3 mei 2023: zie ook dit artikel: https://kanker-actueel.nl/tace-met-lokaal-hyperthermie-verdubbelde-bij-patienten-met-primaire-leverkanker-hcc-51-vs-23-procent-op-3-jaars-meting-in-vergelijking-met-tace-plus-lokale-ethanolinjectie-pei-copy-1.html
16 april 2018: lees ook dit artikel:
23 mei 2005: Bron: Hepatology. 1998 Jan;27(1):67-72.
Primaire levertumoren van 3 cm. of kleiner inspuiten met azijnzuur geeft significant langere 1 en 2 jaars overleving dan inspuiten met ethanol (alcohol) blijkt uit gerandomiseerde studie onder 60 leverkankerpatiënten en al in 1998 gepubliceerd. 8% van de 38 tumoren geinjecteerd met azijnzuur en 37% van de 35 tumoren geinjecteerd met alcohol vertoonden een lokaal recidief (P < .001) gedurende een follow-up periode van 29 +/- 8 months en 23 +/- 10 months, respectievelijk. De 1- en 2-jaars overleving was 100% en 92% bij azijnzuur injecties en 83% en 63% na ethanol injecties (P = .0017).Dit is een significant positief verschil voor de azijnzuurgroep en de onderzoekers stellen dan ook dat azijnzuur injecties superieur zijn aan ethanol injecties voor behandeling van kleinere levertumoren.
Prospective randomized controlled trial comparing percutaneous acetic acid injection and percutaneous ethanol injection for small hepatocellular carcinoma.
Ohnishi K, Yoshioka H, Ito S, Fujiwara K.
Third Department of Medicine, Saitama Medical School, Japan.
To assess whether ultrasound-guided percutaneous acetic acid injection is superior to percutaneous ethanol injection in the treatment of small hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 60 patients with one to four HCCs smaller than 3 cm were entered onto a randomized controlled trial. Thirty-one and 29 patients, respectively, were treated by percutaneous acetic acid injection using 50% acetic acid or by percutaneous ethanol injection using absolute ethanol. There were no significant differences in age, sex ratio, Child-Pugh class, size of tumors, or number of tumors between the two groups. When there was no evidence of viable HCC from biopsy, plain and helical dynamic computed tomography, or angiography, the treatment was considered successful and was discontinued. All original tumors were treated successfully by either therapy. However, 8% of 38 tumors treated with percutaneous acetic acid injection and 37% of 35 tumors treated with percutaneous ethanol injection developed a local recurrence (P < .001) during the follow-up periods of 29 +/- 8 months and 23 +/- 10 months, respectively. The 1- and 2-year survival rates were 100% and 92% in percutaneous acetic acid injection and 83% and 63% in percutaneous ethanol injection (P = .0017). A multivariate analysis of prognostic factors revealed that treatment was an independent predictor of survival. The risk ratio of percutaneous acetic acid injection versus percutaneous ethanol injection was 0.120 (range, 0.027-0.528; P = .0050). In conclusion, percutaneous acetic acid injection is superior to percutaneous ethanol injection in the treatment of small HCC.
Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Duplicate Publication
Randomized Controlled Trial
PMID: 9425919 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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