22 juli 2012: Manju Ray heeft met collega's enkele jaren geleden de door haar zelf geleide studie bij kankerpatiënten van commentaar voorzien: Critical evaluation of toxic versus beneficial effects of methylglyoxal. Ik zal haar nog eens aanschrijven om te horen hoe het verder is gegaan met de andere patiënten uit haar studie.

april 2012 is een review studie in het Hongaars verschenen over de rol van methylglyoxal bij diabetes 2: The role of methylglyoxal metabolism in type-2 diabetes and its complications. Helaas is het volledige studierapport, en gratis in te zien, alleen in het Hongaars. Hier het abstract.

2012 Apr 15;153(15):574-85.

[The role of methylglyoxal metabolism in type-2 diabetes and its complications].

[Article in Hungarian]


Semmelweis Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar II. Belgyógyászati Klinika Budapest Szentkirályi u. 46. 1088. zoltankender@gmail.com


Transient or chronic hyperglycaemia increases the formation of intracellular reactive oxygen species and aldehydes. The accumulation of reactive aldehydes is implicated in the development of diabetic complications. Methylglyoxal, a glucose dependent α-dicarbonyl might be the most important reactive aldehyde in diabetes and its complications. Diabetes was the first disease in which evidence emerged for the increased formation of methylglyoxal in the cells and in the serum. Methylglyoxal has a toxic effect on insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells, and on modifications of proteins and nucleic acids. Moreover, methylglyoxal is one of the major precursors of advanced glycation end-products. The glyoxalase enzyme system that exists in all mammalian cells is catalyzing the detoxification of methylglyoxal. This review summarizes the methylglyoxal metabolism in normoglycaemic and hyperglycamic conditions and the role of methylglyoxal in the development of late diabetic microvascular complications.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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