16 januari 2012: onder complementair en resveratrol hebben we een overzichtstudie geplaatst over de waarde van resveratrol bij met name kanker. Klik hier voor dat artikel.

1 december 2008: Met dank aan Rinus die ons wees op deze website over de waarde van salvestrolen waaronder dus ook resveratrol valt. Een interessante site (hoewel commercieel en belanghebbende door verkoper van resveratrol) vooral voor artsen die willen weten hoe salvestrolen kunnen worden gebruikt bij een aantal ziektes. Dan Burke, onderzoeker naar de waarde van salvestrolen geeft regelmatig in Nederland workshops voor artsen en voedingsdeskundigen.

Verder een studie toegevoegd over de rol van rode wijn op de kansen op hart- en vaatziketes en algemene sterfte bij Kaukasische mannen. Uit een 16 jarige grootschalige studie bij Kaukasische mannen blijkt dat het effect van het drinken van rode wijn afhangt van de bloedgroep van de persoon. Het gaat me te ver, als ik al zou kunnen om dit allemaal te analyseren maar hier de abstracten van de studies. Onderaan staat een studie naar effect van resveratrol bij prostaatkankerpatienten al in 2005 geplaatst.

1: Alcohol. 2008 Nov;42(7):575-82. Epub 2008 Sep 11.Click here to read Links


Wine intake, ABO phenotype, and risk of ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality: the Copenhagen Male Study--a 16-year follow-up.

The Copenhagen Male Study, Epidemiological Research Unit, Clinic of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Bispebjerg University Hospital, Bispebjerg Bakke 23, Copenhagen, Denmark. PS11@bbh.regionh.dk

The association of alcohol intake with ischemic heart disease (IHD) and all-cause mortality may depend on ABO phenotype. We tested this hypothesis in a 16-year follow-up of 3,022 Caucasian men aged 53-74 years without overt cardiovascular disease. Potential risk factors and confounders included were ABO phenotypes, alcohol intake (wine, beer, and spirits), tobacco smoking history, leisure-time physical activity, social class, and age. During 16 years, 1985-1986 to end of 2001, 197 subjects (6.5%) died due to IHD, and 1,204 (39.8%) from all causes. Among non-O phenotypes (A, B, and AB) significantly fewer men who died due to IHD were wine consumers, 43.9% versus 55.7%, P<.01; with respect to all-cause mortality corresponding figures were 47.0% versus 60.1%, P<.001. No difference was found among men with phenotype O. Among men with phenotype A, compared to alcohol abstainers, in Cox analysis, the hazard ratio (HR) (95% confidence limit) for men drinking up to 8 beverages/wk was 0.5 (0.3-1.02), and among men consuming >8 beverages/wk (the highest quintile) the HR was 0.3 (0.2-0.8), P<.01. Among men with phenotype O, the association of wine intake with IHD mortality was slightly and not significantly U-shaped. The difference in the predictive role of wine intake between phenotype O and phenotype A men was supported in a statistical test for interaction. A similar association was found for all-cause mortality. The results suggest that the effect of wine intake on IHD and all-cause mortality among middle-aged and elderly men may depend on ABO phenotypes.

PMID: 18789630 [PubMed - in process]

27 april 2005: Bron: Int J Cancer. 2005 Jan 1;113(1):133-40.

Met dank aan Rick die ons op deze studie wees. Elke dag een glas rode wijn voorkomt het ontwikkelen van prostaatkanker bij mannen van middelbare leeftijd blijkt uit studie gedaan bij 753 nieuw gediagnosteerde prostaatkankerpatiënten in de leeftijd van 40 tot 64 jaar. Bier en andere alcohol houdende dranken spelen geen enkele rol in preventief opzicht. Algemeen wordt aangenomen dat de stof resveratrol in de rode wijn het beschermende effect geeft. Hier het abstract van de studie.

Int J Cancer. 2005 Jan 1;113(1):133-40

Comment in:
J Urol. 2005 Apr;173(4):1170.

Alcohol consumption and risk of prostate cancer in middle-aged men.

Schoonen WM, Salinas CA, Kiemeney LA, Stanford JL.
Division of Public Health Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA 98109-1024, USA.

Alcohol consumption is a modifiable lifestyle factor that may affect prostate cancer risk. Alcohol alters the hormonal milieu and contains chemical substances such as flavonoids (red wine), which may alter tumor cell growth. Data from a population-based case-control study in King County, WA, were utilized to evaluate the association of alcohol consumption with prostate cancer in middle-aged men. A total of 753 newly diagnosed prostate cancer cases, 40-64 years of age, participated in the study. Seven hundred three control subjects, frequency matched to cases by age, were selected through random digit dialing. All participants completed an in-person interview on lifetime alcohol consumption and other risk factors for prostate cancer. Logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and assess significance (95% confidence intervals ). All tests of statistical significance were two-sided. No clear association with prostate cancer risk was seen for overall alcohol consumption. Each additional glass of red wine consumed per week showed a statistically significant 6% decrease in relative risk (OR = 0.94; 95% CI = 0.90-0.98), and there was evidence for a decline in risk estimates across increasing categories of red wine intake (trend p = 0.02). No clear associations were seen for consumption of beer or liquor. Our present study suggests that consumption of beer or liquor is not associated with prostate cancer. There may be, however, a reduced relative risk associated with increasing level of red wine consumption. Further research is needed to evaluate the potential negative association between red wine intake and prostate cancer risk.

PMID: 15386436 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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