12 december 2012: lees ook dit artikel eens:
19 augustus 2012: dat koemelk nou niet bepaald gezond is is al veel langer bekend. Als u klikt op Should dairy be recommended as part of a healthy vegetarian diet? Counterpoint kunt u een volledig studierapport gratis inzien. In dit rapport is uitgebreid onderzocht wat koemelk voor rol speelt bij vegetariërs. En die is niet bepaald positief. Abstract staat onderaan.
2 juni 20-05: Diabet Med. 2005 Jun;22(6):808-11
Hoewel geen direct verband met kanker lijkt onderstaande studie belangrijk genoeg om hiervan kennis te nemen, zeker omdat in deze studie ook gemeld wordt dat geen of weinig melk drinken insuline resistentie vermindert maar ook het metabolische proces (metabolisch syndroom) verstoord en dit laatste kan naast diabetes leiden tot ook kanker op langere termijn. Aldus blijkt uit een gerandomiseerde studie onder 4024 vrouwen in de leeftijd van 60 tot 79 jaar uit 23 Engelse medische centra. Deze studie bevestigt een eerdere studie onder 8-jarige jongens waar dezelfde opmerkelijke en verontrustende resultaten uit te voorschijn kwamen. Wie meer wilt weten over efect van koemelk op onze gezondheid ga eens naar deze website van Robert Cohen, die al jaren alles verzamelt over effect van koemelk op de gezondheid.
STUDY TITLE: Avoiding milk is associated with a reduced risk of insulin resistance
JOURNAL CITATION: Diabet Med. 2005 Jun;22(6):808-11.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of milk consumption with insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome.
METHOD: The association was examined in 4024 British women aged 60-79 who were randomly selected from primary care centers in 23 towns.
RESULTS: Women who never drank milk had lower homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance (HOMA) scores, triglyceride concentrations and body mass indices, and higher high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol concentrations, than those who drank milk.
CONCLUSION: Individuals who do not drink milk may be protected against insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome.
This new study supports a study published earlier this year.
The March, 2005 issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2005 Mar;59(3):393-8) reported that a high intake of dairy products (but not meat) increased insulin resistance in 8-year-old boys. In the milk-drinking group, insulin resistance doubled when compared to the control group which consumed no milk.
The key phrase is "Insulin Resistance." What is that?
Insulin Resistance: State in which the body does not respond to the action of insulin hormone although enough insulin is produced. This occurs often in people with type 2 diabetes.
Robert Cohen
Vegetarians may have healthier outcomes for chronic disease if they limit or avoid milk and other dairy products
Should dairy be recommended as part of a healthy vegetarian diet? Counterpoint.
Department of Health and Wellness, University of North Carolina, Asheville, NC, USA. alanou@unca.edu
Although cow milk has been widely recommended in Western countries as necessary for growth and bone health, evidence collected during the past 20 y shows the need to rethink strategies for building and maintaining strong bones. Osteoporotic bone fracture rates are highest in countries that consume the most dairy, calcium, and animal protein. Most studies of fracture risk provide little or no evidence that milk or other dairy products benefit bone. Accumulating evidence shows that consuming milk or dairy products may contribute to the risk of prostate and ovarian cancers, autoimmune diseases, and some childhood ailments. Because milk is not necessary for humans after weaning and the nutrients it contains are readily available in foods without animal protein, saturated fat, and cholesterol, vegetarians may have healthier outcomes for chronic disease if they limit or avoid milk and other dairy products. Bones are better served by attending to calcium balance and focusing efforts on increasing fruit and vegetable intakes, limiting animal protein, exercising regularly, getting adequate sunshine or supplemental vitamin D, and getting approximately 500 mg Ca/d from plant sources. Therefore, dairy products should not be recommended in a healthy vegetarian diet.
Comment on
- Should dairy be recommended as part of a healthy vegetarian diet? Point. [Am J Clin Nutr. 2009]
- 19321571
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
References: cow milk for vegetarians
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