part of the rationale for the study is that a syndrome similar to musculoskeletal pain associated with use of AIs has been observed in patients with severe vitamin D deficiency. Additionally, vitamin D deficiency is common among women with breast cancer who have musculoskeletal symptoms, as well as among women undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy despite supplementation.

A higher proportion of women in the placebo arm (51%) experienced a protocol- defined musculoskeletal event compared with 37% in the vitamin D arm, as evaluated with the Simple Descriptive Pain Intensity Scale (p = 0.069). However, using the quantitative Brief Pain Inventory, 61% of patients in the placebo arm and 38% in the vitamin D arm reported a musculoskeletal event (p = 0.008).

The study also evaluated the incidence of an adverse quality-of-life event as a secondary endpoint, and found a signifi- cantly higher percentage of women in the placebo arm (72%) reported a musculoskeletal event and fatigue compared with 42% in the vitamin D arm (p < 0.001).

Remaining Questions

The mechanism of action defining the benefit of vitamin D in this setting is unclear, Dr. Khan said. However, it is likely that AIs induce estrogen deprivation, thereby slowing local production of calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol), which is important in limiting joint infl ammation. As a result, stimulating higher doses of calcidiol (25-hydroxycholecalciferol)—a prehormone produced in the liver as a result of hydroxylation of vitamin D, which is converted to calcitriol in the kidney— may have benefit, Dr. Khan said. Even less clear, according to Discussant Karen M. Mustian, PhD, MPH, of the University of Rochester Medical Center, is how long it takes for nutritional supplementation to provide benefi t, and how sustainable the benefit is.

The former is a crucial component of nutritional supplementation, Dr. Mustian said, because a lag in treatment benefit might still cause some women to discontinue therapy.

The phase III VITAL trial was designed only to evaluate subjects at baseline, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks, with primary and secondary endpoints evaluated upon study completion, so answering these questions is difficult, Dr. Khan said.

However, patients in the study taking the additional vitamin D achieved high and presumably protective levels of serologic vitamin D at 12 weeks and appeared to maintain that level until study completion.

This leveling off suggests that it may be feasible to load the body to suffi- cient vitamin D levels and then maintain that benefit long term.

Effect of baseline serum vitamin D levels on aromatase inhibitors induced musculoskeletal symptoms: results from the IBIS-II, chemoprevention study using anastrozole

Source: Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Apr;132(2):625-9. Epub 2011 Dec 25.

Effect of baseline serum vitamin D levels on aromatase inhibitors induced musculoskeletal symptoms: results from the IBIS-II, chemoprevention study using anastrozole.


Centre for Cancer Prevention, Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Queen Mary University of London, London EC1M 6BQ, UK. drshalinisingh@yahoo.com


Severe deficiency of vitamin D in adults can cause musculoskeletal pain, stiffness, and joint discomfort. Musculoskeletal symptoms similar to those associated with vitamin D deficiency are frequently seen in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant aromatase inhibitors (AIs). This is presumably due to oestrogen deficiency caused by AIs. However, no data are available on serum levels of vitamin D and their relation to developing musculoskeletal symptoms/arthralgia in women receiving an AI. IBIS-II is a multicentre randomized placebo controlled trial of the AI, anastrozole, in postmenopausal women aged 40-70 years, who are at increased risk of breast cancer. Serum vitamin D levels were measured for 416 participants. The samples were sent for assays in three batches: the first two batches (n = 250) included paired serum samples and the third batch (n = 166) included paired samples and samples from women who had arthralgia within the first year of follow-up. At entry, 56 (13%) women had adequate (≥ 30 ng/ml), 173 (41%) had inadequate (≥ 20-< 30 ng/mL), 167 (40%) were deficient (> 10-< 20 ng/mL), and 24 (6%) were severely deficient (< 10 ng/mL). At the time of analysis, 225 out of 834 (27%) women had reported arthralgia within the first year of follow-up. Baseline serum vitamin D levels did not significantly predict arthralgia within the first year of follow-up either in the overall group (OR 0.87 (95% CI: 0.67, 1.13; P = 0.30) or separately in the anastrozole (P = 0.60) or placebo groups (P = 0.38). Absolute serum levels of vitamin D increased significantly at one year in the anastrozole group (2.88 ng/ml, [1.71, 4.06; P < 0.0001]) but not in the placebo group (0.75 ng/ml [-0.35, 1.85; P = 0.18]). Only a small and a nonsignificant effect of baseline vitamin D levels were seen on the risk of musculoskeletal symptoms. This does not appear to be a major determinant of risk for these symptoms.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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