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1 juni 2005: Bron: Pubmed en verschillende studie abstracten daaruit
Het Chinese middel Fuzheng Yiliu Granule blijkt in drie gerandomiseerde studies bij verschillende soorten kanker, waaronder slokdarmkanker en borstkanker de tumorsterfte - apoptosisproces - te stimuleren en uitzaaiingskansen te verminderen , zelfs te voorkomen. Verder begrijpen we niet zo goed welke processen hier beschreven worden maar 1 studie bij borstkanker is belangrijk genoeg om door arts-bioloog drs. E. Valstar opgenomen te worden in de lijst van gerandomiseerde studies naar effecten van voeding en voedingstoffen. Leest u zelf onderstaande abstracten van drie gerandomiseerde studies en 1 studie met muizen.
Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2003 Jun;23(6):421-2.
[Effect of fuzheng yiliu granule on nuclear transcriptional factor-kappa B and cell cycle in patients with breast carcinoma]
[Article in Chinese]
Zhao JX, Lian P, Li YT.
Institute of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou 730000. zhaojianxiong@mail.lazmc.edu.cn
OBJECTIVE: To explore the effect and clinical significance of Fuzheng Yiliu Granule (FYG) on nuclear transcriptional factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) and cell cycle in breast tumor.
METHODS: Fifty-five patients of breast carcinoma were randomly divided into the treated group and the control group, both were treated with conventional chemotherapy, but to the treated group, FYG was given additionally by oral taking. Operation was performed one month later to take out the tumor tissue for detecting NF-kappa B expression and ration of cells in different phases of cell cycle.
RESULTS: Compared with the control group, NF-kappa B expression was significantly increased in the treated group, accompanied with increased G0/1 phase cell proportion and decreased S phase cell proportion as well as significantly reduced cell proliferation index (all P < 0.01).
CONCLUSION: FYG could enhance the expression of NF-kappa B in breast tumor tissue, raise the proportion of G0/1 phase cells, decrease proportion S phase cells and reduce the cell proliferation index, showing an active action on the patients prognosis.
Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Randomized Controlled Trial
PMID: 12872392 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2005 Apr;25(4):338-41.
[Effect of fuzheng yiliu granule on H22 tumor cell apoptosis, p53 and caspase-3 gene expression in mice]
[Article in Chinese]
Song Q, Zhao JX, Zhu YZ.
Institute of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou.
OBJECTIVE: To explore the inhibitory effect of Fuzheng Yiliu Granule (FYG) on growth and apoptosis of H22 tumor cell, and expressions of p53 and Caspase-3 gene. METHODS: The tumor inhibitory rate of FYG on H22 tumor cell line was observed in vivo, cell apoptosis rate and cell cycle were determined by flow cytometry (FCM), and expressions of wild type p53 and Capase-3 mRNA were determined by RT-PCR.
RESULTS: FYG could inhibit the growth of H22 tumor cell at the dose of 12g/kg, 24g/kg, the maximal inhibitory rate up to 51.24% (P < 0.01). By FCM, it was shown that FYG could significantly enhance apoptosis rate of cell line H22, with the peak reached 15.84% (P < 0.01), and cause the tumor cell cycle being blocked at G0/G1 phase, with decrease of cells in S phase. RT-PCR illustrated that FYG could significantly up-regulate the level of p53 and Caspase-3 mRNA expression.
CONCLUSION: FYG can significantly inhibit the growth of tumor cell in mice, its anti-tumor mechanisms may relate to the cell apoptosis induction, cell cycle regulation and wild type p53 and capase-3 gene expression enhancing.
PMID: 15892280 [PubMed - in process]
Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 2004 Jul;2(4):262-4.
[Effects of Fuzheng Yiliu Granule on expression of CD44v6 and nm23-H1 in esophageal carcinoma treated with radiotherapy]
[Article in Chinese]
Zhao JX, Li XF.
Institute of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou, Gansu Province 730000, China. zhaojianxiong@mail.lazmc.edu.cn
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of Fuzheng Yiliu Granule on the expression of CD44v6 and nm23-H1 in esophageal carcinoma treated with radiotherapy.
METHODS: Sixty-three cases of esophageal carcinoma were randomly divided into two groups: Fuzheng Yiliu Granule plus radiotherapy treated group (n=30) and radiotherapy treated group (n=33). The carcinoma specimens were obtained through endoscopic biopsy before and after twenty-one days of treatment. The expression of CD44v6 and nm23-H1 was determined in the sixty-three specimens of esophageal carcinoma by immunohistochemical SABC methods.
RESULTS: After twenty-one days of treatment, the positive rates of CD44v6 in the Fuzheng Yiliu Granule plus radiotherapy treated group and the radiotherapy treated group were 40.0% and 69.7%, respectively, and there was significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). The positive rates of nm23-H1 in the Fuzheng Yiliu Granule plus radiotherapy treated group and the radiotherapy treated group were 20.0% and 21.2%, respectively, and the difference was not significant between the two groups (P>0.05).
CONCLUSION: Fuzheng Yiliu Granule can lower the expression of CD44v6 in esophageal carcinoma, and may prevent infiltration and lymph node metastasis of esophageal carcinoma.
Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Randomized Controlled Trial
PMID: 15339409 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2003 Dec;23(12):908-10.
[Clinical observation on effect of fuzheng yiliu granule on cell cycle and nuclear transcription factor-kappa B in tissue of esophageal-gastric carcinoma]
[Article in Chinese]
Zhao JX, Qu Y, Chen XZ. Institute of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou 730000. Zhaojianxiong@mail.Lazmc.edu.cn
OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of Fuzheng Yiliu Granule (FZYLG) on cell cycle and nuclear transcription factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) in tissue of esophageal-gastric carcinoma.
METHODS: Seventy-six patients with esophageal gastric carcinoma were randomly divided into two groups, the FZYLG group and the control group. FZYLG was given to the former for 15 days. The tumor tissue in both groups was resected and cell cycle and apoptosis rate as well as NF-kappa B were determined by flowcytometry.
RESULTS: Level of NF-kappa B in the treated group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P < 0.05). In the treated group, the percentage of G0/G1 stage cells were significantly increased and that of S stage significantly decreased (both P < 0.05). At the same time, obvious cell apoptosis was found in the treated group, the apoptosis rate of which was significantly higher than that in the control group (P < 0.01).
CONCLUSION: FZYLG can increase the NF-kappa B expression, block the proliferation to promote the apoptosis of tumor cells.
Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Randomized Controlled Trial
PMID: 14714361 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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1 Reactie op "Fuzheng Yiliu Granule (TCM) blijkt in drie gerandomiseerde studies bij meerdere vormen van kanker, waaronder slokdarmkanker en borstkanker de tumorsterfte - apoptosisproces - te stimuleren en uitzaaiingskansen te verminderen , zelfs te voorkomen"
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Als het een enkelvoudig kruid is dan wil ik er op wijzen dat Chinese kruiden altijd in een mix gegeven worden om het effect te versterken en eventuele negatieve effecten te verminderen.
Er is zoveel meer mogelijk.
Voor mij zijn alle planten chemische fabriekjes met voor de meeste mensen ongekende mogelijk-heden. De farmaceutische industrie doet met deze chemie niets omdat het niet gepatenteerd kan worden.De Chinese wetenschappers worden hier (in Nederland) niet serieus genomen lijkt het wel.De in duizenden jaren ontwikkelde kijk op de mens is nog steeds actueel.Er zijn zeker 250 kruiden die een gunstig effect hebben op behandeling van kanker en herstel na bestraling. Welke kruiden het meest geschikt zijn kan bepaalt worden aan de hand van de Chinese diagnostiek. Waarna de mens wordt behandelt en niet de ziekte.
In Nederland wordt er, van deze 250 kruiden, voor zover ik weet, niet één gebruikt. Wat een gemiste kans om lijden te voorkomen en om de zorgkosten omlaag te krijgen. Voeding is binnen de TCM ook zeer belangrijk. Ieder proces kan ermee gestuurd worden. Het is zoveel meer dan de schijf van 5.
acupuncturist en deskundige Chinese voedingsleer.
Nu bezig met Chinese kruidenleer