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18 april 2012: Bron: Hepatol Res. 2012 Jan 13. doi: 10.1111/j.1872-034X.2012.00969.x. [Epub ahead of print]
Aminozuren - BCAA zorgen voor sneller herstel van leverfuncties na een RFA - Frequerncy Ablation behandeling van primaire leverkanker. Dit bljkt uit een gerandomiseerde studie van drie groepen van ieder 10 patiënten met primaire leverkanker die daarvoor met RFA - Radio Frequency Ablation waren behandeld. Groep 1 kreeg een standaard dieet. Groep 2 kreeg aminozuren elke morgen verpakt in een etenswaar - snack en groep 3 elke avond de aminozuren verpakt in een snack. Na respectievelijk 1, 4 en 12 weken werden de belangrijkste leverfuncties gemeten en vergeleken met elkaar. Opvallend is dat de avondgroep die de snack met de aminozuren kreeg significant sneller herstel liet zien van de leverfuncties dan de morgengroep en nog veel sneller dan de groep die een standaard dieet kregen. De onderzoekers tekenen er wel bij aan dat hoewel niemand ernstige bijwerkingen liet zien de twee patiënten met ook suikerziekte aanvullend extra glucose nodig hadden en 1 patiënt haakte af omdat de extra voedingsuppletie zorgde voor braken.
De resultaten:
LES - Late evening snack - with BCAA supplementation significantly and rapidly improves liver functioning and CPS - Child-Pugh scores in patients with primary livercancer - HCC who have undergone RFA
Late-evening snack with branched-chain amino acids improves liver function after radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Department of Gastroenterology Division of Advanced Clinical Research for Viral Hepatitis and Liver Cancer, Fukuoka University Faculty of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine, Fukuseikai Hospital Department of Gastroenterology, Fukuoka City Medical Association Hospital Department of Medicine, Hakujyuji Hospital Department of Hepatology, Japanese Red Cross Fukuoka Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan.
Aim: This prospective study was designed to examine whether consumption of a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA)-enriched nutrient mixture as a late-evening snack (LES) helps maintain and/or improve liver functioning in liver cirrhosis (LC) patients who have undergone radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods: An equal number (10) of 30 LC patients who had undergone RFA for HCC was randomly assigned to a standard diet group (control) group, a morning BCAA (M-BCAA) administration group, or a LES with BCAA (LES-BCAA) administration group. Liver function testing was performed and Child-Pugh scores (CPS) calculated for each group to assess the improvement at 1, 4 and 12 weeks post-RFA. Results: Compared to the control and M-BCAA groups, the LES-BCAA group experienced a rapid and significant improvement in albumin and total serum bilirubin levels and in CPS that began during the initial post-RFA period. These results indicate that LES with BCAA supplementation significantly improved the CPS of the LES-BCAA group at 4 and 12 weeks post-RFA. Although no patients experienced serious adverse effects, two patients who had been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus before undergoing RFA required blood sugar management to improve glycemic control and one subject withdrew due to supplement-induced vomiting. Conclusion: LES with BCAA supplementation significantly and rapidly improves liver functioning and CPS in LC patients who have undergone RFA for HCC. Control of blood sugar levels is necessary when calorie-containing BCAA is administrated to LC patients with impaired glucose tolerance.
© 2012 The Japan Society of Hepatology.
- 22380706
- [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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