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22 oktober 2007: Bron: 1: Chin J Integr Med. 2007 Mar;13(1):37-40.

Injecties met Shenqi Fuzheng (Chinees kruid) (zie ook onderzoek en voeding onder Chinese kruiden in alfabetische lijst ander studies met Chinese kruiden bij ander kankersoortenverminderen hoog significant de bijwerkingen van chemo ( CAF protocol (Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin en Fluorouracil) bij borstkanker, aldus een gerandomiseerde studie onder 106 patienten. De verlaging van de bloedplaatjes en lymfocyten door de chemo was hoog significant minder door de injecties met shenqi fuzheng) en de kwaliteit van leven van de patienten werd aanzienlijk vergroot waarbij de immunologische waarden ook aanzienlijk werden verbeterd, bv. de killercels waren meer en groter in aantal in de groep die de injecties met shenqui fuzheng kregen. De injecties met Shenqui Fuzheng verbeterden zo ook de effectiviteit van de chemo maar dus met veel minder bijwerkingen.

Clinical study on treatment of mammary cancer by shenqi fuzheng injection in cooperation with chemotherapy.Bo Y, Li HS, Qi YC, Lu MY. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, Guangzhou 510095. mammothbo@163.com

OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of Shenqi Fuzheng Injection (SFI) on cellular immune in patients with mammary cancer (MC) after chemotherapy.

METHODS: One hundred and ten patients with MC were randomly assigned to two groups. The 58 patients in the tested group were treated with SFI in cooperation with chemotherapy of CAF protocol (Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin and Fluorouracil), while the 52 patients in the control group were treated with chemotherapy of the same protocol alone. Changes of the patients' quality of life (QOF), adverse reaction that occurred, peripheral lymphocyte count and killing activity of single karyocyte before and after treatment between the two groups were compared.

RESULTS: Patients' QOF elevating rate after treatment in the tested group and the control group was 34.5% and 13.5% respectively; The lowering of peripheral blood cell count of WBC, platelet and lymphocyte as well as that of the killing activity of single peripheral karyocyte on various kinds of MC cells were all milder and recovery sooner than those in the control group.

CONCLUSION: SFI in combination with chemotherapy in treating MC could reduce the occurrence of adverse reaction to chemotherapy, improve clinical symptoms, elevate QOF and enhance immunity in patients with MC.

PMID: 17578316 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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