We have seen only two cases of metastatic renal cell carcinoma, considered a uniformly untreatable disease. Because the results were so dramatic, people with this disease could potentially benefit the most from IAA treatment. Following are those two cases.
Case 1
A 52 year-old white female with a history of renal cell carcinoma was seen in our clinic for the first time in October, 1996.
In September 1995, shortly after diagnosis of a primary tumor in her left kidney, a nephrectomy was performed. Histology confirmed renal cell carcinoma. No evidence of metastases was found at that time. In March 1996, metastases to the lungs were found on chest x-ray film. In September 1996, a chest x-ray film revealed 4 1-to-3 cm masses in her lungs. One month later there were 8 1-to-3 cm masses in her lungs ( 7 in the right lung, 1 in the left).
No new medical, radiation, or surgical therapies were performed prior to her visit to our clinic in October 1996, when she began IAA therapy. Her initial dose was 15 g, which increased to 65 g after two weeks, two per week. She was also started on:
N-acetyl cysteine (Vitamin Research Products, Carson City, NV), 500 mg 1 p.o., QD;
beta-1,3-glucan (a macrophage stimulator, NSC-24, Nutrition Supply Corp., Carson City, NV), 2.5 mg 3 p.o. QD;
fish oil (Super-EPA, Bronson Pharmaceuticals, St Louis, MO; 300 mg eicosatetraenoic acid, 200 mg docosahexaenoic acid), 1 p.o. TID;
vitamin C, 9 g p.o. QD; beta-carotene (Beta Carotene 25, Miller Pharmacal Group, Inc., Carol Stream, IL), 25,000 I.U. 1 p.o. BID;
L-threonine (The Solgar Vitamin Co, Inc., Lynbrook, NY), 500 mg p.o. QD (for a deficiency revealed by laboratory testing of serum);
Bacillus laterosporus (Lateroflora, International Bio-Tech U.S.A., San Marcos, CA), 280 mg, 2 p.o. QD for intestinal Candida albicans;
inositol hexaniacinate complex (Niaplex, Karuna Corp., Novato, CA; 500 mg niacin, 100 mcg chromium) 2 p.o. QD;
and a no-refined-sugar diet.
She continued IAA treatments until June 1997 when another chest x-ray film revealed resolution of 7 of the 8 masses, and reduction in the size of the 8th. According to the medical imaging report, "The nodular infiltrates seen previously in the right lung and overlying the heart are no longer evident and the nodular infiltrate seen in left upper lung field has shown marked interval decrease in size and only vague suggestion of an approximately 1 cm density."
The patient discontinued IAA treatments in June 1997. She has continued on an oral nutrition support program since that time, and at this writing (December 1997) is well with no evidence of progression.
Case 2
In December 1985, a mass occupying the lower pole of the right kidney was discovered in a 70 year-old white male. Pathology of the mass after a radical nephrectomy confirmed renal cell carcinoma. He was followed by an oncologist at another clinic. Approximately three months after surgery, the patient's x-ray film and CT scan showed "multiple pulmonary lesions and lesions in several areas of his liver which were abnormal and periaortic lymphadenopathy."
In March 1986 the patient was seen in our clinic (1). He decided not to undergo chemotherapy. He requested and was started on IAA, 30 g twice per week.
In April 1986, six weeks after the x-ray film and CT scan studies, the oncologist's report states, " the patient returns feeling well. His exam is totally normal. His chest x-ray shows a dramatic improvement in pulmonary nodules compared to six weeks ago. The periaortic lymphadenopathy is completely resolved ... either he has had a viral infection with pulmonary lesions with lymphadenopathy that has resolved or (2) he really did have recurrent kidney cancer which is responding to your vitamin C therapy."
The oncology report in July 1996 stated, "there is no evidence of progressive cancer. He looks well ... chest x-ray today is totally normal. The pulmonary nodules are completely gone. There is no evidence of lung metastasis, liver metastasis or lymph node metastasis today, whatsoever."
In 1986 the patient received 30 g infusions twice weekly for 7 months. The treatments were then reduced to once per week for 8 more months. For an additional 6 months he received weekly, 15 g IAA infusions.
During and after treatments, the patient reported no toxicities, and his blood chemistry profiles and urine studies were normal.
The patient continued well, and was seen periodically at our clinic until early 1997 when he died, cancer-free, at age 82, 12 years after diagnosis.
We believe that IAA has potential as a chemotherapeutic agent. We hope our protocols for mixing and infusion of IAA, precautions to be taken before and during its use, and clinical case reports will justify further clinical trials and research with IAA for patients with metastatic disease. We do not believe it is a cure for all cancers. Although it shows promise as a sole therapy, particularly in renal cell carcinoma, it should be used primarily as an adjunct to other effective therapies.
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