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3 oktober 2012: voor laatste stand van zaken betreffende immuuntherapie bij longkanker zie deze twee studies: Immuuntherapie bij gevorderde niet-klein-cellige longkanker lijkt een goede aanpak te kunnen worden in de nabije toekomst  en deze: Immuuntherapie bij longkanker: overzicht van stand van zaken aan de hand van studieresultaten van laatste 10 jaar

16 december 2011: Bron: J Immune Based Ther Vaccines. 2011 Oct 24;9:7.

Wanneer longkankerpatiënten met gevorderde niet-klein-cellige longkanker  behandeld worden met een zogeheten epidermal growth factor (EGF) vaccin dan hebben zij grotere kans op een langer leven en misschien zelfs nog wel genezing. Deze resultaten uit een fase II studie bevestigen de resultaten uit een eerdere studie uit 2009, zie verderop in dit artikel, die ook dezelfde positieve resultaten lieten zien. Ook in deze studie bleek dat een groot deel van de patiënten goed reageerden op de injecties met het vaccin en dat er verder weinig tot geen bijwerkingen waren. De onderzoekers zagen ook dat degenen die goed reageerden ook verbeterde immuunfucnties hadden en betere kwaliteit van leven. Hieronder het abstract van deze recente studie. Als u hier klikt kunt u het volledige studierapport gratis inzien.

J Immune Based Ther Vaccines. 2011 Oct 24;9:7.

Safety, immunogenicity and preliminary efficacy of multiple-site vaccination with an Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) based cancer vaccine in advanced non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients.


Center of Molecular Immunology, PO Box: 16040, Havana 11600, Cuba. camilo@cim.sld.cu.


ABSTRACT: The prognosis of patients with advanced non small cell lung (NSCLC) cancer remains dismal. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor is over-expressed in many epithelial derived tumors and its role in the development and progression of NSCLC is widely documented. CimaVax-EGF is a therapeutic cancer vaccine composed by human recombinant Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) conjugated to a carrier protein, P64K from Neisseria Meningitides. The vaccine is intended to induce antibodies against self EGF that would block EGF-EGFR interaction. CimaVax-EGF has been evaluated so far in more than 1000 advanced NSCLC patients, as second line therapy. Two separate studies were compared to assess the impact of high dose vaccination at multiple anatomic sites in terms of immunogenicity, safety and preliminary efficacy in stage IIIb/IV NSCLC patients. In both clinical trials, patients started vaccination 1 month after finishing first line chemotherapy. Vaccination at 4 sites with 2.4 mg of EGF (high dose) was very safe. The most frequent adverse events were grade 1 or 2 injection site reactions, fever, headache and vomiting. Patients had a trend toward higher antibody response. The percent of very good responders significantly augmented and there was a faster decrease of circulating EGF. All vaccinated patients and those classified as good responders immunized with high dose at 4 sites, had a large tendency to improved survival.

PMCID: PMC3215653

22 februari 2009:  Bron: Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 26, No 9 (March 20), 2008: pp. 1452-1458
© 2008
American Society of Clinical Oncology.
DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2007.11.5980

Een vaccin gemaakt op basis van de epidermal growth factor (EGF) (ook Tarceva en Iressa werken op dit EGF) toont significant betere resultaten dan beste palliatieve zorg bij longkankerpatienten met vergevorderde longkanker. Alle patienten hadden daarvoor al chemo gehad, zonder resultaat of resistent daarvoor geworden. Hier de resultaten zoals gepresenteerd in het abstract.

Resultaten: Vaccinatie was veilig. Bijwerkingen werden gezien bij minder dan 25% van de deelnemende patienten en waren beperkt tot graad 1 of 2. volgens de maatstaven van het  National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria. Goede anti-EGF antibody respons (GAR) werd verkregen bij 51.3% van de gevaccineerde patienten en bij geen enkele patient uti de controlegroep. Serum EGF concentratie toont een grote teruggang bij 64.3% van de gevaccineerde patienten. Ere overleefden significant meer patienten met GAR dan die met weinig  antibody respons (PAR). Ook patienten waarvan het serum EGF daalde onder 168 pg/mL was de overleving significant meer dan de rest . Er was een trend naar meer overlevingen voor gevaccineerde patienten in vergelijking met de controlegroep. Het overlevingsprofijt van de gevaccineerde patienten  vergeleken met de controlegroep was statistisch significant in de groep met longkankerpatienten jonger dan 60 jaar.

Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial of an Epidermal Growth Factor Vaccine in Advanced Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Elia Neninger Vinageras, Ana de la Torre, Marta Osorio Rodríguez, Mauricio Catalá Ferrer, Idania Bravo, Mario Mendoza del Pino, Daniel Abreu Abreu, Soraida Acosta Brooks, Rolando Rives, Concepción del Castillo Carrillo, Marta González Dueñas, Carmen Viada, Beatriz García Verdecia, Tania Crombet Ramos, Gisela González Marinello, Agustín Lage Dávila

From the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital; National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology; Center for Medical and Surgical Research; National Institute of Neumology; Center of Molecular Immunology, Havana; Celestino Hernández Hospital, Villa Clara; Third Congress Hospital, Pinar del Río; Maria Curie Hospital, Camagüey, Cuba; V.I. Lenin Hospital, Holguín; and Saturnino Lora Hospital, Santiago de Cuba

Corresponding author: Elia Neninger Vinageras, MD, Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras, San Lázaro 701, PO Box 10300, Ciudad Habana, Cuba

Purpose: We show the result of a randomized phase II clinical trial with an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-based cancer vaccine in advanced non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, evaluating immunogenicity, safety, and effect on survival.

Patients and Methods: Eighty patients with stage IIIB/IV NSCLC after finishing first-line chemotherapy were randomly assigned to receive best supportive care or EGF vaccinations.

Results: Vaccination was safe. Adverse events were observed in less than 25% of cases and were grade 1 or 2 according to National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria. Good anti-EGF antibody response (GAR) was obtained in 51.3% of vaccinated patients and in none of the control group. Serum EGF concentration showed a major decrease in 64.3% of vaccinated patients. GAR patients survived significantly more than those with poor antibody response (PAR). Also, patients whose serum EGF dropped below 168 pg/mL survived significantly more than the rest. There was a trend to an increased survival for vaccinated patients compared with controls. The survival advantage for vaccinated patients compared with controls was statistically significant in the subgroup of patients with age younger than 60 years.

Conclusion: Vaccination with EGF was safe and provoked an increase in anti-EGF antibody titers and a decrease in serum EGF. There was a direct correlation between antibody response and survival. There was a direct correlation between decrease in serum EGF and survival. In patients younger than 60 years, vaccination was associated with increased survival

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