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14 januari 2005: Bron: Medscape
Diabetes patiënt zijn - suikerziekte - of het hebben van verhoogde glucosespiegel geeft significant meer kans op krijgen van verschillende veel voorkomende vormen van kanker, zoals alvleesklierkanker, slokdarmkanker, leverkanker, darmkanker en rectumkanker, endometriosekanker en baarmoederhalskanker.
De kans om dan aan kanker te sterven ligt ook 25% hoger voor diabetici en mensen met verhoogde glucosespiegel. Bij alvleesklierkanker ligt de kans om daaraan te sterven voor diabetici en voor mensen met waarden hoger dan 140mg/Dl als verhoogde glucocespiegel op 50%. Aldus blijkt uit groot 10 jarig epidemologisch onderzoek van Koreaanse wetenschappers bij ruim 1 miljoen volwassen Koreanen in de leeftijd van 30 tot 95 jaar.
Interessant en nog steeds relevant lijkt dan ook de theorie van dr. Felperlaan over effect van voedselpatroon met weinig tot geen koolhydraten. Hieronder een artikel uit Medscape over de Koreaanse studie.
Het volledige studierapport: Fasting Serum Glucose Level and Cancer Risk in Korean Men and Women is gratis in te zien. Onderaan dit artikel staat abstract van de studie plus referentielijst
Diabetes and high glucose levels linked to cancer shows Korean Study
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jan 11 - A diagnosis of diabetes or elevated glucose levels appear to raise the risk of several major cancers, according to findings from a large Korean study. Given the relatively lean characteristics of the population, the findings suggest that hyperinsulinemia underlies the association. In previous studies diabetes has been consistently linked to cancers of the pancreas, liver, endometrium, and colon/rectum, the researchers note. By contrast, the association with other malignancies, such as esophagus, stomach, or breast cancer, is less consistent, possibly because the studies have involved small sample sizes.
To address this issue, Dr. Sun Ha Jee, from Yonsei University in Seoul, and colleagues conducted a 10-year prospective study involving more than 1 million Koreans between the ages of 30 and 95 years who had a biennial medical evaluation between 1992 and 1995. The researchers' findings appear in the January 12th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. During follow-up, men and women with fasting glucose levels of at least 140 mg/dL were about 25% more likely to die from cancer than those with levels less than 90 mg/dL, the investigators state. Elevated glucose levels were most strongly linked to pancreatic cancer, doubling the risk of death from that malignancy in both genders. Other cancers significantly linked to high glucose levels included esophagus, liver, and colon/rectum in men and liver and cervix in women.
For many cancers, particularly esophageal and pancreatic, the risk of death rose as glucose levels climbed, the authors point out. The associations with cancer mortality were generally reflective of the patterns observed for cancer incidence. "While the generalizability of the findings is uncertain, we have shown that fasting serum glucose level and diabetes are associated with cancer risk in a population far leaner than the Western populations in other studies," the investigators note. "These associations do not reflect confounding by obesity, suggesting that the mechanism of increased cancer risk reflects the consequences of hyperinsulinemia."
In a related editorial, Dr. Kathleen A. Cooney and Dr. Stephen B. Gruber, from the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor, comment that "as diabetes becomes an increasing public health concern in modern societies, the cancer risks looming on the horizon are now being recognized. Strategies to address the emerging epidemics of diabetes and obesity are likely to have a broad impact on public health."
JAMA 2005;194-202,235-236.
Elevated fasting serum glucose levels and a diagnosis of diabetes are independent risk factors for several major cancers, and the risk tends to increase with an increased level of fasting serum glucose
Fasting serum glucose level and cancer risk in Korean men and women.
Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion, Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. jsunha@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
Diabetes is a serious and costly disease that is becoming increasingly common in many countries. The role of diabetes as a cancer risk factor remains unclear.
To examine the relationship between fasting serum glucose and diabetes and risk of all cancers and specific cancers in men and women in Korea.
Ten-year prospective cohort study of 1,298,385 Koreans (829,770 men and 468,615 women) aged 30 to 95 years who received health insurance from the National Health Insurance Corp and had a biennial medical evaluation in 1992-1995 (with follow-up for up to 10 years).
Death from cancer and registry-documented incident cancer or hospital admission for cancer.
During the 10 years of follow-up, there were 20,566 cancer deaths in men and 5907 cancer deaths in women. Using Cox proportional hazards models and controlling for smoking and alcohol use, the stratum with the highest fasting serum glucose (> or =140 mg/dL [> or =7.8 mmol/L]) had higher death rates from all cancers combined (hazard ratio , 1.29; 95% confidence interval , 1.22-1.37 in men and HR, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.09-1.39 in women) compared with the stratum with the lowest level (<90 mg/dL [<5.0 mmol/L]). By cancer site, the association was strongest for pancreatic cancer, comparing the highest and lowest strata in men (HR, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.52-2.41) and in women (HR, 2.05; 95% CI, 1.43-2.93). Significant associations were also found for cancers of the esophagus, liver, and colon/rectum in men and of the liver and cervix in women, and there were significant trends with glucose level for cancers of the esophagus, colon/rectum, liver, pancreas, and bile duct in men and of the liver and pancreas in women. Of the 26,473 total cancer deaths in men and women, 848 were estimated as attributable to having a fasting serum glucose level of less than 90 mg/dL. For cancer incidence, the general patterns reflected those found for mortality. For persons with a diagnosis of diabetes or a fasting serum glucose level greater than 125 mg/dL (6.9 mmol/L), risks for cancer incidence and mortality were generally elevated compared with those without diabetes.
In Korea, elevated fasting serum glucose levels and a diagnosis of diabetes are independent risk factors for several major cancers, and the risk tends to increase with an increased level of fasting serum glucose.
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- 15644546
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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