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25 augustus 2016: Bron: Amios

Op 8 en 9 september 2016 organiseren een aantal interventie radiologen en oncologen (interventie radioloog dr. Martijn Meyerink (VUmc) is voorzitter) een symposium met als titel: AMIOS - Amsterdam Multidisciplinary Interventional Oncology Summit. Locatie is het Eye gebouw in Amsterdam.

In twee dagen zullen vooraanstaande Nederlandse en internationale interventie radiologen en oncologen lezingen geven over de nieuwate ontwikkelingen met minimale invasieve loco-regionale behandelingen van kanker.

Aan bod komen o.a. Nanoknife - IRE (irriversible Electro corporation), SIRT - Yttrium-90, TACE - Trans Arteriële Chemo Embolisatie bij vooral alvleesklierkanker, vormen van spijsverteringskanker waaronder slokdarmkanker, darmkanker, leverkanker, levertumoren vanuit verschillende vormen van kanker en longkanker

Zie onder de foto het volledige programma:

EYE gebouw Amsterdam EYE gebouw Amsterdam

Hier het programma van deze twee dagen:

Thursday 8th of September

08h00 – 09h00 Registration
09h00 – 10h30
09h00 – 09h10
09h10 – 09h20
09h20 – 09h30
09h30 – 09h40
09h40 – 09h55
09h55 – 10h10
10h10 – 10h30
Welcome M.Meijerink
Opening lecture P. Kapitein
Interventional oncology – personal experience G. Schapers
History and future of interventional oncology C. Sofocleous
Pulsed electrical fields ‘what can we learn from the food industry’ D. Miklavcic
Irreversible electroporation B. Rubinsky
Keynote lecture by W. Prevoo
10h30 – 11h00 Coffee
11h00 – 12h30
11h00 – 11h15
11h15 – 11h30
11h30 – 11h40
11h40 – 11h55
11h55 – 12h15
12h05 – 12h25
12h25 – 12h30
Liver part 1: colorectal liver metastases (Moderators: P. van den Tol, W.  Prevoo)
Surgery for colorectal liver metastases C. Verhoef
Thermal ablation for colorectal liver metastases C. Sofocleous
When to resect, when to ablate, and when to do nothing P. van den Tol
Irreversible electroporation for colorectal liver metastases A. Nilsson
Y90 radio-embolization (SIRT) for colorectal liver metastases B. Garlipp
The ORCHESTRA trial: multi-organ mCRC chemo +/- maximal tumor debulking E.Gootjes
The COLLISION trial: resection vs ablation for resectable CRLM M. Meijerink
12h30 – 13h30 Lunch
13h30 – 15h00
13h30 – 13h45
13h45 – 14h00
14h00 – 14h15
14h15 – 14h30
14h30 – 14h45
14h45 – 15h00
Liver part 2: HCC (Moderators: B. Takkenberg)
HCC the hepatologist’s perspective TBD
HCC the surgeon’s perspective T.  van Gulik
Focal tumor ablation and TACE R. Narayanan
Selective internal Y90 and holmium radio-embolization for HCC J. de Vries
HCC the radiation oncologist’s perspective N. Haasbeek
HCC the medical oncologist’s perspective H.J. Klumpen
15h00 – 15h30 Tea
15h30 – 17h00
15h30 – 15h45
15h45 – 16h00
16h00 – 16h15
16h15 – 16h30
16h30 – 16h45
16h45 – 17h00
Pancreas (Moderators: M. Besselink, M. Meijerink)
Borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma C. van Eijck
Locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma ‘systemic therapy’ H. Verheul
Locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma ‘open IRE’ R. Martin
Locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma ‘percutaneous IRE’ R. Narayanan
Locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma ‘SABR’ A. Bruynzeel
DIRECT: PANFIRE, IMPALA, PELICAN, ALPACA and CROSSFIRE H. Scheffer, J. Vogel, M. Walma, L. Vroomen, R.J. Coelen
17h00 – 18h00 Drinks

Friday 9th of September

08h00 – 08h30 Registration
08h30 – 09h30
08h30 – 08h45
08h45 – 09h00
09h00 – 09h05
09h05 – 09h15
09h15 – 09h30
Prostate and kidney (Moderators:  W. Prevoo, J. van Moorselaar)
Prostate cancer: thermal ablation J. Futterer
Prostate cancer: irreversible electroporation J. de la Rosette
Prostate cancer: the CROES trial W. van den Bos
Prostate cancer: SABR F. Lagerwaard
Percutaneous ablation of renal tumors W. Prevoo
09h30 – 10h30
09h30 – 09h50
09h50 – 10h10
10h10 – 10h30
Lung (Moderators: C. Dickhof, J. de Vries)
Surgical excision for primary and secondary lung malignancies R. Paul
Stereotactic ablative radiation therapy (SABR) for primary and secondary lung malignancies B. Slotman
Percutaneous ablation for pulmonary tumors M. Meier
10h30 – 11h00 Coffee
11h00 – 12h00
11h00 – 11h20
11h20 – 11h40
11h40 – 12h00
Robotics, navigation and molecular imaging (Moderators:  B. van der Meijs)
US guided liver interventions using virtual navigation A. van Erkel
Thermal and nonthermal tumor ablation techniques – from bench to bedside R. Verdaasdonk
Percutaneous isolated hepatic perfusion for the treatment of unresectable liver malignancies M. Burgmans
12h00 – 12h30
12h00 – 12h15
12h15 – 12h30
Systemic response & response evaluation (Moderators:  E. Comans, J. van den Bergh)
Tumor immunotherapy: ‘think global, act local’ A. Stam
Response evaluation criteria in interventional oncology F. Lalezari
12h30 – 13h30 Lunch
13h45 – 15h00
15h00 – 15h30
Public thesis defense: ‘Lightning strikes – irreversible electroporation in interventional oncology’ by Hester Scheffer at Vrije Universiteit
Reception at the VUmc academy building

Toegang is niet gratis:

Fees for registration are:
  Early registration
(until August 1, 2016)
Late registration
(from August 1, 2016)
Participant € 250,- € 300,-
Reduced fee* € 145,- € 195,-

Reduced fee*
Reduced fee: is applicable for technicians, resident in training and students if a statement of the head of the department, or for students a photocopy of the student registration, has been sent to events@vumc.nl.
U kunt zich registreren via deze pagina: 


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