1 september 2005: Medscape en Breast Cancer Research 2005;7:R833-R843

Wie als jonge vrouw - in de leeftijd van 18 tot 30 jaar - ervoor zorgt dat het lichaamsgewicht binnen normale waarden blijft heeft beduidend minder risico op het krijgen van borstkanker vooral in de leeftijd tussen de 30 en 40. En dan vooral bij vrouwen waarbij de borstkanker werd veroorzaakt door mutaties in het BCRA 1 gen. Het risico daarop werd verkleind met 65%. Voor vrouwen met het BCRA 2 gen werd het risico wel kleiner maar veel minder, slechts 12 procent. Dit alles blijkt uit een studie bij 1073 vouwen die het BCRA 1 en 2 gen bij zich droegen. Ook kwam uit de studie naar voren dat vrouwen die behoorljik zwaarder werden na twee zwangerschappen tussen zeg 18 en 30 jaar het risico op borstkanker op latere leeftijd werd vergroot met 44%. De onderzoekers pleiten voor grotere studies om deze resultaten verder bevestigd te zien, maar het ljikt ons dat niemand hier op gaat zitten wachten maar deze studie tre harte zal nemen.

Weight Loss Reduces Breast Cancer Risk in Women With BRCA Mutations
By Will Boggs, MD

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Aug 30 - Losing weight in young adult life can reduce the risk of early-onset breast cancers associated with BRCA1/2 mutations, according to a multicenter study. "Breast cancer prevention starts early in life," Dr. Steven A. Narod told Reuters Health. "Probably this is a critical period for the hormones involved to be interacting with the breast tissue."
Dr. Narod, from the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and colleagues investigated whether changes in body weight were associated with the risk of breast cancer in 1073 women who carried BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations.
Weight loss of at least 10 pounds between age 18 and 30 was associated with a 33% reduction in the risk of breast cancer thereafter, the researchers report in the August 19th Breast Cancer Research, whereas weight gain was not associated with a change in risk.
This reduction in risk was mainly seen for cancers occurring between the ages of 30 and 40, the report indicates.
The risk reduction appeared to be greater among women with a BRCA1 mutation (65% risk reduction) than among women with a BRCA2 mutation (12% nonsignificant risk reduction), the researchers note.
A weight gain greater than 10 pounds among women who had at least two full-term pregnancies was associated with a 44% increased risk of breast cancer, the investigators found.
"Our findings suggest that weight loss in early adult life (and not weight per se) decreases the risk of BRCA-associated breast cancer diagnosed at an early age," the authors conclude. "More specifically, the period between age 18 and 30 years appears to be a critical one when weight gain should be avoided in mutation carriers."
"We are doing a prospective study looking at new cases of breast cancer which arise among healthy women to confirm and extend these findings," Dr. Narod said.

Breast Cancer Research 2005;7:R833-R843.

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