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13 april 2012: er is natuurlijk al heel veel meer bekend over RFA - Radio Frequency Ablation inmiddels. Maar onderstaande studie uit 2004 toonde toen al aan dat RFA ook bij borstkankertumoren zeker zinvol kan zijn.

RFA - Radio Frequency Ablation bewezen effectief in kleinschalige studie met 22 vrouwen met borsttumoren kleiner dan 2 cm.

d.d. 18 april 2004

Nieuwe studie bevestigt uitstekend effect van RFA - Radio Frequency Ablation voor borsttumoren kleiner dan 2 cm. doorsnee. Analyse achteraf gaf aan dat bij ALLE 20 vrouwen die behandeld waren de tumor VOLLEDIG was verwijderd. Wat overigens niet wil zeggen dat er geen kans op een recidief zou zijn en deze vrouwen zijn ook direct daarna nog eens geopereerd en waarschijnlijk ook daarna nog behandeld met chemo en/of bestraling en hormoontherapie. Uiteraard wordt erbij gezegd dat nog veel en veel meer onderzoek nodig is. Als u leest dat dit ook al in 2001 werd gezegd na een ook succesvolle studie met borsttumoren onder 26 vrouwen dan vragen we ons zo langzamerhand wel af hoeveel RFA / Radio Frequency Ablation  bewijs er eigenlijk echt nodig is voordat kankerpatiënten minder belastende, en blijkbaar effectievere behandelingen krijgen aangeboden.

Bron: Healthweb: : Fornage, B. Radiology, April 2004; vol 231: pp 215-224. News release, Radiological Society of North America. New Treatment May Zap Early Breast Cancers By Jennifer Warner WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD on Tuesday, March 30, 2004

March 30, 2004 -- A new treatment that uses electricity to destroy small tumors in the breast may soon offer an alternative to surgery for women with breast cancer. A small study of radiofrequency (RF) ablation in treating early breast cancers shows the minimally invasive procedure is feasible and safe. But researchers say more study is needed before the experimental technique can replace the currently accepted therapy of surgery followed by radiation therapy. "This is an experimental study, and additional long-term trials will be needed before RF ablation becomes available as an alternative to surgery in the treatment for early breast cancer," says researcher Bruno Fornage, MD, a professor of radiology and surgical oncology at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, in a news release. Zapping Breast Cancer The study, published in the April issue of Radiology, looked at the safety and effectiveness of RF ablation in the treatment of small breast cancers that were less than 2 centimeters in diameter. RF ablation involves using ultrasound imaging to guide a needle/electrode that delivers heat generated by an electrical current to the center of a tumor. In the study, a temperature of about 200°F was applied to the tumor for 15 minutes to destroy the cancerous tissue. Researchers performed the procedure on 21 breast cancer lesions in 20 women immediately before they underwent lumpectomy (surgical removal of the tumor and surrounding tissue) or mastectomy (removal of the entire breast). After the procedure and subsequent surgery was completed, a pathologist evaluated the tissue samples to determine if the RF ablation treatment had destroyed all the cancerous cells. The study showed that the tumor seen on ultrasound was completely destroyed in all 21 cases without any adverse effects, such as burns to the skin or chest wall. But a residual microscopic cancer that did not show up on imaging, even retrospectively, was found in the surrounding breast tissue in one of two women who had received chemotherapy prior to the procedure. Since the RF ablation procedure uses ultrasound imaging to guide where therapy is given, researchers say the target tumor must be clearly visible with ultrasound imaging and have well-defined borders in order to reduce the risk of leaving behind any cancerous cells. SOURCES: Fornage, B. Radiology, April 2004; vol 231: pp 215-224. News release, Radiological Society of North America.

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