20 oktober 2005: Bron: Intensive Care Med. 2005 Oct;31(10):1394-400.

Wanneer ernstig zieke mensen oraal bijvoeding gegeven wordt op basis van een verhouding 80/20 tussen glucose/suiker en vet tegenover bijvoeding via de bloedbaan - TPN op basis van 50/50 verhouding tussen glycose/suiker en vet dan zorgt de orale bijvoeding voor iets beter effect op de stikstofopname maar werkt negatief op de glycamine waarden.. Wanneer aan gewone orale bijvoeding, dus zonder specifiek glucose en vet ook nog bepaalde voedingssupplementen worden toegevoegd is het effect bij geopereerde darmkankerpatiënten vele malen beter dan met deze speciale bijvoeding met veel glucose/suiker. Vele eerdere studies hebben bewezen dat TPN met glycose/suiker en vet op 80/20 of 50/50 basis geen enkele meerwaarde heeft en sommige studies lijken te bewijzen dat het zelfs het herstel van de patiënt vertraagd i.p.v. verbeterd. Wie weet, en welke arts weet dit niet, hoe slecht suiker is voor een kankerpatiënt zal niet vreemd opkijken van deze conclusies. Orale normale bijvoeding (EN - Enteral nutrition) met zo weinig mogelijk glucose of liever helemaal geen toegevoegde glucose (ik zelf (zie verhaal van Kees met mond- en keelkanker gebruikte de eerste weken na een zware commando operatie voornamelijk melkzuur gefermenteerde groentensappen en toegevoegd bepaalde voedingssupplementen die ik zelfs via de sonde naar binnen werkte en ik herstelde razendsnel van een kantje boord situatie) is veruit te prefereren boven TPN = Total Parental Nutrition of EN = orale bijvoeding met specifieke gluycose/vet drankjes. Kijk ook in de studiepublicatielijst van arts-bioloog drs. E. Valstar waar vele studies met TPN en EN staan vermeld. Hier twee studies.

Intensive Care Med. 2005 Oct;31(10):1394-400

Glucose-lipid ratio is a determinant of nitrogen balance during total parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients: a prospective, randomized, multicenter blind trial with an intention-to-treat analysis.

Bouletreau P, Chassard D, Allaouchiche B, Dumont JC, Auboyer C, Bertin-Maghit M, Bricard H, Ecochard R, Rangaraj J, Chambrier C, Schneid C, Cynober L.
Department of Anesthesiology and Nutrition, CHU, Hopital E Herriot, 69473, Lyon Cedex 03, France, paul.bouletreau@chu-lyon.fr.

OBJECTIVE: Protein sparing, the major goal of nutritional support, may be affected by the glucose/lipid ratio. This study in critically ill patients compared the efficacy and tolerance of two isocaloric isonitrogenous total parenteral nutritions (TPN) having different glucose/lipid ratios.

DESIGN: Multicentric prospective randomized study.

PATIENTS: 47 patients with SAPS I score higher than 8 and requiring exclusive TPN.INTERVENTIONS: Patients received glucose/lipid ratios of 50/50 or 80/20. For 7 days all patients received 32 glucidolipidic kcal/kg and 0.27 g/kg nitrogen daily. All-in-one bags were prepared using industrial mixtures and a fat emulsion.

MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: We determined TPN efficacy by nitrogen balance, urinary 3-methylhistidine/creatinine ratio, transthyretin and tolerance by glycemia, and liver enzymes. After controlling for five variables with significant effects, patients receiving the 50/50 ratio during TPN had significantly higher nitrogen balance than those receiving the 80/20 ratio. The daily difference in mean nitrogen sparing effect in favor of the latter group was 1.367 g (95% CI 0.0686-2.048). Glycemia on day 4 and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase on day 8 were higher in group receiving the the 80/20 ratio.

CONCLUSIONS: In critically ill patients TPN at a glucose/lipid ratio of 80/20 ratio induces a small nitrogen sparing effect compared to the ratio of 50/50, at the expense of poorer glycemic control. The clinical significance is unclear.

PMID: 16132885 [PubMed - in process]

Am J Surg. 2005 Jan;189(1):38-43.

Quick recovery of serum diamine oxidase activity in patients undergoing total gastrectomy by oral enteral nutrition.

Kamei H, Hachisuka T, Nakao M, Takagi K
. Department of General Surgery, Yokkaichi Municipal Hospital, 2-2-37 Shibata, Mie-ken 510-8567, Yokkaichi, Japan.

BACKGROUND: Total parental nutrition (TPN) meets the metabolic needs of postoperative patients, but introduces potential complications, including intestinal mucosal atrophy. Surgical advances have increased the certainty of esophagoenteric anastomosis making early oral enteral feeding after surgery feasible. The objective of the current report is to compare the benefits of enteral nutrition (EN) and TPN in patients undergoing total gastrectomy for gastric cancer.

METHODS: Forty-two patients who underwent total gastrectomy for gastric cancer were randomized to receive oral EN beginning on postoperative day (POD) 3 with peripheral supplements or TPN beginning on POD 3. Serum concentrations of albumin and retinol-binding protein (RBP) as nutritional parameters and diamine oxidase (DAO) activity, an enzyme reflecting mucosal integrity, were measured preoperatively and 1, 4, 7, and 14 days postoperatively and compared between the 2 groups. Complications, abdominal symptoms, duration of hospital stay, and treatment cost per hospitalization were also compared.

RESULTS: Albumin and RBP concentrations changed little in either group. DAO activity decreased in both groups and recovered within 1 week in the EN group but not in the TPN group. Complications were similar in the 2 groups. Treatment cost was less and length of hospital stay was shorter in the EN group.

CONCLUSIONS: EN is an efficient way to provide nutrition to patients and possibly prevent intestinal atrophy in the patient who must endure prolonged postoperative fasting. Compared to TPN, EN reduces treatment cost and hospital length-of-stay.

Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Randomized Controlled Trial

PMID: 15701488 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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