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8 augustus 2019: July 2019 is in Engeland uitgeroepen tot maand van de sarcoma's. Op de website van cancerresearch staan interessante artikelen vooral over immuuntherapie bij sarcoma's.
Waaronder ook het verhaal van Carley, een patiente die op 15 jarige leeftijd Ewing sarcoma kreeg en ongeneeslijk leek. Maar met een aanpak van immuuntherapie met FANG / Vigil nu toch lijkt genezen te zijn.
Carley decided to try an experimental immunotherapy called FANG (now called Vigil™), which uses her own tumor cells as a vaccine. She’s lucky she did. It saved her life. She went back to school and completed degrees in evolutionary biology and creative technology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Today, Carley is happy and healthy, working as a digital storyteller in Colorado.>>>>>>>>lees verder
Je vraagt je af waarom dit Thijs niet wordt aangeboden:
Op dit moment (25 juli 2019) loopt er een fase III studie met een vorm van immuuntherapie met het VIGIL virus. Het studieprotocol staat hier:
Vigil + Irinotecan and Temozolomide in Ewing's Sarcoma
Hier ook de resultaten uit een fase II studie vermeld.
Figure 1 shows the results of the Kaplan-Meier analysis of the survival data. Overall survival from time of procurement revealed a 17.2-month improvement in survival in the Vigil-treated patients compared to the no Vigil group. The median survival for the Vigil-treated group from time of treatment was 22.7 months (689 days).
(a) Vigil is a 5,140 bp plasmid of a bifunctional shRNA-furin DNA sequence which prevents cleavage of TGFβ precursor into functional TGFβ1 & TGFβ2 and a GMCSF DNA sequence which stimulates antigen presentation and adaptive immune response when expressed after placement by electroporation into individual autologous tumor tissue which provides the full tumor antigen (Ag) profile and has demonstrated in phase 1, 2 testing induction of circulating cytotoxic T lymphocytes capable of specific lytic activity (ELISPOT and response) to autologous tumor. (b) Vigil constructing is portrayed.
Three-year Follow up of GMCSF/bi-shRNAfurin DNA-transfected Autologous Tumor Immunotherapy (Vigil) in Metastatic Advanced Ewing's Sarcoma
Ewing's sarcoma is a devastating rare pediatric cancer of the bone. Intense chemotherapy temporarily controls disease in most patients at presentation but has limited effect in patients with progressive or recurrent disease. We previously described preliminary results of a novel immunotherapy, FANG (Vigil) vaccine, in which 12 advanced stage Ewing's patients were safely treated and went on to achieve a predicted immune response (IFNγ ELISPOT). We describe follow-up through year 3 of a prospective, nonrandomized study comparing an expanded group of Vigil-treated advanced disease Ewing's sarcoma patients (n = 16) with a contemporaneous group of Ewing's sarcoma patients (n = 14) not treated with Vigil. Long-term follow-up results show a survival benefit without evidence of significant toxicity (no ≥ grade 3) to Vigil when administered once monthly by intradermal injection (1 × 10e6 cells/injection to 1 × 10e7 cells/injection). Specifically, we report a 1-year actual survival of 73% for Vigil-treated patients compared to 23% in those not treated with Vigil. In addition, there was a 17.2-month difference in overall survival (OS; Kaplan-Meier) between the Vigil (median OS 731 days) and no Vigil patient groups (median OS 207 days). In conclusion, these results supply the rational for further testing of Vigil in advanced stage Ewing's sarcoma.
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