20 december 2021: U zou de natuurapotheek kunnen raadplegen hoe en welke Chinese kruiden te gebruiken zijn bij uw vorm van kanker of ziekte.
Wij hebben ook wel het adres van de producent in China van de Sqenqi Fuzheng injecties waar u het via een arts of apotheker kunt bestellen, maar lijkt ons beter dat u dit toch doet via een goed gekwalificeerd arts.
Via dit bedrijf kunt u Kanglaite bestellen via internet: https://www.chinesemedicine.store/kanglaite-injection maar hebt u een arts nodig die dat voor u bestelt.
Het patent voor Kanglaite berust bij deze producent Kanglaite Patent, US
18 november 2021: Bron: 2011 Nov;36(22):3207-9
Opnieuw bewijst een injectie met Kanglaite - Shenqi Fuzheng zijn waarde bij kankerpatiënten. In dit geval bij kankerpatiënten met Acute vorm van leukemie. Kangai-injectie plus FLAG-regime ( fludarabine (Flud), cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C), and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) (FLAG) ) kan de remissiesnelheid verhogen, de periode van beenmergsuppressie verkorten, de incidentie en mate van infectie aanzienlijk verminderen, en een belangrijke rol spelen bij verminderde efficiëntie bij patiënten met een recidief of progressie van Acute Leukemie.
Uit het abstract vertaald:
- Het remissiepercentage van de behandeling en het totale effectieve percentage van de behandelingsgroep waren 57,1% (16/28) en 71,4% (21/28) versus de controlegroep was 52,3% (11/21) en 61,9% (13/21), er waren geen significante verschillen tussen de twee groepen.
- Duur van neutrofielen minder dan 0,5 x 10(9)/L in behandelingsgroep was (14 +/- 6) dag, in de controlegroep was dat (23 +/- 3) dag,
- Duur van bloedplaatjes minder dan 25 x 10(9)/ L in behandelingsgroep was (17 +/- 6) dag, in de controlegroep was dat (31 +/- 2) dag,
- behandelingsgroep van III-IV infectiegraad was 6,9% (1/28) en controlegroep was 23,8% ( 5/21) tussen de twee groepen waren significant verschillend (P <0,05).
- behandelingsgroep van III-IV graad van gastro-intestinaal; toxiciteit was 10,7% (3/28) en de controlegroep was 28,5% (6/21).
[Clinical study of kangai injection plus FLAG regimen for refractory/relapsed acute leukemia]
- PMID: 22375409
Objective: To assess the efficacy and toxicity of the kangai injection combination of fludarabine (Flud), cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C), and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) (FLAG) in refractory/relapsed acute leukemia (AL) patients.
Method: From 2004 to 2010 in our hospital, the 49 cases of refractory/relapsed acute luekemia were randomly divided into treatment group (28 cases) and control group (21 cases). The control group were treated by kangai injection plus FLAG regimen, and the control group were treated by FLAG regimen.
Result: The remission rate of treatment and total effective rate treatment group were 57.1% (16/28) and 71.4% (21/28), the control group were 52.3% (11/21) and 61.9% (13/21), there were no significant differences in the two groups. Duration of neutrophils less than 0.5 x 10(9)/L in treatment group was (14 +/- 6) day, control group was (23 +/- 3) day, Duration of platelet less than 25 x 10(9)/L in treatment group was (17 +/- 6) day, control group was (31 +/- 2) day, treatment group of III-IV degree of infection was 6.9% (1/28) and control group was 23.8% (5/21) between the two groups were significantly different (P < 0.05). treatment group of III- IV degree of gastrointestinal; toxicity was 10.7% (3/28) and control group was 28. 5% (6/ 21).
Conclusion: Kangai injection plus FLAG regimen could increase the remission rate, shorten the period of bone marrow suppression, significantly reduced the incidence and degree of infection, play a important role in attenuated efficiency.
Maar deze reviewstudie geeft nog veel meer waardevolle informatie:
Clinical Application of Chinese Herbal Injection for Cancer Care: Evidence-Mapping of the Systematic Reviews, Meta-analyses, and Randomized Controlled Trials
Background and objective: Cancer is a life-threatening disease worldwide and current standard therapy cannot fulfill all clinical needs. Chinese herbal injections have been widely used for cancer in Chinese and Western hospitals in China. This study aimed to apply evidence mapping in order to provide an overview of the clinical application of Chinese herbal injections in cancer care based on randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses.
Methods and results: Seven databases were systematically searched for eligible randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses for ten Chinese herbal injections used in cancer treatment and covered in the Chinese national essential health insurance program. Excel 2016 and RStudio were used to integrate and process the data.
In total 366 randomized controlled trials and 48 systematic reviews and meta-analyses were included in the evidence mapping of herbal medicines including; Compound Kushen, Shenqi Fuzheng, Aidi, Kangai, Kanglaite, Xiaoaiping, Cinobufacin, Brucea javanica oil emulsion, Polyporus polysaccharide injection, and Astragalus polysaccharide for injection. Health insurance restricts the scope of clinical application for these herbal injections. The numbers of studies published increased, especially around 2013–2015. The most studied cancer types were lung cancer (118, 32.2%), colorectal cancer (39, 10.7%), and gastric cancer (39, 10.7%), and the most used injections were Compound Kushen (78, 21.3%), Shenqi Fuzheng (76, 20.8%), and Aidi (63, 17.2%). The most consistently reported benefits were observed for Compound Kushen, Shenqi Fuzheng, Aidi, and Kangai for tumor response, quality of life, myelosuppression, and enhancing immunity.
Conclusion:The current evidence mapping provides an overview of the outcomes and effects of Chinese herbal injections used in cancer care, and offers information on their clinical application which warrants further evidence-based research in order to inform clinical and policy decision-making.
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