28 september 2006: Bron: 1: J Pain Symptom Manage. 2006 Sep;32(3):237-44. Preventing Paclitaxel-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Phase II Trial of Vitamin E Supplementation.Argyriou AA, Chroni E, Koutras A, Iconomou G, Papapetropoulos S, Polychronopoulos P, Kalofonos HP.
EMG Laboratory (A.A.A., E.C., S.P., P.P.), Department of Neurology; and Division of Oncology (A.K., G.I., H.P.K.), Department of Medicine, University of Patras Medical School, Rion-Patras, Greece.

Wanneer patienten die een chemokuur krijgen met paclitaxel een extra dosis vitamine E (300 mg. 2x pper dag) krijgen dan zorgt dit voor minder neuropathische klachten en schade (zenuwpijn en aantasting van de zenuwen). Dit toont een gerandomiseerd gecontroleerde studie aan. Het verschil bedroeg: het optreden van neurotoxiciteit verschilde significant tussen de twee groepen. 3/16 (18.7%) patienten uit de vitamine E suppletiegroep toonden neuropatische verschijnselen en bij 10/16 (62.5%) in de controlegroep (P=0.03). Het relatieve risico (RR) op optreden van PIPN was significant hoger in controlgroep dan in de vitamin E groep patienten (RR=0.3, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.1-0.9). Mediane PNP scores waren 2.25+/-5.1 (range 0-15) voor patienten in Groep I en 11+/-11.63 (range 0-32) voor die in Groep II (P=0.01).

A randomized, controlled trial was performed to assess the efficacy and safety of vitamin E supplementation for prophylaxis against paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy (PIPN). Thirty-two patients undergoing six courses of paclitaxel-based chemotherapy were randomly assigned to receive either chemotherapy with vitamin E (300mg twice a day, Group I) or chemotherapy without vitamin E supplementation (Group II). A detailed neurological examination and electrophysiological study was performed during and 3 months after chemotherapy. The severity of PIPN was summarized by means of a modified Peripheral Neuropathy (PNP) score. The incidence of neurotoxicity differed significantly between groups, occurring in 3/16 (18.7%) patients assigned to the vitamin E supplementation group and in 10/16 (62.5%) controls (P=0.03). The relative risk (RR) of developing PIPN was significantly higher in controls than in vitamin E group patients (RR=0.3, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.1-0.9). Mean PNP scores were 2.25+/-5.1 (range 0-15) for patients in Group I and 11+/-11.63 (range 0-32) for those in Group II (P=0.01). Vitamin E supplementation was well tolerated and showed an excellent safety profile. This study shows that vitamin E effectively and safely protects patients with cancer from the occurrence of paclitaxel-induced peripheral nerve damage. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial is needed to confirm these results. PMID: 16939848 [PubMed - in process]

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