een gefermenteerd tarwekiem als aanvullend middel bij operatie en chemo bij o.a. endeldarmkanker echt spectaculair te noemen zijn. 20% betere overall overleving en 14% minder recidieven in vergelijking met operatie en chemo zonder Avemar - MSC.
Ongelooflijk eigenlijk dat er na 2007 geen meerdere studies meer zijn gedaan met Avemar. Althans ik kan ze niet vinden.

Analyse van de einddoelen liet zien dat gebeurtenisen gerelateerd aan progressie van de ziekte significant minder voorkwamen in de Avemar studiegroep in vergelijking met de controlegroep. Zo ook kwamen er veel minder recidieven voor in de Avemargroep dan in de controlegroep. nieuwe recidieven: 3.0% vs 17.3%, P<0.01; nieuwe uitzaaiingen: 7.6 vs 23.1%, P<0.01; overlijden: 12.1 vs 31.7%, P<0.01).
De conclusie uit deze studie gepubliceerd in het gerenommeerde BMJ - British Journal of CancerSurvival is ook positief: analyse toont significante verbeteringen in de Avemargroep (MSC) in progressievrije tijd (P=0.0184) en overall overleving (P=0.0278).
A medical nutriment has supportive value in the treatment of colorectal cancer
MSC (Avemar) is a medical nutriment of which preclinical and observational clinical studies suggested an antimetastatic activity with no toxicity. This open-label cohort trial has compared anticancer treatments plus MSC (9 g once daily) vs anticancer treatments alone in colorectal patients, enrolled from three oncosurgical centres; cohort allocation was on the basis of patients' choice. Sixty-six colorectal cancer patients received MSC supplement for more than 6 months and 104 patients served as controls (anticancer therapies alone): no statistical difference was noted in the time from diagnosis to the last visit between the two groups. End-point analysis revealed that progression-related events were significantly less frequent in the MSC group (new recurrences: 3.0 vs 17.3%, P<0.01; new metastases: 7.6 vs 23.1%, P<0.01; deaths: 12.1 vs 31.7%, P<0.01). Survival analysis showed significant improvements in the MSC group regarding progression-free (P=0.0184) and overall survivals (P=0.0278) probabilities. Survival predictors in Cox's proportional hazards were UICC stage and MSC treatment. Continuous supplementation of anticancer therapies with MSC for more than 6 months is beneficial to patients with colorectal cancer in terms of overall and progression-free survival. >>>>>>Read more
We hebben al enkele keren vragen gehad waar Avemar is te verkrijgen enz. Op deze website staat alle informatie over de geschiedenis van Avemar. In 2007 is Avemar ook onderwerp geweest op ASCO 2007. Avemar blijkt een geregistreerd natuurlijk aanvullend middel te zijn met therapeutische waarde in een behandeling van kanker. Onder het abstract staat een literatuurlijst van studies met Avemar die er gedaan zijn afgelopen jaren. Onder voeding- en voedingstoffen bij de artikelen onderzoek en de alfabetische lijst staat ook een studie waaruit blijkt dat Avemar kinderen die chemo krijgen tegen hun leukemie beter beschermd tegen neuropatische bijwerkingen. Onderaan staat het abstract bij melanoompatienten en daaronder de studielijst.
27 januari 2009: Bron: 1: Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2008 Aug;23(4):477-82.
Avemar, een gefermenteerd tarwekiem extract gegeven als aanvulling bij chemo (dacarbazine (DTIC)) verlengt overlevingstijd met ca. 40% bij melanoompatienten met extra groot risico. Dit blijkt uit een 7 jarige studiefollow-up in een gerandomiseerde fase II studie. eerder bleek Avemar uitstekend te werken als verbetering van levenskwaliteit en vermindering van bijwerkingen bij kinderen die chemokuren kregen. zie dit abstract
Resultaten Avemar bij melanoompatienten: Aan het eind van een 7-jarige follow-up: log-rank analyses (Kaplan-Meier estimates) toonde significante verschillen in beide progressie-vrije (PFS) en overall overleving (OS) ten gusnte van de FWGE groep (Avemar groep) .Mediane PFS: 55.8 maanden (FWGE groep) versus 29.9 maanden (controle groep), p = 0.0137. Mediane OS: 66.2 maanden (FWGE groep) versus 44.7 maanden (controle groep), p = 0.0298.
CONCLUSIE: De toevoeging van Avemar aan de behandelingsprotocollen van hoog riscio melanoompatienten wordt hogelijk geadviseerd.
Continuous supplementation of anticancer therapies with MSC - Avemar, a fermented wheat extract, for more than 6 months is beneficial to patients with colorectal cancer in terms of overall and progression-free survival.
A medical nutriment has supportive value in the treatment of colorectal cancer
The inclusion of Avemar into the adjuvant protocols of high-risk skin melanoma patients is highly recommended.
Adjuvant fermented wheat germ extract (Avemar) nutraceutical improves survival of high-risk skin melanoma patients: a randomized, pilot, phase II clinical study with a 7-year follow-up.
Erratum in
- Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2008 Oct;23(5):669.
The fermented wheat germ extract (FWGE) nutraceutical (Avemar), manufactured under "good manufacturing practice" conditions and, fulfilling the self-affirmed "generally recognized as safe" status in the United States, has been approved as a "dietary food for special medical purposes for cancer patients" in Europe. In this paper, we report the adjuvant use of this nutraceutical in the treatment of high-risk skin melanoma patients.
In a randomized, pilot, phase II clinical trial, the efficacy of dacarbazine (DTIC)-based adjuvant chemotherapy on survival parameters of melanoma patients was compared to that of the same treatment supplemented with a 1-year long administration of FWGE.
At the end of an additional 7-year-long follow-up period, log-rank analyses (Kaplan-Meier estimates) showed significant differences in both progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in favor of the FWGE group. Mean PFS: 55.8 months (FWGE group) versus 29.9 months (control group), p = 0.0137. Mean OS: 66.2 months (FWGE group) versus 44.7 months (control group), p = 0.0298.
The inclusion of Avemar into the adjuvant protocols of high-risk skin melanoma patients is highly recommended.
- 18771352
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
1. Fermented Wheat Germ Extract (Avemar) in the Treatment of Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases
...m Extract (Avemar) in the Treatment of Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases LASZLO G. BOROS,a MICHELE NICHELATTI,b AND YEHUDA SHOENFELDc Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California 90502, USA bDepartm...2.Avemar Library
...SH, Adviser, Foreign Trade, Biromedicina Co., Kiev, Ukraine Back to the top USA Boros, G. László MD, Assistant Professor, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), School of Medicine, Torrance, CA, USA Pusztai, Lajos MD, D.Phil (Oxfor...3.Avemar Library Tel Aviv University show the effectiveness of the product in SLE. Prof. László Boros et al. at UCLA realize that Avemar inhibits the division of cancer cells by a mechanism independent of the immune system. 01: Prof. Anna Tompa et al. in B...4. Avemar approved for cancer patients: immunomodulator in colorectal cancer. Hepatogastroenterology 47: 393-395. 2000.Boros L. G, Lee W-N. P, Hidvégi M, Go V. L. W:The metabolic effects of fermented wheat germ extract with anti-tumor properties in cultured MIA pancreatic adenoc...5. Avemar Cancer Research Program & Oncology: Shop Buy Avemar on-line(opening soon). In the spotlight New rewiew paper Boros et all: Fermented Wheat Germ Extract (Avemar) in the Treatment of Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1051: 529?542. 2005. 25 July 2005.&...6. Experimental and clinical results with Avemar (a dried extract from fermented wheat germ) in animal cancer models and i...
...action of Avemar. (In Hungarian). N?gyógy Onkol 1998; 3:241-243. 7. Cascante M, Boros LG, Comin-Anduix B, Atauri P, Centelles JJ, Lee WNP. Metabolic control analysis in drug discovery and disease. Nat Biotechnol 2002; 20:243-249. 8. Hidvégi...7. Effect of AvemarŽ - a fermented wheat germ extract - on rheumatoid arthritis. Preliminary data a suitable adjunctive therapeutic tool in the treatment of RA. References 1. BOROS LG, NICHELATTI M, SHOENFELD Y: The fermented wheat germ extract (Avemar) in the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2005; 1051:8. Avemar, a nontoxic fermented wheat germ extract, induces apoptosis and inhibits ribonucleotide reductase in human HL-60...
...World Society of Breast Health, Bologna, Monduzzi Editore, 2003, pp. 6166. L.G. Boros, M. Hidvegi, Fermented wheat germ extract inhibits vast glucose utilization for nucleic and fatty acid synthesis in inflammatory breast cancer cells, in: ...9. ÁTTEKINTÉS AZ AVEMAR ONKOLÓGIÁBAN BETÖLTÖTT SZEREPÉRL
... industry. Scrip Reports BS 1017, PJB Publications Ltd., Richmond, UK, 1999. 3. Boros LG, Lee W-NP, Hidvégi M, Go VLW: Metabolic effects of fermented wheat germ extract with anti-tumor properties in cultured MIA pancreatic adenocarcinoma ce...10. FERMENTÁLT BÚZACSÍRA KIVONAT (AVEMAR) ALKALMAZÁSÁNAK LEHETSÉGEI A CSALÁDORVOSI GYAKORLATBAN
... immunomodulator in colorectal cancer. Hepatogastroenterology 47:393-395, 2000. Boros LG, Lee W-NP, Hidvégi M, Go VLW: Metabolic effects of fermented wheat germ extract with anti-tumor properties in cultured MIA pancreatic adenocarcinoma ce...11. Fermented wheat germ extract in the supportive therapy of colorectal cancer
...dustry. Scrip Reports, 1999, BS 1017, PJB Publications Ltd., Richmond, UK. 3. Boros, L. G., Lapis, K., Szende, B. és mtsai: Wheat germ extract decreases glucose uptake and RNA ribose formation but increases fatty acid synthesis in MIA pan...12. Synergistic Effect of Avemar on Proinflammatory Cytokine Production and Ras-Mediated Cell Activation
...l nutriment. Cancer Biother. Radiopharm. 19: 746753. 6. COMÍN-ANDUIX, B., L.G. BOROS, S. MARIN, et al. 2002. Fermented wheat germ extract inhibits glycolysis/pentose cycle enyzmes and induces apoptosis through poly (ADPribose) polymerase a...13. Immunologic and Biochemical Effects of the Fermented Wheat Germ Extract Avemar
...y Avemars biochemical activity in relation to human colon carcinoma cells. ´ 1. Boros LG, Lapis K, Szende B, Tomoskozi-Farkas R, Balogh A, Boren ¨¨¨ J, Marin S, Cascante M, Hidvegi M. Wheat germ extract decreases ´ glucose uptake and RNA ri...14. The Efficacy of Tamoxifen in Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Cells Is Enhanced by a Medical Nutriment ... patients [in Hungarian]. Medicus Anonymus/Pulmono 2003; 11:13. Comin-Anduix B, Boros LG, Marin S, et al. Fermented wheat germ extract inhibits glycolysis/pentose cycle enzymes and induces apoptosis through poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase acti...15. Fermented wheat germ extract reduces chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in pediatric cancer patients
...ingle Italian institution. Eur J Cancer. 2001;37: 24132419. 3. Comín-Anduix B, Boros LG, Marin S, et al. Fermented wheat germ extract inhibits glycolysis/pentose cycle enzymes and induces apoptosis through poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activ...16. A medical nutriment has supportive value in the treatment of colorectal cancer
...en shown to induce apoptosis, to inhibit carbon flow to nucleic acid synthesis (Boros et al, 2001; Com´n-Anduix et al, 2002) and to induce i major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I proteins downregulation (Fajka-Boja et al, 2002) in ...17. Fermented wheat germ-based product improves quality of life for lung cancer patients
...ients with advanced cancer: a review. Int J Gynecol Cancer 12: 424-8, 2002. 13. Boros LG et al: Wheat germ extract decreases glucose uptake and RNA ribose formation but increases fatty acid synthesis in MIA pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells...18. Fermented wheat germ extract inhibits glycolysis/pentose cycle enzymes and induces apoptosis through poly (ADP-ribose) ...
..., September 25, 2002, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M206150200 Begona Comin-Anduix, Laszlo G. Boros§, Silvia Marin, Joan Boren, Carles Callol-Massot, ~ ´ ´ ´ Josep J. Centelles, Josep L. Torres?, Neus Agell , Sara Bassilian§, and Marta Cascante** From th...19. Fermented wheat germ extract induces apoptosis and downregulation of major histocompatibility complex class I proteins ...
...f MSC on the immune response of mice. Immunopharmacology 41: 183-186, 1999. 10. Boros LG, Lapis K, Szende B, Tomoskozi-Farkas R, Balogh A, Boren J, Marin S, Cascante M and Hidvegi M: Wheat germ extract decreases glucose uptake and RNA ribos...20. A metabolic hypothesis of cell growth and death in pancreatic cancer
... A Metabolic Hypothesis of Cell Growth and Death in Pancreatic Cancer Laszlo G. Boros, Wai-Nang Paul Lee, and *Vay Liang W. Go HarborUniversity of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Research and Education Institute, UCLA School of Medicine, Tor...
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