26 september 2011: Bron: Nutrition and Cancer Volume 62, Issue 8, 2010

Als patienten met tumoren in het hoofd- en halsgebied  vooraf aan een grote operatie speciale immuunversterkende voeding krijgen dan blijken deze patienten de operatie beter te doorstaan in vergelijking met de patiënten die gewone standaard voeding kregen. In de studiegroep bleken veel minder complicaties zoals met name infecties voor te komen en de wonden genazen ook veel sneller. De toegevoegde immuunversterkende middelen waren arginine, RNA en omega3 vetzuren. Dit blijkt uit een gerandomiseerde Griekse studie. Hier het abstract van de studie maar als u hier klikt kunt u het volledige studierapport gratis inzien.

Perioperative enteral immuno-enhanced feeding in head and neck cancer patients undergoing major surgery may influence the postoperative outcomes by reducing the frequency rate of infections and wound complications.

Nutr Cancer. 2010;62(8):1105-12.

Effect of perioperative immuno-enhanced enteral nutrition on inflammatory response, nutritional status, and outcomes in head and neck cancer patients undergoing major surgery.


Medical School, University of Athens, Hippokration Hospital, Athens, Greece.


Administration of immuno-enhanced nutritional support may decrease postoperative morbidity, mortality, and infectious complications in cancer patients. The aim of this study was to verify that perioperative enteral diet, enriched with the nutrients arginine, ribonucleic acid (RNA), and ω-3 fatty acids improves outcomes of head and neck cancer patients undergoing major surgery. Forty patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were studied. Group 1 received no preoperative nutritional support, whereas Group 2 received an oral formula with nutrients arginine, RNA, and ω-3 fatty acids. After surgery, Group 1 received a standard enteral formula, whereas Group 2 received an enriched enteral formula. Albumin (g/dl), prealbumin, fibrinogen, CRP, Il-6, and TNFa were measured 5 days before and 8 days after surgery. No statistically significant difference was observed for all the evaluated markers between postoperative and preoperative levels for both groups. The rate of complications was significantly reduced in the total number of patients receiving immunonutrition and in the particular subgroup of well-nourished patients receiving an immuno-enhanced diet. Perioperative enteral immuno-enhanced feeding in head and neck cancer patients undergoing major surgery may influence the postoperative outcomes by reducing the frequency rate of infections and wound complications.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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