3 april 2012: onderstaand artikel uit 2002 was een van de eerste studies die aantoonde dat lycopeen een remmende werking heeft op ontstaan en progressie van prostaatkanker. Als u hier klikt kunt u het volledige studierapport gratis inzien van een recente meta analyse over hoe dan precies lycopeen zou werken. De onderzoekers weten dat nog niet zeker maar er zijn aanwijzingen dat lycopeen invloed heeft op het 'DNA' van de prostaatkankercel. Voor medici en wetenschappers een o.i. interessante studie. Voor leken bevestigt deze studie de goede werking van lycopeen.

Global gene expression analysis revealed no significant individual genes that were associated with high intake of fish or tomato at baseline or after 3 months of supplementation with lycopene or fish oil. However, exploratory pathway analyses of rank-ordered genes (based on p-values not corrected for multiple comparisons) revealed the modulation of androgen and estrogen metabolism in men who routinely consumed more fish (p = 0.029) and tomato (p = 0.008) compared to men who ate less. In addition, modulation of arachidonic acid metabolism (p = 0.01) was observed after 3 months of fish oil supplementation compared with the placebo group; and modulation of nuclear factor (erythroid derived-2) factor 2 or Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress response for either supplement versus placebo (fish oil: p = 0.01, lycopene: p = 0.001).
We did not detect significant individual genes associated with dietary intake and supplementation of lycopene and fish oil. However, exploratory analyses revealed candidate in vivo pathways that may be modulated by these micronutrients.
mei 2002

Onderstaande grote tienjarige bevolkingsstudie studie bij meer dan 47.000 mannen bewijst wat we al een hele tijd weten namelijk dat het eten van tomaten (hier wordt gesproken over twee keer per week) het risico op het krijgen van prostaatkanker  verkleint. De stof lycopeen lijkt daarvoor verantwoordelijk.
Zie ook in linkerkolom het abstract van een studie dat lycopeen niet alleen preventief maar ook genezend werkt bij mensen die reeds prostaatkanker hebben. Ik denk dat onderstaand bericht voor zichzelf spreekt en niet hoeft vertaald te worden.

- Tomato Consumption Can Lower Prostate Cancer Risk -Study -- WASHINGTON (AP)--A diet rich in tomato sauce, ketchup and other tomato-based products containing a powerful antioxidant can lower the risk of prostate cancer, a new study says.
Researchers analyzed the food choices and prostate cancer histories of more
than 47,000 men and found that those who ate at least two meals a week
containing tomato products lowered their risk of prostate cancer by 24-36%.
Dr. Edward Giovannucci of Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Harvard School
of Public Health, the first author of the study, said it supports earlier
research involving foods, particularly tomato products, that were high in
lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.
"These most recent finding add support to the notion that a diet rich in
tomatoes and lycopene-containing foods, as well as other fruits and vegetables,
may reduce the risk of prostate cancer," said Giovannucci.
A report on the study appears Wednesday in the Journal of the National Cancer
Giovannucci said that lycopene is thought to protect against cancer by
absorbing oxygen-free radicals, which are chemicals created during metabolism
that can damage the genetic structure of cells.
The finding is based on data from the Health Professional Follow-Up Study, a
project that followed the health history and dietary habits of 47,000 men, aged
40 to 75, from 1986 to 1998. During that period, 2,481 of the men developed
prostate cancer.
Dietary questionnaires in the study included such food items as tomatoes,
tomato sauce, tomato juice, pizza, watermelon and pink grapefruit, along with
salsa, ketchup and other tomato-based condiments.
When the data was adjusted for the effects of other life style factors, the
researchers found that tomatoes, particularly those that had been cooked, were
beneficial against prostate cancer.

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