15 april 2012: Als u hier klikt kunt u van onderstaande studie het volledige studierapport gratis inzien.  Raadpleeg wel altijd een deskundig arts als u Maitake wil gaan gebruiken

Altern Med Rev 2002 Jun;7(3):236-9

Can maitake MD-fraction aid cancer patients?

Kodama N, Komuta K, Nanba H.

Department of Microbial Chemistry, Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Kobe, Japan.

Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa) MD-fraction containing beta-1,6 glucan with
beta-1,3 branched chains has previously exhibited strong anticancer activity by
increasing immune-competent cell activity.1,2 In this non-random case series, a
combination of MD-fraction and whole maitake powder was investigated to
determine its effectiveness for 22- to 57-year-old cancer patients in stages II-IV.
Cancer regression or significant symptom improvement was observed in 58.3
percent of liver cancer patients, 68.8 percent of breast cancer patients, and 62.5
percent of lung cancer patients. The trial found a less than 10-20 percent
improvement for leukemia, stomach cancer, and brain cancer patients. Furthermore,
when maitake was taken in addition to chemotherapy, immune-competent cell
activities were enhanced 1.2-1.4 times, compared with chemotherapy alone. Animal
studies have supported the use of maitake MD-fraction for cancer.

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