21 april 2016: link naar aflevering 9 geplaatst

Wie de video's van Ty Bollinger - The Truth about Cancer heeft gemist vorig jaar kan vanaf 12 april 2016 deze weer gratis bekijken op You Tube. Ik moet wel zeggen dat het wel een echt commercieel gebeuren aan het worden is, maar ik heb vorig jaar alle afleveringen gezien en ze zijn wel de moeite waard vind ik hoewel soms ook sterk overdreven. Maar het geeft wel goede informatie, maar blijf kritisch zou ik zeggen.

Aflevirng 9: Cancer Conquerors and their powerfull stories of victories


Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory - See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq/episode-9/#sthash.hUe8ZBFc.dpuf
Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory - See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq/episode-9/#sthash.hUe8ZBFc.dpuf
Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory - See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq/episode-9/#sthash.hUe8ZBFc.dpuf

Aflevering 8: 

Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy


  • How Curative Cannabis Heavenly Hemp “ Medical Marijuana is effective at preventing and beating cancer
  • Travel with the TTAC team to London and meet a man who was diagnosed as Terminal who used hemp oil to reverse his cancer
  • The way that herbs and foods can actually turn off the cancer switches in your body and turn on the healthy switches (epigenetics)
  • Dr. Burzynski anti-neoplaston treatment (Visit his clinic in Houston)
  • Visit two doctors in Heerlen, Netherlands, and learn about their micronutrient therapy that has successfully treated over 10,000 cancer patients in Europe
  • Take a trip with the TTAC team to Rosarita, Mexico and learn about Gerson Therapy
  • Plus so much more

Aflevering 7: 

Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods


  • Learn about a cancer treatment explained by a renowned doctor with three clinics in Spain
  • Meet a lady who is a member of the Royal Society of Medicine in London and how she healed her allegedly Terminal pancreatic cancer
  • Discover the importance of clean electricity and PEMF.
  • Learn the sordid story of how an exceptional treatment (GcMaf) was shut down in Europe
  • Learn about the best and most healing types of water from a Russian scientist who was on the Chernobyl research team
  • How Sunlight & Superfoods can prevent and treat cancer
  • Visit a clinic in California and learn about the importance of oxygen (hyperbaric oxygen chambers)
  • Learn about the importance of the earth's magnetic field in overall health
  • Plus so much more..

Aflevering 6: 

The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic


Here's just a few of the things you'll learn in tonights show:

  • Learn the correct sequence to detoxify the entire body from two renowned physicians 
  • Meet two ladies who were supposedly terminal and are healthy and thriving due to healthy vaccines
  • Visit a Cancer Clinic in Cologne, Germany, and learn about innovative therapies being done there, including Dendritic Cell Vaccines.
  • Learn about the PLACEBO and NOCEBO effects, and how the power of BELIEF should be harnessed
  • Learn about fantastic fungi (medicinal mushrooms) which fight cancer
  • Discover how natures medicine (herbs, foods, supplements) can help people that are currently undergoing chemo and radiation and how to make these conventional treatments less toxic and more targeted
  • Plus so much more

Aflevering 5: 

Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions


  • The effect of a toxic mouth on cancer – hear from a renowned biological dentist in Tennessee who is also an NM.
  • The importance of a healthy and properly aligned spine
  • Meet a man who healed his “terminal” kidney cancer by doing this one thing
  • Discover how and why toxic metals and additives to our water cause cancer
  • The link between certain vaccines and cancer 
  • What you think and feel does matter in the cancer puzzle – emotional techniques to heal the body and reverse cancer
  • Learn the true science behind homeopathy and visit London to meet a young lady who was diagnosed with supposedly “Terminal” brain cancer 19 years ago and is “alive and well” due to homeopathy
  • Plus so much more


Aflevering 4: 

Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature's Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light


  • Visit a Cancer Clinic in Mexico and learn about the amazing results of how they’re healing cancer – and meet several patients who are alive because of this treatment
  • The corruption of the food industry and their efforts to keep us eating “dead” ​food which will eventually kill us
  • A doctor from India teaches us which sugars are OK for cancer patients and which ​ones should be avoided
  • Learn how “nature’s candy” can actually prevent cancer
  • How to easily grow your own nutrient dense food for pennies a day
  • Two “excitotoxins” that cause cancer (oncogenesis)
  • Tour the garden of a well-known doctor who uses nature’s medicine
  • Plus so much more

Aflevering 3: 

Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow: 


  • Viruses that selectively target cancer cells
  • Meet 3 supposedly “terminal” patients who are alive because of a little-known therapy
  • The importance of eradicating the cancer stem cells that give rise to more cancer cells
  • The dangers of GMOs and other toxins in our food supply
  • The profound effects that juicing has on the body
  • The global efforts to limit our access to nutritional supplements
  • Plus so much more

Aflevering 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq/episode-2

  • The truth about how cancer spreads or metastasizes
  • The most effective diagnostic methods for breast cancer and how mammograms actually cause cancer
  • The problem of breast cancer overdiagnosis
  • The effect and importance of hormones relating to cancer
  • Essential oils that prevent and heal cancer
  • Plus so much more

aflevering 1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly is vandaag 12/13 april 2016 gedurende 24 uur live te zien als u op de volgende link klikt. Daarna kunt u ook nog een livechat volgen geloof ik: 


Ik zal elke dag de link naar een nieuwe aflevering toevoegen.

1 april 2016:

Klik op deze link:

Onder de foto de video titels per aflevering van vorig jaar:
Ty Bollinger

Update 24 oktober 2015: Wie bepaalde video's heeft gemist kan deze dit weekend alsnog gratis bekijken: 


Dit zijn de verschillende video's:

Ty Bolinger heeft een nieuwe reeks van video's online gezet. Klik op de volgende link om de video's te kunnen bekijken: https://go.thetruthaboutcancer.com/?ref=2ef8b674-8835-411a-ad9e-f0b938bc5eec

Dit is het schema:

Episode 1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly
(October 13th 9:00PM Eastern US time)

Episode 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils

(October 14th 9:00PM Eastern US time)

Episode 3: Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow

(October 15th)

Episode 4: Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature's Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light

(October 16th)

Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions

(October 17th)

Episode 6: The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic

(October 18th)

Episode 7: Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods

(October 19th)

Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy

(October 20th)

Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory

(October 21st)

All episodes start airing at 9:00PM Eastern US time on the date listed
above and will be available for approximately 23 hours, after which time
the next episode will be loaded onto our site for your viewing pleasure :-)

Ty BollingerTy Bollinger

Update 19 mei 2015:

John en Renske hebben Ty Bolllinger naar Nederland gehaald, zie hier hun persbericht. Onderaan een link hoe u aan te melden.

Maandagavond 25 mei organiseren wij vanuit onze gloednieuwe Centrum Zonnewijzer locatie een zeer interessante en belangrijke avond met auteur, film producent en zelfstandig onderzoeker Ty Bollinger (USA,http://www.cancertruth.net/about/ )!

Ty Charlene Bollinger heeft alles onderzocht op het gebied van 'alternatieve' (lees: niet toxische en wel effectieve) manieren om kanker te voorkomen en te genezen! In deze speciale lezing 'Cancer: Unplug From the Matrix' zal hij niet alleen aandacht geven aan de ineffectiviteit en gevaren van chemo, bestralen en operaties (en de kanker industrie), maar ook aantonen dat er een grote medische misleiding speelt, die ons er van weerhoudt om de waarheid te vernemen over hoe wij GEZOND kunnen zijn en blijven! Ty Bollinger zal vooral ook een inhoudelijk en oplossingsgericht pleidooi houden voor het belang (en effectiviteit) van kruiden, natuur, voeding en natuurlijke geneeswijzen.

Zie zijn geweldige boek (dit is de reden dat wij hem naar Nederland willen halen) 'Cancer: Step Outside the Box' (een must voor elke healer, therapeut, patiënt of arts) en zie ook zijn video-producties 'The Truth About Cancer'. Een goede introductie video vind je hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR8SQzCJK0Q

Mis zijn unieke Powerpoint presentatie en ongelofelijke kennis op dit gebied niet maandagavond 25 mei, 20.00-22.00 uur. investering 25 Euro, Centrum Zonnewijzer. Let op: nieuwe nieuwe locatie te Aalsmeer (Business Center “Proefstation”, Linnaeuslaan 2B, 1431 JV, Aalsmeer).

Vooraf aanmelden is nodig via: info@healingsoundmovement.com

John en Renske

Update: 10 april 2015: deze week zijn alle delen nog een keer gratis 24 uur lang per aflevering te bekijken. U kunt ook alle delen kopen want dat is natuurlijk de bedoeling, maar voorlopig kunt u de delen toch nog gratis bekijken:

hier deel 1: 


hier deel 2: Episode 2: Your First Line Of Defense...


hier deel 3:  Episode 3: Eliminate These “Dirty Dozen” To Prevent Cancer


hier deel 4: Episode 4: Your Secret Fountain of Youth


hier deel 5:  Episode 5: Nature’s Pharmacy


hier deel 6: Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet


Hier deel 7: Episode 7: Diagnostic “Do’s & Don’ts” – Proven Treatment Protocols Part 1


Hier deel 8:  Episode 8: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 2


Hier deel 9: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 3


Hier deel 10:  Episode 10: Doctor’s Orders


Hier deel 11:  Episode 11: How to Survive and Thrive


26 november 2014:

Vanaf vrijdag 28 november tot en met 1 december 2014 zijn alle afleveringen nog een keer gratis te bekijken, meld je aan met je e-mailadres op deze website: http://www.thetruthaboutcancer.com/fall_quest1.php

Just wanted to send you a friendly reminder about our
upcoming Thanksgiving weekend replay marathon of
The Quest for The Cures...Continues.

All 11 episodes will be available to watch starting Thursday
November 27th and will continue to stay up until
Monday (December 1st) at midnight.

14 oktober 2014: Hanneke stuurde me deze link door die ik graag met jullie wil delen:

Ik heb mezelf ingeschreven via mijn naam en e-mailadres op de trailer website: http://www.thetruthaboutcancer.com/fall_quest1.php

28 Doctors, 11 Scientists, 9 Survivors And 1 "FDA Dragon Slaying"
Attorney Break Their 'Code Of Silence' And Expose The
TRUTH About Cancer And Exactly How To Prevent,
Treat And Beat it 100% Naturally

Click the play button below to watch the trailer for
"The Quest for The Cures... Continues" 11 part documentary.
- See more at: http://www.thetruthaboutcancer.com/fall_quest1.php#sthash.wf3YPJDn.dpuf

28 Doctors, 11 Scientists, 9 Survivors And 1 "FDA Dragon Slaying"
Attorney Break Their 'Code Of Silence' And Expose The
TRUTH About Cancer And Exactly How To Prevent,
Treat And Beat it 100% Naturally

Click the play button below to watch the trailer for
"The Quest for The Cures... Continues" 11 part documentary.
- See more at: http://www.thetruthaboutcancer.com/fall_quest1.php#sthash.wf3YPJDn.dpuf
28 Doctors, 11 Scientists, 9 Survivors And 1 "FDA Dragon Slaying"
Attorney Break Their 'Code Of Silence' And Expose The
TRUTH About Cancer And Exactly How To Prevent,
Treat And Beat it 100% Naturally - See more at: http://www.thetruthaboutcancer.com/fall_quest1.php#sthash.wf3YPJDn.dpuf

en kreeg onderstaand schema toegestuurd. Hiermee wil ik niet zeggen dat ik het ook eens ben met wat in deze video's wordt beweerd maar u kunt ook zelf inschrijven en zelf oordelen of dit wel of niet interessant is.

Thank you for registering to watch “The Quest for The Cures…Continues.”

You will receive private and exclusive access to each episode (on the date it airs) absolutely free.

TQTCC started airing live on October 13th and runs through Oct 24th. Each episode will be available for 23 hours (8PM the following night) so be sure to mark your calendars so that you don’t miss any of them.

We will notify you by email with the private links to access each of the shows. So, be sure to keep an eye out for emails coming from us (The Truth About Cancer) and if you don’t see anything within the next 24 hours, be sure to check and make sure that your SPAM folder didn’t eat it :-) and add us to your address book or safe senders list.

Thanks again... and trust me, this will be one of the most powerful shows you’ve ever seen – I promise.

And if you feel inspired, we would love it if you supported our mission by telling your friends and family about it on Facebook, Twitter and email – just send them to www.thetruthaboutcancer.com so they can get exclusive access too.

We wanted to make sure you had the chance to watch from the beginning, so here’s the link to access the first episode:

Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic

Here’s the line up and show times for the rest of the episodes...

Episode 2: Your First Line Of Defense... (Airs Tuesday October 14th 9PM Eastern US Time)

Episode 3: Eliminate These “Dirty Dozen” To Prevent Cancer (Airs Wednesday October 15th)

Episode 4: Your Secret Fountain of Youth (Airs Thursday October 16th)

Episode 5: Nature’s Pharmacy (Airs Friday October 17th)

Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet (Airs Saturday October 18th)

Episode 7: Diagnostic “Do’s & Don’ts” – Proven Treatment Protocols Part 1 (Airs Sunday October 19th)

Episode 8: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 2 (Airs Monday October 20th)

Episode 9: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 3 (Airs Tuesday October 21st)

Episode 10: Doctor’s Orders (Airs Wednesday October 22nd)

Episode 11: How to Survive and Thrive (Airs Thursday October 23rd)

Ty Bollinger

Support the Mission, Spread the Word,

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