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1 februari 2021: nieuwe gerandomiseerde studie bevestigt dat Melatonine voor en tijdens de eerste cyclus van aanvullende chemotherapie voor borstkanker na operatie de bijwerkingen geassocieerd met cognitieve stoornissen en slaap en depressieve symptomen duidelijk verminderen:

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Clinical impact of melatonin on breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy; effects on cognition, sleep and depressive symptoms: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

17 februari 2020: Bron: Springerlink

Melatonine verminderde het risico op depressieve symptomen bij vrouwen met borstkanker  gedurende een periode van drie maanden na een operatie van borstkanker aanzienlijk. Blijkt uit een gerandomiseerde placebo gecontroleerde studie.

De Deense onderzoekers onderzochten of melatonine het risico op depressieve symptomen bij vrouwen met borstkanker kon verlagen in een periode van drie maanden na de operatie en beoordeelden het effect van melatonine op de volgende subjectieve parameters: angst, slaap, algemeen welzijn, vermoeidheid, pijn en slaperigheid.

Vrouwen, 30-75 jaar, die een operatie ondergingen voor borstkanker en zonder tekenen van depressie op Major Depression Inventory (MDI) werden 1 week voor de operatie opgenomen en ontvingen 6 mg orale melatonine of placebo gedurende 3 maanden. De primaire uitkomst was de incidentie van depressieve symptomen gemeten met MDI.

54 borstkankerpatiënten werden gerandomiseerd ingedeeld in melatonineroep (n = 28) of placebogroep (n = 26).
11 patiënten trokken zich terug uit de studie (10 uit de placebogroep en 1 uit de melatoninegroep, P = 0,002).

Het risico op het ontwikkelen van depressieve symptomen was significant lager met melatonine dan met placebo (3 van 27 patiënten [11%] versus 9 van 20 patienten [45%] ; relatief risico 0,25 [95% BI 0,077-0,80]), met een NNT van 3,0 [95% BI 1,7-11,0]. 

Uit een andere gerandomiseerde studie blijkt dat het gebruik van melatonine voor en tijdens de eerste cyclus van chemo na operatie van borstkanker duidelijk de pijn vermindert en beter dan placebo minder hoge pijnscores geeft beoordeeld door veranderingen in de 0–10 Numerical Pain Scale (NPS).

Multivariabele analyses van covariabelen laat zien dat melatonine de functie van het DPMS verbeterde. Het mediane gemiddelde (SD) op de NPS (0-10) tijdens de CPM-taak in de placebogroep was −1,91 [−1,81 (1,67) versus −0,1 (1,61)], en in de melatoninegroep was −3,5 [−0,94 (1,61) versus −2,29 (1,61)], en het gemiddelde verschil (md) tussen behandelingsgroepen was 1,59 [(95% BI, 0,50 tot 2,68).

Van de studie: The Effects of Melatonin on the Descending Pain Inhibitory System and Neural Plasticity Markers in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial is het volledige studierapport vrij in te zien.

Van de studie Effect of melatonin on depressive symptoms and anxiety in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial is alleen het abstract vrij in te zien.

Hier de 3 abstracten:

Randomized Controlled Trial
2020 Apr 17;15(4):e0231379.
 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231379. eCollection 2020.

Clinical impact of melatonin on breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy; effects on cognition, sleep and depressive symptoms: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Free PMC article


This randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial tested the hypothesis that 20mg of melatonin before and during the first cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer (ACBC) reduced the side effects associated with cognitive impairment. We evaluated the effects of melatonin on cognition, depressive symptoms and sleep quality, and whether these effects were related to serum levels of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and its receptor, tropomyosin kinase B (TrkB). Thirty-six women were randomly assigned to receive melatonin or placebo for 10 days. To evaluate cognitive performance, we used the Trail-Making-Test Parts A and B (A-B), Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT) and an inhibitory task type Go / No-Go. Our results revealed that melatonin improved executive function on TMT scores, enhanced episodic memory (immediate and delayed) and recognition on RAVLT, and increased verbal fluency in the orthographic COWAT. The TMT-A-B(A-B) were negatively correlated with baseline levels of TrkB and BDNF, respectively. At the end of treatment, changes in TrkB and BDNF were inversely associated with depressive symptoms and sleep quality, but not with the TMT scores. These results suggest a neuroprotective effect of melatonin to counteract the adverse effects of ACBC on cognitive function, sleep quality and depressive symptoms.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

These results suggest that oral melatonin, together with the first ACBC counteracts the dysfunction in the inhibitory DPMS and improves pain perception measures. Also, it shows that changes in the neuroplasticity state mediate the impact of melatonin on pain.

. 2019; 10: 1382.
Published online 2019 Nov 22. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01382
PMCID: PMC6883914
PMID: 31824318

The Effects of Melatonin on the Descending Pain Inhibitory System and Neural Plasticity Markers in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial


Background: Adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer (ACBC) has been associated with fatigue, pain, depressive symptoms, and disturbed sleep. And, previous studies in non-cancer patients showed that melatonin could improve the descending pain modulatory system (DPMS). We tested the hypothesis that melatonin use before and during the first cycle of ACBC is better than placebo at improving the DPMS function assessed by changes in the 0–10 Numerical Pain Scale (NPS) during the conditioned pain modulating task (CPM-task) (primary outcome). The effects of melatonin were evaluated in the following secondary endpoints: heat pain threshold (HPT), heat pain tolerance (HPTo), and neuroplasticity state assessed by serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), tropomyosin kinase receptor B, and S100B-protein and whether melatonin’s effects on pain and neuroplasticity state are due more so to its impact on sleep quality.

Methods: Thirty-six women, ages 18 to 75 years old, scheduled for their first cycle of ACBC were randomized to receive 20mg of oral melatonin (n = 18) or placebo (n = 18). The effect of treatment on the outcomes was analyzed by delta (Δ)-values (from pre to treatment end).

Results: Multivariate analyses of covariance revealed that melatonin improved the function of the DPMS. The Δ-mean (SD) on the NPS (0–10) during the CPM-task in the placebo group was −1.91 [−1.81 (1.67) vs. −0.1 (1.61)], and in the melatonin group was −3.5 [−0.94 (1.61) vs. −2.29 (1.61)], and the mean difference (md) between treatment groups was 1.59 [(95% CI, 0.50 to 2.68). Melatonin’s effect increased the HPTo and HPT while reducing the (Δ)-means of the serum neuroplasticity marker in placebo vs. melatonin. The Δ-BDNF is 1.87 (7.17) vs. −20.44 (17.17), respectively, and the md = 22.31 [(95% CI = 13.40 to 31.22)]; TrKB md = 0.61 [0.46 (0.17) vs. −0.15 (0.18); 95% CI = 0.49 to 0.73)] and S00B-protein md = −8.27[(2.89 (11.18) vs. −11.16 (9.75); 95% CI = −15.38 to −1.16)]. However, melatonin’s effect on pain and the neuroplastic state are not due to its effect on sleep quality.

Conclusions: These results suggest that oral melatonin, together with the first ACBC counteracts the dysfunction in the inhibitory DPMS and improves pain perception measures. Also, it shows that changes in the neuroplasticity state mediate the impact of melatonin on pain.

Clinical Trial Registration: www.ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT03205033

Melatonin significantly reduced the risk of depressive symptoms in women with breast cancer during a three-month period after surgery.

 2014 Jun;145(3):683-95. doi: 10.1007/s10549-014-2962-2. Epub 2014 Apr 23.

Effect of melatonin on depressive symptoms and anxiety in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

Author information

Department of Surgery, Herlev Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Herlev Ringvej 75, 2730, Herlev, Denmark, melis_vh@hotmail.com.


Depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances are known problems in patients with breast cancer. The effect of melatonin as an antidepressant in humans with cancer has not been investigated. We investigated whether melatonin could lower the risk of depressive symptoms in women with breast cancer in a three-month period after surgery and assessed the effect of melatonin on subjective parameters: anxiety, sleep, general well-being, fatigue, pain and sleepiness. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial undertaken from July 2011 to December 2012 at a department of breast surgery in Copenhagen, Denmark. Women, 30-75 years, undergoing surgery for breast cancer and without signs of depression on Major Depression Inventory (MDI) were included 1 week before surgery and received 6 mg oral melatonin or placebo for 3 months. The primary outcome was the incidence of depressive symptoms measured by MDI. The secondary outcomes were area under the curve (AUC) for the subjective parameters. 54 patients were randomized to melatonin (n = 28) or placebo (n = 26) and 11 withdrew from the study (10 placebo group and 1 melatonin group, P = 0.002). The risk of developing depressive symptoms was significantly lower with melatonin than with placebo (3 [11 %] of 27 vs. 9 [45 %] of 20; relative risk 0.25 [95 % CI 0.077-0.80]), giving a NNT of 3.0 [95 % CI 1.7-11.0]. No significant differences were found between AUC for the subjective parameters. No differences in side effects were found (P = 0.78). Melatonin significantly reduced the risk of depressive symptoms in women with breast cancer during a three-month period after surgery.


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