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27 januari 2012: Bron: Nature

Een mutatie in het BRAF gen (V600E) bij melanoompatiënten kan succesvol worden bestreden door een kleine molecuul - PLX4032 (vemurafenib) - als medicijn in te zetten. Er is bekend dat bij een gedeelte van patiënten met darmkanker diezelfde mutatie (BRAF-gen V600E) een rol speelt bij het ontstaan van die vorm van darmkanker. Echter deze patiënten hebben een slechte prognose en studies wijzen tot nu toe uit dat het genoemde middel geen of nauwelijks iets bijdraagt aan de controle over deze vorm van darmkanker. Darmkankercellen blijken een ontsnappingsroute te hebben die juist gestimuleerd wordt door het molecuul vemurafenib, zegt René Bernards, leider van een onderzoek dat gedaan is in het NKI - Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek ziekenhuis. De onderzoekers deden laboratoriumproeven en dierproeven met darmkankercellen in combinatie met vemurafenib. Daarna analyseerden ze stuk voor stuk de productie van alle eiwitten die bij celgroei en celdood betrokken zijn. Uiteindelijk bleek dat alleen het eiwit met EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) ervoor zorgde dat tumorcellen konden overleven ondanks de vemurafinib. In het NKI willen ze nu snel een studie opzetten met darmkankerpatiënten die dan een combinatiebehandleing krijgen die zowel de BRAF mutatie als wel de EGFR tegengaat. Uit het abstract van Nature begrijp ik dat dit respectievelijk vemurafinib kan zijn in combinatie met Tarceva of Iressa.

Hier het abstract uit Nature waar, als u hier klikt tegen betaling ook het volledige studierapport in kunt zien

Medicijn combinatie van BRAF en EGRF remmers kan succesvolle behandeling betekenen voor bepaalde vormen van darmkanker

Unresponsiveness of colon cancer to BRAF(V600E) inhibition through feedback activation of EGFR

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Inhibition of the BRAF(V600E) oncoprotein by the small-molecule drug PLX4032 (vemurafenib) is highly effective in the treatment of melanoma1. However, colon cancer patients harbouring the same BRAF(V600E) oncogenic lesion have poor prognosis and show only a very limited response to this drug2, 3, 4. To investigate the cause of the limited therapeutic effect of PLX4032 in BRAF(V600E) mutant colon tumours, here we performed an RNA-interference-based genetic screen in human cells to search for kinases whose knockdown synergizes with BRAF(V600E) inhibition. We report that blockade of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) shows strong synergy with BRAF(V600E) inhibition. We find in multiple BRAF(V600E) mutant colon cancers that inhibition of EGFR by the antibody drug cetuximab or the small-molecule drugs gefitinib or erlotinib is strongly synergistic with BRAF(V600E) inhibition, both in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, we find that BRAF(V600E) inhibition causes a rapid feedback activation of EGFR, which supports continued proliferation in the presence of BRAF(V600E) inhibition. Melanoma cells express low levels of EGFR and are therefore not subject to this feedback activation. Consistent with this, we find that ectopic expression of EGFR in melanoma cells is sufficient to cause resistance to PLX4032. Our data suggest that BRAF(V600E) mutant colon cancers (approximately 8–10% of all colon cancers2, 3, 5), for which there are currently no targeted treatment options available, might benefit from combination therapy consisting of BRAF and EGFR inhibitors.

Figures at a glance

  1. Figure 1: EGFR inhibition confers sensitivity to BRAF(V600E) inhibition in colon cancer.

    a, b, CRC but not melanoma cells harbouring the BRAF(V600E) mutation are resistant to PLX4032 treatment. a, Short-term growth-inhibition assay of a cell line panel consisting of CRC (VACO432, SNU-C5, HT29, KM20 and WiDr) and melanoma (A375) cells. Cells were treated with increasing concentrations of PLX4032 for 72h, and cell viability was determined using CellTiter-Blue by measuring the absorbance at 540nm in a microplate reader. Error bars show data±standard error. Means were derived from four replicates (n = 4). b, Long-term colony formation assay of CRC (VACO432, KM20 and WiDr) and melanoma (A375) cells. Cells were grown in the absence or presence of PLX4032 at the indicated concentrations for 10–14 days. For each cell line, all dishes were fixed at the same time, stained and photographed. c, Schematic outline of the ‘dropout’ RNAi screen for enhancers of PLX4032 sensitivity. Human TRC kinome shRNA library polyclonal virus was produced to infect WiDr cells, which were then left untreated (control) for 10 days or treated with 1µM PLX4032 for 18 days. After selection, shRNA inserts from both populations were recovered by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and identified by deep sequencing (deepseq). d, Representation of the relative abundance of the shRNA barcode sequences from the shRNA screen experiment depicted in c. The y-axis shows enrichment (relative abundance of PLX4032 treated/untreated) and the x-axis shows intensity (average sequence reads in untreated sample) of each shRNA. Among the 22 top shRNA candidates (more than fivefold depleted by PLX4032 treatment and more than 300 reads in the untreated condition (as indicated by the red dashed lines), three independent shEGFR vectors (in red) were identified. e, f, Three independent shRNAs targeting EGFR enhance response to PLX4032. e, The functional phenotypes of non-overlapping shEGFR vectors are indicated by colony formation assay in 1µM PLX4032. The pLKO vector was used in the control experiment (Ctrl). The cells were fixed, stained and photographed after 14 days. f, The level of knockdown of EGFR by each of the shRNAs was measured by examining the EGFR protein levels by western blotting.

  2. Figure 2: Functional and biochemical interaction between BRAF and EGFR inhibition in colon cancer.

    a, Synergistic response of WiDr cells to the combination of EGFR and BRAF(V600E) inhibitors. WiDr cells were cultured in increasing concentrations of BRAF inhibitor PLX4032 alone, EGFR inhibitors cetuximab (1.25mgml−1) or gefitinib (0.125µM) alone, or their combinations. The cells were fixed, stained and photographed after 18 days. b, Resistance to BRAF(V600E) inhibition in WiDr cells is mediated through feedback activation of EGFR. Biochemical responses of WiDr cells treated with PLX4032, cetuximab or gefitinib, or their combinations, were documented by western blot analysis. Cells were harvested at 6h after drug treatment. BRAF(V600E) inhibition results in strong upregulation of Tyr1068 p-EGFR and Ser473 phosphorylated-AKT (p-AKT), which is abrogated by EGFR inhibitors. Furthermore, combination treatments result in complete inhibition of phosphorylated MEK (p-MEK) and phosphorylated ERK (p-ERK). Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) served as a control. c, d, MEK acts downstream of BRAF to mediate the feedback regulation of EGFR in BRAF mutant CRC cells. c, MEK inhibitor activates p-EGFR to the same extent as PLX4032. Activation of EGFR in WiDr, VACO432 and KM20 cells treated with PLX4032 or AZD6244 for 6h was analysed by western blot. d, MEK-DD prevents the activation of EGFR by PLX4032. Western blot analysis of EGFR in WiDr cells expressing pBabe-PURO (pBp) vector control or MEK-DD treated with PLX4032 for 1h. e, Western blot analysis showing that suppression of CDC25C by two independent shRNA vectors results in elevated levels of p-EGFR in WiDr cells. f, PLX4032 treatment leads to a reduced activation of CDC25C. Feedback regulation of CDC25C and EGFR in VACO432 cells treated with PLX4032 for 1h were documented by western blot analysis.

  3. Figure 3: Correlation between EGFR levels and response to BRAF inhibition in melanoma and CRC.

    a, Western blot analysis of p-EGFR and EGFR levels in a panel of BRAF(V600E) mutant cell lines from melanoma, CRC and thyroid cancer. HSP90 served as a control. b, High levels of EGFR expression in tumour types harbouring BRAF(V600E) mutations correlate with PLX4032 resistance. Short-term growth-inhibition assays of a cell line panel consisting of thyroid cancer (HTC-C3 and 8505C), CRC (OXCO-1, COLO741 and WiDr) and melanoma (A375) cells. Cells were treated with increasing concentrations of PLX4032 for 72h, and cell viability was determined using CellTiter-Blue by measuring the absorbance at 540nm in a microplate reader. Error bars show data± standard error. Means were derived from four replicates (n = 4). c, Long-term colony formation assay of thyroid cancer (8505C), CRC (OXCO-1, COLO741 and WiDr) and melanoma (A375) cells. Cells were grown in the absence or presence of PLX4032 at the indicated concentrations for 10–14 days. For each cell line, all dishes were fixed at the same time, stained and photographed. d, Ectopic EGFR expression confers resistance to PLX4032, but not to the combination of PLX4032 and gefitinib in A375 melanoma cells. A375 cells expressing pBabe-PURO (pBp) vector control or EGFR were cultured in PLX4032 (5µM), gefitinib (2.5µM) or their combination. The cells were fixed, stained and photographed after 7 (untreated or gefitinib) or 9 (PLX4032 alone or in combination with gefitinib) days. e, Western blot analysis of p-EGFR and total EGFR levels in cells described above. HSP90 served as a control. f, Synergistic response of thyroid cancer HTC-C3 cells to the combination of EGFR and BRAF(V600E) inhibitors. HTC-C3 cells were cultured in increasing concentrations of PLX4032 alone, cetuximab (1.25mgml−1) or gefitinib (2.5µM) alone, or their combinations. The cells were fixed, stained and photographed after 18 days.

  4. Figure 4: EGFR and BRAF(V600E) inhibitors synergize to induce apoptosis of CRC cells and to suppress CRC tumour growth in a xenograft model.

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