29 juni 2012: De rol van vitamine D blijkt groot te zijn gezien de vele publicaties daarover. Dr. Mercola heeft een video gepubliceerd op zijn website met een lezing over de rol van vitamine D. bij verschillende ziektes waaronder kanker. .  Klik hier om deze video te zien, is wel engelstalig

Op de website van Wiley Online Library is het volledige studierapport van Cancer survival is dependent on season of diagnosis and sunlight exposure tegen betaling te verkijgen. Onderaan nog twee abstracten van studies geplaatst die een opmerkelijk verschil laten zien in sterfte tussen paiënten die in de winter werden gediagnosteerd en in andere seizoenen. En een studie naar het effect van vitamine D. en zonnebankgebruik bij het optreden van kanker bij de bevolking in Noorwegen, waarvan het volledige studie rapport: Solar Radiation, Vitamin D and Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Norway gratis is in te zien. Zoals ook onderstaande studie heel opmerkelijk is.

5 mei 2006: Bron: Int J Cancer. 2006 May 2

Het overleven van kanker wordt sterk beinvloed door zonlicht en het seizoen waarin de diagnose plaatsvond en met de behandeling werd gestart. Wie de pech had in de winter de diagnose te krijgen heeft significant minder kans op oveleven dan wie in het voorjaar of zomer wordt gediagnosteerd. Dit lijkt alles te maken te hebben met de aanmaak van vitamine D. aldus de onderzoekers. Er is ook een duidelijk verschil tussen vrouwen en mannen en lijken vrouwen met borstkanker en mannen en vrouwen met longkanker het meest van de zon te profiteren. Conclusie van de onderzoekers is dat vitamine D een belangrijke rol speelt bij kanker. Deze gegevens komen uit een studie onder 1 miljoen kankerpatiënten in Engeland van de afgelopen 25 jaar.

Cancer survival is dependent on season of diagnosis and sunlight exposure.

Lim HS, Roychoudhuri R, Peto J, Schwartz G, Baade P, Moller H. King's College London, Thames Cancer Registry, London, United Kingdom.

Sunlight is essential for the production of vitamin D in the body. Evidence exists to suggest that vitamin D metabolites may have a role in tumor growth suppression. In this large study, involving over a million cancer patients from the United Kingdom, we have analyzed the role of season of diagnosis and sunlight exposure in cancer survival for cancers of the breast, colorectum, lung, prostate and at all sites combined. We used population-based data from the Thames Cancer Registry to analyze cancer survival in periods 0-1 and 0-5 years after diagnosis. The analysis was performed using Cox proportional regression analysis adjusting for age and period at diagnosis and including season of diagnosis and sunlight exposure in the preceding months as factors in the analysis. We found evidence of substantial seasonality in cancer survival, with diagnosis in summer and autumn associated with improved survival compared with that in winter, especially in female breast cancer patients and both male and female lung cancer patients (hazard ratios 0.86 [95% CI 0.83-0.89], 0.95 [95% CI 0.92-0.97] and 0.95 [95% CI 0.93-0.98] respectively). Cumulative sunlight exposure in the months preceding diagnosis was also a predictor of subsequent survival, although season of diagnosis was a stronger predictor than cumulative sunlight exposure. We found seasonality in cancer survival to be stronger in women than in men. Our results add to a growing body of evidence that vitamin D metabolites play an important role in cancer survival. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

PMID: 16671100 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Distinct mortality reduction observed in the long term amongst those diagnosed in the autumn, especially amongst breast cancer patients, may indicate the presence of a seasonally variable protective mechanism

Int J Cancer. 2009 May 15;124(10):2436-41.

Season of cancer diagnosis exerts distinct effects upon short- and long-term survival.


Thames Cancer Registry, Division of Cancer Studies, King's College London, Capital House, London, United Kingdom.


Several epidemiological studies have shown an association between the season in which certain cancers are diagnosed and survival, with diagnosis in summer and autumn being associated with better survival. In this study, we have added resolution to the analysis of seasonality in cancer survival by considering mortality within several nonoverlapping time periods following diagnosis, thereby quantifying the separate contributions of mechanisms operating in the short term and in the longer term. We found evidence of seasonality acting on mortality within 2 distinct periods following diagnosis. Diagnosis in the summer was associated with substantially decreased mortality within the first month of diagnosis compared with winter in men with prostate cancer, those of both sexes with colorectal or lung cancer, and most strikingly, amongst women with breast cancer (hazard ratio 0.81 [95% confidence interval 0.75-0.86]). Adjusting for monthly variations in general mortality greatly attenuated the seasonal effects on short-term mortality. At long-term follow-up (>5 years), there was a consistent shift in the seasonality pattern, with autumn diagnosis alone being associated with decreased mortality, both in female breast cancer cases and in lung cancer cases of both sexes. We conclude that the higher survival observed amongst patients diagnosed in summer and autumn is predominantly a short-term phenomenon that is largely attributable to generally higher mortality in winter. However, the distinct mortality reduction observed in the long term amongst those diagnosed in the autumn, especially amongst breast cancer patients, may indicate the presence of a seasonally variable protective mechanism.

(c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Solar radiation, vitamin D and cancer incidence and mortality in Norway.

Anticancer Res. 2009 Sep;29(9):3501-9.

Solar radiation, vitamin D and cancer incidence and mortality in Norway.


Department of Radiation Biology, Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet HF, Oslo, Norway.


Solar radiation is of fundamental importance for human development and health: On the one hand, too much of it can lead to skin ageing and skin cancer, whilst on the other, too little of it can result in vitamin D deficiency, and, thereby lead to high incidence and poor prognosis of internal cancer as well as a number of other diseases. The following data, mostly from Norway, will be reviewed: Variation of ambient solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) and vitamin D status with season and latitude, variation of incidence rates and prognosis of skin cancer and variation of prognosis of internal cancer with latitude and season. In short, the following issues are discussed: 1) Vitamin D level varies with season, but probably not with latitude in Norway, because of an increased intake of vitamin D in the north; 2) Skin cancer incidence rates increase from north to south, as do annual fluence rates of UV radiation, while there seems to be a slight improvement in prognosis from north to south; 3) Prognosis of internal cancer is best for cases diagnosed in the seasons with the best vitamin D status, i.e. in summer and autumn; 4) Incidence rates of cutaneous melanomas have increased from 1960 to 1990, but have decreased slightly thereafter for young people; 5) Changes in sun exposure habits have taken place; 6) An increase in body mass index (BMI) of the population has occurred, which may have led to a worsening of the vitamin D status.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Reageer op "Vitamine D en zonlicht: het overleven van kanker is afhankelijk van in welk seizoen de diagnose plaats heeft en vooral van zonlicht, blijkt uit zeer grote studie onder 1 miljoen kankerpatienten. De aanmaak van vitamine D. heeft daar veel mee te maken."

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